Diplomatic cost first, India gets exposed as a failed democracy / sham democracy state, India gets UN members states, 57 Muslim states in OIC, Pakistan, Iran, everyone questions and pressure India's human rights violations.
India wants UN Permanent Security Council Seat, veto power yet India is unable to implement, follow & adhere to UN resolutions of 1947, of free and fair refrendum, a plebcite to choose either india, pakistan or independent state.
India is exposed as a violent terror state which suppresses a region which never in the first place wanted to be part of India since 1947....India recently faced criticism from US , Iran, Spain, & Iran showing serious concerns on human rights violations and continued violence in the valley conducted by its security forces.
Infact locally india faces diplomatic set back and bilaterally Pakistan gets browny points to expose, maar down and exploit India's weaknesses. What India tries to potray to world as a peaceful, shinning and secular state....Kashmir only thwarts all these efforts. this is only a start.....
As expected, you run away once you figures on the financial cost is challenged.
There is nothging to substantiate the diplomatic cost you outline - save for your and your countrymen's wishful thinking. If you can cite anything apart from lip service by some countries that have been doing the same for decades without actually lifting a finger to actually help out the so called freedom movement - we can discuss this further.