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India 'close to wiping out polio'

sorry to say but its next to impossible it needs education and life style changes for the community must take minimum of 30 years of hard work by gov though i am hopefull for the TB it can be eradicated

Hey buddy, when did the fight against Polio start? Long ago, right? All that you said is correct, it is an uphill task. So it will take a bit longer, no? We have the world cheering us on. Hum honge kaamyab ek din. Right?
India provide free Polio drops to every household where health workers go door to door asking for kids in the house and vaccinate them. Plus they vaccinate kids in railway station, metro, markets, schools, community centers etc. etc.

But the problem is that India shares border with pakistan and each years thousands of pakistani people travels in India with polio virus and the chain is broken.

We have to again spend millions for the same exercise of vaccination.

But from this year India have decided to vaccinate every pakistani before entering into India and you are hearing the news that we are going to eradicate polio.
polio is not that much wide spread in Pakistan but yes many cases come on surface recently .....
we are also vaccinating almost every place ... go door to door, schools, bus stands , motorways, highways , railway stations etc even on different channels live phone calls are taken if medical teams left some area or homes then medical teams are dispatched to that area but it will take a little time to eradicate it completely
Hey buddy, when did the fight against Polio start? Long ago, right? All that you said is correct, it is an uphill task. So it will take a bit longer, no? We have the world cheering us on. Hum honge kaamyab ek din. Right?
you can immunize a community but can't change their life style so easily
btw In India, vaccination against Polio started in 1978 with Expanded Program in Immunisation (EPI). By 1984, it was successful in covering around 40% of all infants, giving 3 doses of OPV to each. In 1985, the Universal Immunisation Program (UIP) was launched to cover all the districts of the country.pulse polio started in 1995-96

see AIDS can't be eradicated so easily because its a global problem some body has to come up with some vaccine if it comes (thoug very very difficult) i assure you aids will go away in less than 5- 10 years of time therefore GOI is concentrated on early detection and treatment of aids not its eradication but prevention.
right now TB and blindness is our main goal india have to eradicate them ASAP
polio is not that much wide spread in Pakistan but yes many cases come on surface recently .....
we are also vaccinating almost every place ... go door to door, schools, bus stands , motorways, highways , railway stations etc even on different channels live phone calls are taken if medical teams left some area or homes then medical teams are dispatched to that area but it will take a little time to eradicate it completely
I have a frank question are you ( in pakistan) using OPV or injectable forms ? also do your country have a national immunization protocol?? just curiosity
Why has polio returned to Bangladesh?

Bangladesh was polio-free for more than five years before becoming re-infected by a virus imported into the country. Tests from the Global Polio Specialized Laboratory in Mumbai found it was likely the virus was transmitted from the Uttar Pradesh district in neighbouring India. India is one of just four countries worldwide that is still home to indigenous polio virus.

UNICEF - Bangladesh - Bangladesh launches mass immunization campaign after polio re-emerges
I have a frank question are you ( in pakistan) using OPV or injectable forms ? also do your country have a national immunization protocol?? just curiosity
injectable are not used in Pakistan bur oral polio vaccine is given ... every child is vaccinated upto the age of 5 years....
there is a proper programme run by Ministry of health that is EPI the children are immunized against Tuberculosis, Poliomyelitis, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Measles, Tetanus....
this is EPI schedule

Routine Immunization schedule: BCG and OPV 0 dose are given at birth, DPT, HepB and OPV at 6, 10 and 14 weeks and measles vaccine at the age of 9 months.
The pregnant ladies and child bearing age ladies are provided immunization against TT (TT 1 at first contact, TT 2 at least 4 weeks after 1st dose, TT 3 at least 6 months after 2nd dose, TT 4 at least 1 year after 3rd dose and TT 5 at least one year after 4th dose).
Why has polio returned to Bangladesh?

Bangladesh was polio-free for more than five years before becoming re-infected by a virus imported into the country. Tests from the Global Polio Specialized Laboratory in Mumbai found it was likely the virus was transmitted from the Uttar Pradesh district in neighbouring India. India is one of just four countries worldwide that is still home to indigenous polio virus.

UNICEF - Bangladesh - Bangladesh launches mass immunization campaign after polio re-emerges
so according to this news its not completely eradicated .... if somehow these cases could not come to surface then it does not mean that its completely eradicated ........ usually cases in remote areas do not come to surface because people have little knowledge about this
Pakistan is the only country falling behind in anti-polio war.

Pakistan could become world’s last polio reservoir, UNICEF warns

ISLAMABAD - The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned on Monday that Pakistan was facing a serious risk of being the last polio reservoir in the world, as the number of polio cases in the country rose to 132. In a press release issued on the World Polio Day, UNICEF called for accelerated eradication efforts across the globe.
It said that despite serious eradication efforts since the beginning of the year, Pakistan continued to see rising numbers of polio cases. According to UNICEF, Balochistan had the highest number of polio-hit children, 54, FATA, 37, Sindh, 27, Khyber Pukhtunkhawa, 11, Punjab, 02 and Gilgit-Baltistan, 01.
“We must remember that behind every number there is the face of a child and a devastated family” said Dan Rohrmann, UNICEF representative in Pakistan. “We must end polio now and ensure access to all children with polio vaccinations as specified in the President’s National Emergency Action Plan for Polio Eradication in Pakistan. We have a huge task ahead of us, and time is up as we are soon entering the low transmission season and where all eradication efforts have to be perfectly synchronised. We must act now,” Rohrmann said.
World Health Organisation (WHO) Representative in Pakistan Dr Guido Sabatinelli highlighted the significance of giving polio vaccines to every child. “Eradicating polio from Pakistan depends on delivering oral polio vaccine to each and every child, including the most vulnerable and the hardest-to-reach at Union Council level. This massive undertaking can succeed, but only with the continued commitment of the government, partners and the people of Pakistan,” the WHO representative said.
The next polio vaccination campaign is being launched today (Tuesday) and it would target 33 million children across the country. UNICEF and WHO are working closely with provincial governments to deploy up to 800 additional staff in the 33 high-risk districts that represent a reservoir of polio virus. In addition, networks of non-government organisations, along with religious and civic groups, are working to mobilise community support for polio vaccinations in the targeted communities.

Bill Gates was also going to launch an anti-polio campaign in Pakistan. Don't know what happened to it???
Pakistan is the only country falling behind in anti-polio war.

Bill Gates was also going to launch an anti-polio campaign in Pakistan. Don't know what happened to it???
i hope we will get rid off this within few years BUT Allah hamaray health department aur GOVT jo hadayat dey :hitwall:
i heard that the mullahs in some parts of Pakistan were responsible for preventing children fron getting vaccinated telling that it was against Islam or something.....there was thread here i guess ....hope the situation changes
I've never understood a country (any country) that doesn't have a strong, mandatory vaccination program. Polio can be defeated with a few drops of liquid under the tongue. They should MAIL packets of vaccine to everyone, with instructions. Every child should get vaccinated at school.

you saying if i just mailed you some liquids, say in a letter that is good for you then tell you to drink it all, you would do it?
you saying if i just mailed you some liquids, say in a letter that is good for you then tell you to drink it all, you would do it?

You should do whatever it takes to be sure your children are vaccinated. Yes my example was simplistic but it's just to illustrate how simple it is. In theory, it would work. A more probable method would be to have mandatory vaccinations in school, automatically at birth, and by health workers who travel door to door.

Midwives in poor areas should be trained and required to do two things -

1) deliver certain vaccines at birth
2) report the birth to central authorities for follow-up visits if the child does not attend public school.
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