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India-China relations

India currently sees China using Pakistan to try to halt our growth. we would also like China to settle the dispute in aksai chin and arunachal pradesh. to say this both India and China need each other.
the paramount policy objectives of china towards india are but two: to ask india to give up its dreams of dominating the subcontinent; and to ask india to stop sponsoring lamaist terrorism.

the main policy tool china can use against india is the height of himalayas: a rock chinese troops throw at india will have more momentum when it hits indian heads than that of an indian rocket when it lands at chinese feet.

so if both sides refrain from any childish behaviors (for indians to stop their aggression against pakistan, bangladesh and sri lanka and to stop feeding lamaist holy pigs and for naughty chinese teenagers to stop throwing pebbles from a point five miles above the tallest indians), we can do business together cordially
India and china should be friends, economically, it's 2 superpowers

And about aksai chin and arunachal pradesh, no comment
the paramount policy objectives of china towards india are but two: to ask india to give up its dreams of dominating the subcontinent

Similarly, India would require china to give up it dreams of dominating east asia.

; and to ask india to stop sponsoring lamaist terrorism.

You need to make the context clear. Nobody understands what you refer to.

the main policy tool china can use against india is the height of himalayas: a rock chinese troops throw at india will have more momentum when it hits indian heads than that of an indian rocket when it lands at chinese feet.

So, this is the latest CPC propaganda. :laugh:
Also, note Himalayas belong to India.. even the name "Himalayas" itself is a Hindi word meaning "house of snow".

Historical borders of china lie along the "great wall" of china (which is china's self defined historical border).

Nobody blames the chinese nation .. but only the CPC govt for the land grab mission conducted in the 1950s, in which they first grabbed Tibet and Xinjiang ... and then grabbed even a part of Ladakh (Aksai Chin). Chinese occupation of Aksai Chin is the single biggest sore in India-China relations.

so if both sides refrain from any childish behaviors (for indians to stop their aggression against pakistan, bangladesh and sri lanka and to stop feeding lamaist holy pigs and for naughty chinese teenagers to stop throwing pebbles from a point five miles above the tallest indians),

same "1962" psychology. Huh !
Really teenage behaviour ..... and they still fanstasise that if India and China go to a war, it will just be restricted to a land war at a remote border point involving just 10,000 soldiers !!!

Wake up ... and re-read what your own Sun-Tzu said.

It is stupid to close your eyes and pretend blindness. Pretence and skullduggery works only once.

we can do business together cordially
India is already doing business .... inspite of chinese non-cooperation in enhacing ties (non-tariff barrier to Indian exports; events at Yiwu etc). Further enhancement of trade ties need openness from chinese side.
Aye, stop this territorial dispute nonsense.

China could honestly care less right now about that stuff.

I do believe that China sees India as a contender to it's domination of the Asian manufacturing trade. India is living up to that view through the steps its taking to rival China. And both are doing very well in it's encouragement of foreign companies to invest.

Other than that, China and India are just as much as rivals as they are partners.
Things can a be lot better for India-China relations if only Indian media and the various arms of CPC behave sensibly.

GoI, to be fair to it, has mostly tried to play down events from border incursions to Tibetan protests in the Olympic torch relay.
On Chinese side, the reality is that the majority of Chinese do not know the 1962 war between China and India. India was painted by the media and the textbook as a nation with long history and rich culture. The Chinese populace do not even know people on the other side of Himalayas have ill-will towards them and the India media and Indian government made groundless cheap stories of China threats. To say the least, I was one of them believing India is a peaceful friendly country until I started reading/watching India's media.

Don't tell me the free speech crap. No matter how free you are, respect the FACTs pls and stop making up. That is my advice to start a good relationship between the two nations. Otherwise, the Indian's hostility toward China will be perceived by more and more Chinese.
GoI, to be fair to it, has mostly tried to play down events from border incursions to Tibetan protests in the Olympic torch relay.

If this forum is any indication, many Indians see this behavior of GoI as a sign of weakness and want it to be more "assertive". The next election will tell if this view is representative of India at large.
when india stop being a subservient slave of the western world trying to contain china, then i will respect india.

btw, our media never talks about india, its always about the US.

only u guys are obsessed with us.

oh and get out of the south china sea.

indians always make provocative moves like increasing troops at borders, partnering with vietnam during sensitive time in south china sea.

vast majority of chinese dont have a strong opinion of india either way, but if they come to this forum or read indian media hyping the 'china threat' they will change their minds very quickly like i did.

i thought india was a great country with rich culture and full of people working towards a better life, but then i started reading indian media and came to this forum. boy did i change my mind. if only more chinese could see the true opinion of indians towards china.

but regardless, india will be a rival to china later on in the 21st century due to its huge population size.
but china has a huge lead over india and is extending that lead.
when india stop being a subservient slave of the western world trying to contain china, then i will respect india.

btw, our media never talks about india, its always about the US.

only u guys are obsessed with us.

oh and get out of the south china sea.

indians always make provocative moves like increasing troops at borders, partnering with vietnam during sensitive time in south china sea.

vast majority of chinese dont have a strong opinion of india either way, but if they come to this forum or read indian media hyping the 'china threat' they will change their minds very quickly like i did.

i thought india was a great country with rich culture and full of people working towards a better life, but then i started reading indian media and came to this forum. boy did i change my mind. if only more chinese could see the true opinion of indians towards china.

but regardless, india will be a rival to china later on in the 21st century due to its huge population size.
but china has a huge lead over india and is extending that lead.

I presently live in Oceania region where CCP news are free on air and every now a than your channels talk about Indian poverty and military developments. How contrary is that is to your unsubstantiated rant but what those News reader talk is quite similar to what Chinese wrote here against India.

On Chinese side, the reality is that the majority of Chinese do not know the 1962 war between China and India. India was painted by the media and the textbook as a nation with long history and rich culture. The Chinese populace do not even know people on the other side of Himalayas have ill-will towards them and the India media and Indian government made groundless cheap stories of China threats. To say the least, I was one of them believing India is a peaceful friendly country until I started reading/watching India's media.

Don't tell me the free speech crap. No matter how free you are, respect the FACTs pls and stop making up. That is my advice to start a good relationship between the two nations. Otherwise, the Indian's hostility toward China will be perceived by more and more Chinese.

indian hostility towards China ?

Is it India which claims Chinese territory even after agreeing that no settled population will be disturbed ?

Is it India that provided Japan or vietnam nukes ?

Is it india that first sent its military and soldiers to the spratly islands like china has don e in Pak held kashmir ?

A little more insight into what Chinese think of India .

Dangerous Misperceptions: Chinese Views of India

As someone else said please get off the high horse.
india is run by a brahmanist hindu regime whose heart is filled with deceit, prejudice, evil wishes and inferiority complex. There can be no peace with such an untrustworthy country. So the best solution is to aggressively contain india and ally with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Burma to partition india into smaller less dangerous countries.
india is run by a brahmanist hindu regime whose heart is filled with deceit, prejudice, evil wishes and inferiority complex. There can be no peace with such an untrustworthy country. So the best solution is to aggressively contain india and ally with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Burma to partition india into smaller less dangerous countries.
Yes please, Save us Oh Noble Chinese. Btw I thought we were run by an Italian She Devil. But thanks for clearing that up.

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