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India Developing, but still a long way to go


Listen to this guy :haha: .

Are Indians and Pak.'s so naive, I guess they are, that they buy into whatever their goon politicians tell them?

Indo-Pak., that's all S. Asia, Asia and the greater world is all about. Indo-Pak. is the defining, nuclear arms race of today.
Indo-Pak. animosity is greater than any other in the world. Indo-Pak. conflict's gotton down and dirty to the extent of playing, some would say preying, on the citizens' religious sentiments, further, the conflict is even used to polarise and amplify language, cuisine and culture.

How do you win a war in the 21'st century, the century of peace? Bosnia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan ... these are no wars, silly. A 100 pound gorilla, the only super-power, bullying and throwing its weight around. Skirmishes at best. Indian, Pak. and global politicians are playing India Vs. China for self-interest. India & China are like chalk & cheese.

It's not Af-Pak., it's not Iran, it's not Lanka or Burma. These are side shows, trailers. The great game is still India. India - The Golden Bird. India-The Jewel in the Crown. India's fabled riches keep emrging in new forms - latest is intellectual, education based riches (read computer science & engg. = IT outsourcing).

Nasty Indian politicians almost sabotaged India's colonial, common-wealth and therefore Global education prerogative. Said imperative is today worth some $ 200 Billion, 1/3'rd in white collar remittances and the rest in booming pharma, IT, Engg. exports + Global FDI in India's exports industries.

Pak. diluted it's 'Indian' riches. Pak. is not turning into the brains of the world. Pak. lost out on even becoming the brains of the Islamic world. Even marginalised Indian Muslims throw up better Global intellectual's then Pak. Old Pak.'s finished, new Pak. is only months old and seriously needs to re-invent itself or else just carry on.

I would not dismiss Iran as a side show :) I think the country has a massive liberal society that is hidden behind layers of religious fundamentalism (I know I have many Iranian friends, both men and women). Their "Ayatollah" will not last long I think. Pakistan is another issue. They seem to be genuinely regressing into a state of rigid thinking and religious fundamentalism that will ultimately be their undoing.

For India things are more complicated than they look. Our education system, to say the least, SUCKS. I again blame the kongies who did not care to overhaul the education system installed by the brits after independence. Indian culture has always been naturally innovative and inquisitive but that has been completely ruined now. I am not sure what will bring that back. Creating universities and the like alone will not help. Even creating more IITs will not help (much). Without a mindset of critical thinking the engineering and IT boom will actually not last. This is my biggest worry.

P.S. Now that I am allowed to post links, I will post some pics! :D

Our ppl don't do what? Did not get that. On a more balanced note however, I see Gurgaon's development as largely unplanned. Physical infrastructure has just not kept pace with the rise in population and the builder lobby has taken full advantage of this by charging exorbitantly housing that should probably cost half that.

The Haryana govt. is largely to blame for the mess methinks because a city as important as Gurgaon should have decent physical infrastructure and 24x7 electricy. I would even tolerate bad roads but lack of power is just....crippling. Your thoughts?

All that glitters is not gold. Gurgaon is basically an unplanned city which has came out of chaos. From outside you can be fooled by the shiny glass towers,huge malls,beautiful girls and metros but in the inside the city lacks even basic road,sewers and power supply as @TheGujju said

I say Gurgaon is the right way to build in India.

In India, village-slum-town formed the nucleus of modern Indian cities like Chandigarh, Jamshedpur etc. Remember the sub-continent was under Indo-Saracenic-Mughal-Islamic, Co. Raj and British Raj rule for about 1000 + 150 + 150 yrs., meaning Indian cities are primarily Colonial English or Indo-Saracenic-Mughal-Islamic.

India was a poor country till recently when new satellites like Noida, New Bombay and New Town Calcutta were planned. Inversely, Gurgaon just popped up organically and dlf commandeered Gurgaon to something else.

  • That something else is new Gurgoan. Among the richest municipalities now in the region. So while they go about spiffing the place up, it's the original Co.'s, risk-takers, early shakers and movers who deserve and got a mega return on their early pain and agony, no?
For eg. my dear sister moved to Gurgaon some 10-15 yrs. ago with 2 small kids. A young, upper-middle class family took on the struggles of a vast construction site that was Gurgaon. Today, my sis has nearly quadrupled her late stage investment because she was among a wave of new, classy settlers who had better schools, hospitals, 'Mother Diary' booths, markets and houses already up & running and better then what Delhi offered when they moved to Gurgaon.

Having quad.ed her investment, my sis's Gurgaon now has among the best trunk infra. in the world! When my sis made her late stage move to Gurgaon, Gurgaon was on it's way to a better future. My sister's pay-off never factored in, and honestly who would have thought back then, that Gurgaon would become the nucleus of India's Globalisation (Socialist, 1.2 commie, jhola-baba type India & Globalisation ? ) story re: telecom, BFSI & BPO. Like Shenzen popped up to lead China's manufacturing outsourcing. It has held it's own Vs. well-planned, govt. funded Noida, Gr. Noida etc.

So I don't see anything wrong with a city popping up and becoming Globally rich and famous, and then going about fixing it's infra. which was not bad to start with; while the early risk-takers are amply rewarded for their toil and patience. Gurgaon has thrown up lots of IT, BFSI, BPO and related $ mufti-millionaires and even billionaires.

OMG the future is so bright, 'New Gurgaon' is now like the downtown for 1/2 of Haryana since all of south Haryana is legally declared in the Delhi NCR thing like Gurgaon. Smartly, Haryana govt. is not renaming the re-zoned areas Gr. Gurgaon, Mega Gurgaon, Navi Gurgaon, or Rajiv-Sonia-Jawahar Gurgaon etc. like Noida, Gr. Noida, Noida Extension.

... Lunar Noida, Martian Noida, Yamunoida :yahoo: ?

Indian Globalisation


Full Article & (c): http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/12/world/europe/12tajik.html?_r=2&

Amitabh Kant the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor is 100% right in what he says then that all the cities being made under the DMIC will be built from the ground up ie with proper, world-class planning wherein the base/trunk infrastructure is put in place by the state/govt ie fibre-optic cables, roads, sewage, drains and then the pvt sector comes into place and fills the cities and invests. THIS IS HOW CITIES IN INDIA NEED TO BE CREATED.

Glad the issues are understood and are being addressed- WELCOME NEWS INDEED!!
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Our ppl don't do what? Did not get that. On a more balanced note however, I see Gurgaon's development as largely unplanned. Physical infrastructure has just not kept pace with the rise in population and the builder lobby has taken full advantage of this by charging exorbitantly housing that should probably cost half that.

The Haryana govt. is largely to blame for the mess methinks because a city as important as Gurgaon should have decent physical infrastructure and 24x7 electricy. I would even tolerate bad roads but lack of power is just....crippling. Your thoughts?

All that glitters is not gold. Gurgaon is basically an unplanned city which has came out of chaos. From outside you can be fooled by the shiny glass towers,huge malls,beautiful girls and metros but in the inside the city lacks even basic road,sewers and power supply as @TheGujju said


The new Mumbai terminal is amazing. Delhi T3 pales in comparison. GVK has done a fantastic job
Really? I think IGI T3 looks just as good if not better. Personal choice I guess.

Considering T4 and T5 and T6 will be based on T3 but refined and updated in design IGI airport should be pretty spectacular come 2027!
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Personal choice of course.

I wish they didn't sink that many $ Billions, rather wish they had put up new airports all around the new periphery and outskirts.

Given time, one could pull out of the existing port and flip it for real-estate given that it's already blocking the aspirations of jump-start Gurgaon city. Plus, new peripheral airports will pull development further and further outwards boosting the entire region. Mumbai airports designer cross-section block concrete work is contiguous, perforated and airy.


Reminds me of the roof of the the Air-India building at Nariman Point, looked like the tower was trying to take-off. Look-see:

Amitabh Kant the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor is 100% right in what he says then that all the cities being made under the DMIC will be built from the ground up ie with proper, world-class planning wherein the base/trunk infrastructure is put in place by the state/govt ie fibre-optic cables, roads, sewage, drains and then the pvt sector comes into place and fills the cities and invests. THIS IS HOW CITIES IN INDIA NEED TO BE CREATED.

^^ And this should be exactly how things should be done! fast forward 10-15 years into the future and you will see entirely new cities that have come up from nowhere. They will probably be the best in the world even by the standards of that time. Crossing my fingers! My only hope is that some dumb illiterate politician does not spring up from somewhere and ruin the entire thing, directly or indirectly.
Mumbai airports designer cross-section block concrete work is contiguous, perforated and airy.

I read somewhere that the perforated column and ceiling cladding material is know as 'Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum'. Excellent material IMO.
My only hope is that some dumb illiterate politician does not spring up from somewhere and ruin the entire thing, directly or indirectly.

Well for know this looks unlikely as this project is being handled by an independent body and SPVs headed by a top-notch administrator so I can't see any polticians getting their claws into this project now. There's too much momentum behind it now.
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