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India creates 60 – 170 km Pragati – Surface to Surface Tactical Missile System

LOL Good they call this BRBM a tactical Missile who has a payload of mammoth 200kg!!!

while nasr's payload is less then a kilo and can carry nuke warhead. Interestingly They idnt said in news that can it or cant it carry nuke!
Because if it did and they used it on our territory then we will surely Strike back with a Nuclear Rain on Enemy.
Anyways nice Nasr Copy ut not good enough with a mammoth 200kg payload and it even has same range as of Nasr.o_Oo_Oo_O

Don't embarass yourself by claiming that Nasr has a payload less than a kilo .

Nasr has a range of 60 km with a sub-kiloton TNW warhead and not one which weighs less than a kilo ..... LOL .

OTOH , Prahar has a range of 150 km with a payload weighing around 200kg .
Its our good old Prahar,i guess.

By the way,isn't the image in the opening post a PS?@Kurup?

Ya , an export version of Prahaar according to the information untill now .

The image looks like a PS . The original of the one I posted is in post#27 .
I would like to see canister version of the missile. A better portable version. I thought Prahar had six of them on one launcher, this looks just one.

Plz read the last para of the OP again, its clearly mentioned that Pragati too can be launched in canister form with set of 2, 4 or 6 missiles depending upon the vehicle confg. i.e. 6x6, 8x8 or 12x12 respectively.
Can u provide me a source for ur 7 M claim bcoz AFAIK its 2M on an avg. As it takes roughly 250 sec. to reach 150km.

You can check any DRDO press release ! AAD reaches a speed of Mach 4. Prahaar being Surface to Surface can reach velocity even higher !
What do you mean by watered down version ? We are not selling it as prahaar with Max Velocity of 7 MACH. It's been stated to have a max velocity of 4 MACH under a different name !

Hi Shiv,

Any source for Mach 7 speed of Prahar or AAD? I think it is around Mach 5.
DRDO’s international coming out party in Seoul features new Pragati tactical missile system


India’s growing military industrial complex has begun to seriously look towards international markets which could be quite considerable for Indian defence wares if properly cultivated. To that end, the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has decided to feature a range of indigenously developed armaments along with its production partners at the ‘International Aerospace and Defence Exhibition (ADEX-2013) scheduled to be held at KINTEX, Seoul, South Korea from 29 Oct – 3 Nov 2013′, which has participants from more than 30 countries.


Apart from the choice of venue itself for DRDO’s big international coming out party what else is rather interesting is of course the kind of hardware which it will put on display at Seoul. Particularly striking will be the Pragati surface to surface missile (SSM) which is being exhibited for the first time abroad or anywhere for that in this avatar. Pragati is an export variant of the Prahar tactical battlefield support missile which was tested in July 2011 and is meant for the Indian Army’s artillery arm.

The system that will be exhibited at Seoul broadly has the same specs as the Prahar though it is being advertised abroad with slightly different ranges than what has been reported domestically for the Prahar (see the specs sheet given below). Importantly, Pragati like Prahar also depends on an indigenous ring laser gyro based inertial navigation system that can receive GPS updates to remove accumulated errors.

Now the market for such tactical battlefield missiles has been expanding in recent times as armies around the world want to possess rocket artillery that would allow them to engage communication and ammunition nodes in the rear. The Chinese and Israelis have been early movers in this market and have exhibited long ranged precision guided systems of this variety in the past few years. The United States has of course sold the ATACMS to its allies here and there. Be that as it may, the fact that a usually conservative MEA has approved the exhibition of offensive weapons overseas for potential sales in a much more concerted manner is indicative of a welcome shift in the Indian mindset. Needless to say, defence exports can help India defray the costs of development and serve as a major tool for diplomacy

Coming back to the Pragati, if India is able to bring down production costs for this system a large market could exist for it amongst ASEAN and African countries. Now, the Prahar/Pragati configuration shares its missile frame and some avionics with the Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor from DRDO’s ballistic missile defence program. So both the AAD and Prahar/Pragati could actually be produced in tandem facilitating greater economies of scale thereby bringing down costs associated with both sets of systems.

In a manner of speaking, a part of the total R&D costs of the Pragati has in any case been amortized by those expended on developing the basic airframe of the AAD interceptor.

AAD's velocity is 4M so you can think prahaar having more velocity !

I think that speed of AAD as it was reported at the time was 4.5 M. I think it is not sufficient. It should at least be M 7
with a scope of improving it to M 10. I think if we can push it to Mach 10, It can be as potent as Arrow 2 and S400.
Ahh A-hole its range is 60 to 150!

And double moron Nasr is operation with armed forces since 2010 its yrs who is underdevelopment stage not ours. Yes ours is evolving with threat perception but there is difference b/w evolution and development.

Nasr will be used to deter yr CSD in deserts of south western Pakistan close to border areas. By this logic why did u even tested yr Nukes in 73 and 98 in yr country? because technically u have used yr own nukes in yr own soil.

And kiddo yr country is going to sell this missile? Bwahahahaha
A Missile which is just been tested and is not even operational with its primary country's armed forces is going to be sold worldwide!!!! Dude yr just awesome. And Kiddo visit Pakistan's missile tech thread to know how much warhead Nasr carries. It is less then a kilo weather u accept or not its yr problem but it doesnt change reality.

nope A-HOLE. Nasr's range is 60 Km,not more than that(atleast not declared.if you've source,post it)

and Double Moron,nobody inducts a missile which was not test fired.ok in Pakistan maybe,cause we all know how they get their missiles.but every other country test fires first,then inducts it.and Under Development??LOL..we're in Seoul to sell it,not to test that missile.. :rolleyes:

and Dumb@$$,

both IA and IAF is the primary user of Prahaar,as it is tailor made for their specification.it is going under User Trials now and will be inducted in 2014(like all other missiles in any country operational apart from Pakistan).whats the status of Nasr???do you have any info on that???or any source to back your BS that it was in the service since 2010,while it was first time tested in 2011??? and I know you guys have serious education problem,but Sub-Kiloton Missile doesn't mean less than a kilo.only handful of country achieved something like Nuclear Rocket Propelled Grenades type weapon,but even that weighs more than one kilo.seriously,I'm missing ROFL emoticon.

Nasr's payload is around 100KG..and it was posted here...

may be @DESERT FIGHTER or @AhaseebA can clarify that,since he posted it here...


and there is no restriction that as IA and IAF aren't using Prahaar now,we can't export them.we've exported BEL Battlefield Surveillance Radar to Indonesia even before Indian Army.there is no restriction on weapon sells to foreign country by Armed Force.

one advice troll,don't try to post something that is out of your league.
and start a nuclear war.by the way,whose brilliant idea was this to nuke your own country???
Ever heard about Area denial?
The water obstacles might be enough to stop Indian armoured advance in Punjab area, but in Areas like the southern desert Nasr can be used without heavy repercussions
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