Let me explain:
Saying "**** off and die, seriously" is not racist by and large. Some East asians feel being discriminated against in the West, true, but not by "racists", but mainly by "predudice and ignorance", both of which are natural. Both can be well based on fear and narutal action of "group protection" by the locals, so called "us and they". I bet the same happens everywhere, e.g. no "gualao", "black ghost" in Chinese language? are those racist? Clearly no, but just a narural protectionism.
Strictly speaking, the concept of "Racist" didn't exist pior to 1970's jewish elites-led human right movements, sexual revolution, multiculturalism, gay rights and other
extreme political movements. Prior to that, we called it "predudice", which can be based on anything, e.g. sex., age, tribe, language, customs...
The poison of introducing "racist/racism" is to neglect and vilify a human group's ( or tribe's) natural reaction, which is normally high vigilence and hence protectionist, to the outsiders and unfamiliar concepts such as twisted Jewish proganpada that "homosexual is perfectly moral and should be actively encouraged " or "sexual behaviour of all women should libeated - a.k.a. Let's all have an inter-racial group orgy"...
The primary function of the introduction of "Racist/racism " therefore was to provide a ironed legitimate cover, a final say, in order to tear down an otherwise healthy/normal/natural society orders, and to promote many provert concepts injected forced into a society (i.e. multicuralism, interracial marage, etc...) Only as a
byproduct, it gives many outlaws and the stupid ( we all know whom they are) a legit weapon to hit back a normally long accepted , and quite natural, social value or local norm and shush the local opinion and debate.
Of course, there're teens who abuse it to apply it in meaningless minor areas. I am sure that's not what you should care to discuss in a serious manner.
This is the main reason why I despise calling others racists.
Back to the topic more specificly: why the Chinese should not do such a thing?
Calling others racist is obvious sign of being weakness and lack of self-respect. Have you often, or EVER, hear a German calling others "racist"? A Swede calling others? Or a Japanese? No? why not?
Calling others racist is in fact a concession which tacitly admits to the other side that he/she is superior, and you have no f**** way to face him on a fair man-to-man fashion but have to pull out the final red card of "racist". Ask yourself who always do that? Africans, usally clueless ones. And of course in this forum, Indians. Do you really want to lower yourself to that level, below-freezing? I think not, right?
As for this Aoo guy, I can wager that one of the main reasons that he hangs around here in the forum is to hear, occasionally, that some others (Indians mainly, but out of his surprise some Chinese too) calling him "racist", becaus this is the precise moment that gives him an immense pleasure of feeling interllectually superior, since it reconfirms his original thesis that "you are weak and inferior, and the only thing you have in your defence system is sissy crying foul gesture".
To be perfectly honest, I feel the same, from time to time, whenever indian gurus call me 'racist". --- "Err...that's right! Thank you very much now go back to your call centre shift."