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India developing anti-satellite weapons

it is not simple as that..it is complex than that ..you have to realize that if we have the AGNI 5 then we have the capability, period

Agni V has not even proven to be a working missile. And having ASAT is very difficult or else every country that has missiles would have it. India don't have ASAT and I doubt they even know how to develop ASAT weapons.
Agni V has not even proven to be a working missile. And having ASAT is very difficult or else every country that has missiles would have it. India don't have ASAT and I doubt they even know how to develop ASAT weapons.

Chinese ASAT weapons have successfully demonstrated they can destroy satellites.. Chinese ones! That is the way they are programmed.
Chinese ASAT weapons have successfully demonstrated they can destroy satellites.. Chinese ones! That is the way they are programmed.

Our ASAT weapons have destroyed actual satellites. India can only dream about such a capability.
I guess you can't import ASAT weapons :lol:

prove it..how do you know..do you access to all what is going on the Indian establishment or did somebody came in your dream and told you that

India have never made a weapon by themselves. It imports everything. Even your missiles were developed by Russians experts. You need a strong domestic knowledge base to develop such weapons like ASAT. India is nowhere near that. Not even close. It will remain a mere pipe dream for India to have ASAT capability.
Our ASAT weapons have destroyed actual satellites. India can only dream about such a capability.
I guess you can't import ASAT weapons :lol:

Could you clarify whose satellites you destroyed? On earth the equivalent of what you did amounts to bombing your own motherland.

To knock off US satellites from space you don't need bombs in space, but balls on earth.
Could you clarify whose satellites you destroyed? On earth the equivalent of what you did amounts to bombing your own motherland.

To knock off US satellites from space you don't need bombs in space, but balls on earth.

No one has destroyed foreign satellites. It's considered an act of war. But we have demonstrated we can destroy satellites and we have the technology and capability. India don't even have balls to fight the PLA inside India, let alone destroying a satellite. India just don't have the knowledge to develop ASAT. I know it stings you, but it's about time you realised the backwardness of your country.
No one has destroyed foreign satellites. It's considered an act of war. But we have demonstrated we can destroy satellites and we have the technology and capability. India don't even have balls to fight the PLA inside India, let alone destroying a satellite. India just don't have the knowledge to develop ASAT. I know it stings you, but it's about time you realised the backwardness of your country.

We live in our country that is India and I am proud of it, you dont have to make us realize anything..your jealousy against us is seen from your post, that shows you know we are far ahead of you guys in most of the areas..if you are so confident about your yoursleves..dont need to feed us..have you seen any american saying we are superpower..they are for sure as well they are great country as well..big and great countries like US and India dont need to show anybody anything..they atr just great
have demonstrated we can destroy satellites and we have the technology and capability.

A couple goes on vacation to a fishing resort in northern Minnesota. The husband likes to fish at the crack of dawn. The wife likes to read. One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a short nap. Although she isn't familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and continues to read her book. Along comes the game warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside her and says,"Good morning, Ma'am, what are you doing?" "Reading my book," she replies, thinking isn't that obvious? "You're in a restricted fishing area," he informs her. "But officer, I'm not fishing. Can't you see that?" "Yes, but you have all the equipment. I'll have to take you in and write you up." "If you do that, I'll have to charge you with rape," says the woman. "But I haven't even touched you," says the game warden. "That's true, but you do have all the equipment."

You have gone to space with your equipment, and you are reading a book???
We live in our country that is India and I am proud of it, you dont have to make us realize anything..your jealousy against us is seen from your post, that shows you know we are far ahead of you guys in most of the areas..if you are so confident about your yoursleves..dont need to feed us..have you seen any american saying we are superpower..they are for sure as well they are great country as well..big and great countries like US and India dont need to show anybody anything..they atr just great

Who said China is a superpower?
This is irrelevant! any country which can launch satellites into space can easily destroy other countries' satellites, which the Chinese themselves showed in 2007 using an ICBM. India can also do that easily. When we can launch satellite to the moon. can't we launch a warhead to attack enemy satellites!
India test anti-satellite weapon to 300 Km

Indian Prime Minister Announces Successful Anti-Satellite Weapon Test in National Address

An Indian interceptor missile destroyed a satellite at an altitude of 300 km.

Ankit Panda
March 27, 2019

In a surprise, unscheduled national address on Wednesday, March 27, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the country had successfully carried out its first-ever anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon test.

The test, codenamed “Mission Shakti,” took three minutes and destroyed a target satellite at an altitude of 300 km, in low-Earth orbit (LEO), Modi said. He applauded India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) for realizing the capability.

Modi underscored that with the test, India was among four countries with a demonstrated anti-satellite capability. The other three countries are the United States, China, and Russia.

Only the United States and China have conducted tests of anti-satellite systems against live targets in recent years. In 2007, China received widespread global opprobrium for shooting down a satellite at an altitude of more than 800 kilometers in LEO. The test produced more than two thousand pieces of debris, hundreds of which will remain in orbit for decades to come.

In 2008, the United States demonstrated an anti-satellite capability when a U.S. Navy Ticonderoga-class cruiser USS Lake Erie launched a Standard Missile-3 interceptor. The test demonstrated the similarities between ballistic missile defense interception technologies and those required to destroy satellites.

According to Modi’s description, India’s anti-satellite test destroyed a target at an altitude more similar to the U.S. test, which produced minimal debris that decayed out of orbit within a year’s time. The U.S. test had shot down a satellite at an altitude of 240 km.

Russia is developed a new anti-satellite system known as the PL19, or Nudol. That weapon has yet to be tested against a live satellite target.

Indian officials have in the past discussed a nascent ASAT capability, but not in reference to any specific system.

In 2012, V.K. Saraswat, then the head of DRDO, noted that India had the components to put an anti-satellite weapon together.

“We will not do a physical test (actual destruction of a satellite) because of the risk of space debris affecting other satellites,” Saraswat had said at the time.

The differences between ballistic missile defense and ASAT technologies are minimal when the core function of the interceptor is to kinetically destroy an object at exo-atmospheric altitudes, be it on a ballistic trajectory or in low-earth orbit.

Though Modi did not specify which interceptor was used in the test, it may have been India’s Prithvi Defence Vehicle, an exoatmospheric hit-to-tell interceptor, similar to the U.S. SM-3 interceptor.

An Indian ASAT capability may generate concerns in Pakistan that the capability might portend a new era of ballistic missile defense capability in New Delhi.
India's 27 March 2019 First ASAT Test V1.1B

First posted 27 March2019; Updated 28 March 2019

Table of Contents

1. Key Data
2. A Strong Unveiled Outer Space Message From Modi To Xi
3. Commentary
4. Conclusion

Key Data

Wed, 27 Mar 2019 09:09:21 +0000

the launch site was Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Island which ties in with the image posted.



▲ 1. The launch site was Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Island

Wed, 27 Mar 2019 07:24:56 -0400

the most likely target of India's #ASAT test was Microsat-r (2019-006A). My analysis shows the test must have happened near 5:40 UT when the sat was moving northwards towards Abdul Kalam:




3:02 AM - 27 Mar 2019

MICROSAT-R, in a 260 x 282 km, 89.9 deg orbit. Would have been ascending over NOTAM area at ~0530 UTC, within the 0430-0830 UTC window. It should have been operational, facilitating tracking.


▲ 3. Target satellite MICROSAT-R on 27 March 2019 at 5:36 UTC


  • MICROSAT-R satellite listed with a launch mass of 740 kg. It was just launched on 24 January 2019, as optical remote sensing satellite.
  • The Fengyun 1C weather satellite that China destroyed in 2007 was 750 kg.

A Strong Unveiled Outer Space Message From Modi To Xi

By adding the flight path of the Chinese OS-M1 maiden flight with the satellite Lingque-1B from Jiuquan SLC launched just four hours latter, on March 27, 2019 at 09:39 UTC.

With the NAVAREA issued for the experimental flight trial scheduled from 27 March 2019, 4:30 to 8:30 UTC.

It is obvious that the message was intended to President Xi.:coffee:

And this means that in case of a military conflict, China will no longer be able to easily replace lost satellites with rapid reaction launchers such as previously thought, by using CZ-11 SLV or the new new OS-M1 SLV. Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO) satellite launches that must overflight the Bay of Bengal would be intercepted before any payload could be delivered into space.

For now, peace is the only viable option for the two Asian Giants, as demonstrated over the last 12 millenia of coexistence.


https://i.imgur.com/7B1duys.jpg ; https://imgur.com/a/02S2WG3
▲ 4. Chinese OS-M1 maiden flight with the satellite Lingque-1B from Jiuquan SLC


https://i.imgur.com/UPJgJkP.jpg ; https://imgur.com/a/02S2WG3
▲ 5. Indian NAVAREA issued for the experimental flight trial scheduled from 27 March 2019, 4:30 to 8:30 UTC


https://i.imgur.com/4ckVPiz.jpg ; https://imgur.com/a/02S2WG3
▲ 6. Indian message intended to President Xi.


Statistically, that is over 12'000 years of human recorded demographic history, China has always lead, second to none.

No wonder, as India was always lagging so far behind the Chinese Civilization over the past 12 millenia, and today's final acknowledgement of China as their leader, though belated, shows their awakening.

https://i.imgur.com/z5YzYgm.mp4 ; https://imgur.com/gallery/aOhIuEF ; https://themasites.pbl.nl/tridion/en/themasites/hyde/basicdrivingfactors/population/index-2.html
7. Population Through the Ages.
12'000 years of Population estimates are from the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE).


And no surprise either, India always following the steps of China, 12 years latter than China's 2007 first ASAT test, and 6 years latter than the 2013 Chang'e-3 lunar lander and rover!

While we are still waiting for India's first indigenous astronaut, 16 years after Shenzhou-5...:whistle:

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