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India created shortage of water in Pakistan: Abid Sher

So, basically what the minister is saying is that India is able to steal Pakistan's water because Pakistan has not built enough dams on its side of the border. What kind of logic is this???

Same logic India gave to win a case i.e. Pakistan is throwing water in Arabian sea.

but when did indus dry out of water???never..then why are you facing shortages??answer is in the same article..u did not build "adequate dams" for your need...as stated by the same minister

He actually trying to convince the people to give up opposing Kalabagh Dam - But 3rd eye say India's name and posted here in excitement.
When in doubt then blame India.

Mismanaged water resources is the key reason of some of the ills in Pakistan.
Yeah - i know the fcuking forum where nothing is resolved and ultimately have to go to international courts.

He already emphasized on creating dams in his statement as well.

You should send a few dossiers over to India with your complaints.. We may look into them ;)
they don't take care of their own water resource and now they blame us...they waste most of the water and don't care for it...
for every problem in pakistan form Dipers to nuke...India is responsible...

there is terrorism --blame india..
there is water problem ---blame india..
there is bomb blast ---blame india...
there is not enough food production..---Blame india..
there is rise in oil and gas price in market ----Blame India...
Bloch separatist is in rise ----Blame India..
our economy is in turmoil ---Blame India..
we have to spend so much on military --- Blame india..
there is not enough school --blame india..
there is no development --- Blame India...
There is no employment ---blame India..
there is shortage of Electricity ---Blame India.
there is pollution and smog..----Blame India.

For how long you people keep blaming us for your problem...when you know it's your own government mismanagement ....it's high time we both stop this blame game and start thinking about the future of our nation..for it's people and state...:tup:

India made my dinner cold by allowing for heat transfer to occur, you don't see me complaining.

It's not my fault the air is cold and the heat from my food dissipates, it must be India's fault.
If you ain't complaining ....then what's the need of quoting me....heat it in oven and feed your self...:lol::lol:

I cant, India' didn't teach me how to use my oven.

India is very bad, I have no food to eat because of India.
I cant India' didn't teach me how to use my oven.

India is very bad, I have no food to eat because of India.
ha ha ha...
here come the complaining.....I know you don't own own....better eat you food cold or starve....
and don't bug me if you don't have any thing to contribute ...other than your usual ranting :lol::tup:
whatever, you do not have a case and you minister is just indulging in brain f@rts

We will lose again on same argument that "Pakistan has extra water and wasting it in Arabian sea" unless we have dam, that's why he emphasized on creating dam. So, it's you guys who are reading selectively and making your panties wet.
We will lose again on same argument that "Pakistan has extra water and wasting it in Arabian sea" unless we have dam, that's why he emphasized on creating dam. So, it's you guys who are reading selectively and making your panties wet.
Never knew men in Pakistan wore panties....:D

Back on topic:

When India signed Indus water treaty, it is obliged by the terms of the treaty, so there is no question of water theft from the rivers allocated to Pakistan. If proved, India would be in a awkward position. So, point one - If you feel India is stealing the water, prove it. Next, India has the option to revoke the Indus water treaty and ask for fresh negotiations. If that is the case, given the current atmosphere, I am sure there will not be any treaty in next 10 years and India will have free run. But, even during the wars, India never did that. So, point 2 - India has never done anything that could give it some unjustified favors. Point 3 - although, 3 rivers are allocated to India, a part of their waters still flow into Pakistan as India can't seal the rivers. What about that water ? Don't get carried away by rumors. If India really wants to steal or seal the water flow, Pakistani government won't sit quiet. Trust me.
Never knew men in Pakistan wore panties....:D

And till now i was thinking that karan is an Indian. :eek:

Back on topic:

Yeah back to topic,

When India signed Indus water treaty, it is obliged by the terms of the treaty, so there is no question of water theft from the rivers allocated to Pakistan. If proved, India would be in a awkward position. So, point one - If you feel India is stealing the water, prove it. Next, India has the option to revoke the Indus water treaty and ask for fresh negotiations. If that is the case, given the current atmosphere, I am sure there will not be any treaty in next 10 years and India will have free run. But, even during the wars, India never did that. So, point 2 - India has never done anything that could give it some unjustified favors. Point 3 - although, 3 rivers are allocated to India, a part of their waters still flow into Pakistan as India can't seal the rivers. What about that water ? Don't get carried away by rumors. If India really wants to steal or seal the water flow, Pakistani government won't sit quiet. Trust me.

Yeah mighty India can revoke treaty anytime and stop all the rivers, go ahead and do it instead of chest thumping.

3 rivers were allocated to Pakistan and 3 to India, India keep on wining the cases in ICJ because of our incompetence that we haven't built dams nor built new canals to make more land cultivatable, so water is being wasted in Arabian sea - India's argument always been that water as Pakistan's requirement still will be there, So wining case in ICJ doesn't mean that you haven't consumed/diverted/stole Pakistan's water.

Water in those 3 Indian rivers flow to Pakistan in flood seasons, rest of the time those rivers are dry and kids play there and some beggars make their huts there - So, water of these rivers are of no use to us, infect sudden flow cause problems for Pakistan - You can build more dams over them or divert them to other states, nobody have objection over it.

Cut the crap of never stopped water during wars and tell this bravado story to someone else, I mean seriously what gidar singhi you have to stop mighty Indus river all of sudden during war?

Pakistan government don't sit quiet that's why they are in ICJ every now and than but are not always 100% successful because of weaknesses i pointed earlier.
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