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India Creating Ring of Fire in South Asia

MBI Munshi, From all your post it seems you are expert in blaiming everyone else but yourself as a Nation for all the ills in your country.If not pakistan than india. How about the way bihari's are being treated in bangladesh. I have met few in Karachi. according to them their treatment is so bad that they took the risk to cross the indian border into pakistan.
who's fault is that?? May be you can blame RAW for this too.
Please try to understand its time to take responsibility and not blame each other for all that happened in the past.You got your freedom in 71. Its more than 30 years. If west pakistan failed you before then your own leaders are failing you now.Look inside and stop blaming others.

Ouch...thats going to hurt.
There is evidence for such a plan from the confessions of Shiekh Selim. We can assume the destruction of the 300 garments factories in 2006 was a RAW plan and the masterminds of the bus tragedy (where some Awami League party workers set fire to the vehicle killing 11) escaping to India and have received sanctuary there also points to a RAW hand. Thanks for the heads-up.

On what grounds are you basing your assumptions on?
MBI Munshi, From all your post it seems you are expert in blaming everyone else but yourself as a Nation for all the ills in your country.If not pakistan than india. How about the way bihari's are being treated in bangladesh. I have met few in Karachi. according to them their treatment is so bad that they took the risk to cross the indian border into pakistan.
who's fault is that?? May be you can blame RAW for this too.
Please try to understand its time to take responsibility and not blame each other for all that happened in the past.You got your freedom in 71. Its more than 30 years. If west pakistan failed you before then your own leaders are failing you now.Look inside and stop blaming others.

No nation in the face of this earth is without faults.
Munshi is crackpot for Conspiracy theories and blaming others. I like your last sentence, it is evident truth for all south asian countries, more so for bangladesh.
From my research for 'The India Doctrine' I would have to agree with this statement. India had infiltrated agents (RAW then did not exist) by 1952 to create cells for future action which culminated in the Language Movement. While the Language Movement did arise from genuine grievances the issue was taken to new heights by India that prevented compromise between East and West Pakistan that was to sour relations in subsequent decades. Having said this I think that West Pakistan could have dealt with these issues more sensibly and even prevented what happened later. Unfortunately the policy of firebrands and hotheads played into the hands of India which eventually saw the break up of Pakistan. If the West Pakistan leaders had been a little more astute and understanding of the situation in East Pakistan the misunderstandings might have been reduced.

Every one make mistakes but yes a mistake is a mistake and we have to reconstruct what we have destructed and remove misunderstandings.But one thing is clear from the above discussion that India is involved in interfaring its neighbours affairs which is a very dangerous approach.
Mr. Munshi, i have a query. In your opinion, was Bangladesh's independence a good thing or bad ?

And to add onto the question, what do the masses in Bangladesh think of it ?
.But one thing is clear from the above discussion that India is involved in interfaring its neighbours affairs which is a very dangerous approach.

What have you seen hjere that makes you feel that India is the guy who is interfering.
Mr. Munshi, i have a query. In your opinion, was Bangladesh's independence a good thing or bad ?

And to add onto the question, what do the masses in Bangladesh think of it ?

I am in total agreement with Salman Nedian and my comments should not be taken as merely trying to dig up dirt on Pakistan as one person from that country seems to assume (i.e. Irfan1173). I would like to see both countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh, move ahead from 1971 and have a constructive engagement. Bangladesh is only facing up to its own mistakes and I duly admit that there were many errors on our part especially by 5th Columnists who continue to betray the interests of the nation still today. I would request my Pakistani brothers not to take my remarks in a wrong way. I am trying to be fair to all but I believe that India has played a dirty game in South Asia and continues to do so preventing further understanding between Pakistan and Bangladesh.

In response to a very pertinent query by blitz, I believe that the events of 1971 were inevitable which removes the value judgment of good and bad. It was bound to happen for better or for worse. It is that both Pakistan and Bangladesh have to face up to the realities and move on. Mistakes were made on both sides and now we have to construct a new approach in South Asia as Salman Nedian rightly suggested.

The masses of Bangladesh would I think also see the events in the same way as I have stated but they now view Pakistan as a friend and some still have nostalgia for that period. Most Bangladeshis have an aversion to India.
I do not think that the 24 years that Pakistan was united could be described as all bad. I think the whole thing has been coloured by the events of 1971.
I do not think that the 24 years that Pakistan was united could be described as all bad. I think the whole thing has been coloured by the events of 1971.
:what: Are you saying every thing happened in one year i.e. 1971 ??? if so go read your history books ..... there is more than to 1971 ..... :azn:
I am in total agreement with Salman Nedian and my comments should not be taken as merely trying to dig up dirt on Pakistan as one person from that country seems to assume (i.e. Irfan1173). I would like to see both countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh, move ahead from 1971 and have a constructive engagement. Bangladesh is only facing up to its own mistakes and I duly admit that there were many errors on our part especially by 5th Columnists who continue to betray the interests of the nation still today. I would request my Pakistani brothers not to take my remarks in a wrong way. I am trying to be fair to all but I believe that India has played a dirty game in South Asia and continues to do so preventing further understanding between Pakistan and Bangladesh.

In response to a very pertinent query by blitz, I believe that the events of 1971 were inevitable which removes the value judgment of good and bad. It was bound to happen for better or for worse. It is that both Pakistan and Bangladesh have to face up to the realities and move on. Mistakes were made on both sides and now we have to construct a new approach in South Asia as Salman Nedian rightly suggested.

The masses of Bangladesh would I think also see the events in the same way as I have stated but they now view Pakistan as a friend and some still have nostalgia for that period. Most Bangladeshis have an aversion to India.

Well he is OK with the mass slaughter of Bengalis by Pakistanies and that too in '000s, but cannot forgive India for helping them out of that mess.
Well he is OK with the mass slaughter of Bengalis by Pakistanies and that too in '000s, but cannot forgive India for helping them out of that mess.

Thousands died and Pakistan was broken and President Musharraf has apologized twice to Bangladesh. How many more decades are we going to be banging our heads on this issue. Ultimately we have to understand that India is playing a nefarious game and not just now but since partition and Congress for even longer.
Thousands died and Pakistan was broken and President Musharraf has apologized twice to Bangladesh. How many more decades are we going to be banging our heads on this issue. Ultimately we have to understand that India is playing a nefarious game and not just now but since partition and Congress for even longer.

Lol u forgive him bcoz he gave an apology. Dont worry India will also give an apology after 50 years, pls be patient.
I am trying to be fair to all but I believe that India has played a dirty game in South Asia and continues to do so preventing further understanding between Pakistan and Bangladesh.QUOTE]

So what India has done to prevent this understanding between us and bangladesh?? Are we so inept that a third country can come to prevent this understanding between us.What about the treatment of bihari's??I have no intention of finding dirt on your country. But when you come here blazing like its everyone else fault except your country.As I said before you and there are many others in Pakistan as well, who find india as an easy SCAPEGOAT for all the ills in our country. I am sure there are people in India too who think Bangladesh and pakistan are responsible for the ills in india.Time to move on. All 3 are equally responsible.
When we cannot serve justice to own people , human life is worthless , hundreds can be killed in matter of hours you know that something is seriously wrong with the societies we have in the subcontinent.
Time to step back and think. iTs very easy to sit in front of the computer and type.
As a side note I have nothing against you and bangladesh as you mentioned earlier and I agree injustice was done to bengalis in years before 71.
I am trying to be fair to all but I believe that India has played a dirty game in South Asia and continues to do so preventing further understanding between Pakistan and Bangladesh.QUOTE]

So what India has done to prevent this understanding between us and bangladesh?? Are we so inept that a third country can come to prevent this understanding between us.What about the treatment of bihari's??I have no intention of finding dirt on your country. But when you come here blazing like its everyone else fault except your country.As I said before you and there are many others in Pakistan as well, who find india as an easy SCAPEGOAT for all the ills in our country. I am sure there are people in India too who think Bangladesh and pakistan are responsible for the ills in india.Time to move on. All 3 are equally responsible.
When we cannot serve justice to own people , human life is worthless , hundreds can be killed in matter of hours you know that something is seriously wrong with the societies we have in the subcontinent.
Time to step back and think. iTs very easy to sit in front of the computer and type.
As a side note I have nothing against you and bangladesh as you mentioned earlier and I agree injustice was done to bengalis in years before 71.

Well said .........:yahoo:
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