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India can’t defeat Pakistan or China in war

The same reason why almost all Chinese neighbors are pro-American. :p:
All? Philippines went pro-china while others have a rocky relationship which is more likely to get worse under trump.
In 1950s,China got full backing of the Soviet Union, it's an agreement and they provided everything. In 1962 they just wanted our debt owed to them during the Korean war and border skirmishes along the border became increasingly frequent, Taiwan was about to attack with full US support. 1950s China was not starving but 1962 was the worst famine in the whole human history and China had on friends only powerful enemies all around her.

But its all the same.Even that time China had largest standing army(which was quite bigger than PLA now).And Indo China war was more like a border skirmishes where no heavy armors or Fighter jets were used.So,it was not that hard to conduct such war especially when Uncle Sam and SU was not looking.China probably didn't get such auspicious moments to start a war in next 60 years.
may be not today with decisive victory but not necessarily we will never be able to take you both on our gun point in future! World is changing so fast, I have no doubt - China is going to collapse due to its system and way of getting things done, pakistan has no future as long as they have rivalry with India (as to match the rivalry game they are using some extremist cards which is not good for their reputation for investment and internal hygiene)
China will be blown collapsed by the collective Indians big mouths
Of course, why I wont feel better when I know our country has the most fierce army in the world backed by the world super-power which is China. Hell yes, it makes me feel better :)

And it makes me even more happy and I hope every other Pakistani think the same way as you do. :)

A militarily stronger is always in the best interest of my country. :p:
I have a question. Can India defend it's self from It's self. I see more chances of India being divided in Hindus Muslims and Buddhist. Rather than any attack from China and Pakistan.
Well your expectations are good, but hard to materialize. China didn't helped you back in 1971 to counter a non nuclear India. Now do you seriously think they well do that now while all of us are nuclear armed ?? :p:
It's a very valid point and I appreciate your knowledge. Back then, following things were different.

1) Russia was backing India.
2) Russia was Second super power
3) Russia had nukes, though India didn't have that.
4) China wasn't super power and a technological power.

Now, do the analysis again. It's the other way round.

1) Russia won't back India if China were to fight India.
2) Russia is no longer an economic or tech super power. Its still struggling.
3) Russia still has nukes but for what? They won't use on China for attacking India.
4) China is a world super power, be it's economy or technology.

Same odds which were against Pakistan in 1971 are against you. If there is a conflict, you can kiss good-bye to many of your provinces/states. I'm not trying to mock you, be realistic. India can't fight China.
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But its all the same.Even that time China had largest standing army(which was quite bigger than PLA now).And Indo China war was more like a border skirmishes where no heavy armors or Fighter jets were used.So,it was not that hard to conduct such war especially when Uncle Sam and SU was not looking.China probably didn't get such auspicious moments to start a war in next 60 years.
US and USSR were both desperately wanted to destroy China back then. but they didn't dare. Now Russia is a friend and US just can't do anything cause China is overtaking them in almost everything.
India can never even compete in a two front war. It would end within a week, maybe 2-3 days at best. China is ever growing country, be it economy or technology. China can eat India all alone in 3 days. We all know that. US and NATO will never intervene as Russia will be siding with China on its any expedition. US can't even think to intervene until and unless, US knows 100% China will lose which is impossible. Keep on day dreaming, no offense in that :)
Ok...will see to it when China attacks us or ACTUALLY prepares to attack us... And Mr, if u ve not read my comment, do read it again...I said if not now that doesnt mean never looking at the growth and future of India...its okay if u ve purposely ignored the lines abt future of Pak..but why r u taking abt what china can do to us? dont u ve anything ? leave it! U joined just 2 months back?
Why are all of india's neighbors Pro-China? The list also includes another hindu country.

Is it?? :lol::lol:

Sometimes I wonder,what purpose Defense.pk serves in our lives.Gathering knowledge or providing an alternate reality(aka Propaganda).

I can assure you,Afghanistan,Nepal,Bhutan,Bangladesh and Sri Lanka is still Pro India and not Pro China(in fact,most only started having warm relationship in the last decade only).

You can post some article blaming India for their poor condition or waving Chinese flag and dancing,but believe me,in that aspect,CPM cadres in India are much more Pro China than all the other neighbours combined.:lol:
Everybody can have an opinion. China is unable to reclaim Taiwan and waited like a good boy in the corner till UK and Portugal handed HK and Macau back to them. The only notable achievement of the Pakistani Army in India has been building that Kanpur road as PoWs. So best of luck to them.
It's a very valid point and I appreciate your knowledge. Back then, following things were different.

1) Russia was backing India.
2) Russia was Second super power
3) Russia had nukes, though India didn't have that.
4) China wasn't super power and a technological power.

Now, do the analysis again. It's the other way round.

1) Russia won't back India if China were to fight India.
2) Russia is no longer an economic or tech super power. Its still struggling.
3) Russia still has nukes but for what? They won't use on China for attacking India.
4) China is a world super power, be it economy or technology.

Same odds which were against Pakistan in 1971 are against you. If there is a conflict, you can kiss good-bye to many of your provinces/states. I'm not trying to mock you, be realistic. India can't fight China.

I can't explain much but the entire NATO, U.S.A and middl east were supporting whom back then ?? Certainly not India for sure. :p:

Now please read the following link if you can;


And you think after a war with India, China will be left with a very good shape as well ?? LOL :p:
And it makes me even more happy and I hope every other Pakistani think the same way as you do. :)

A militarily stronger is always in the best interest of my country. :p:
I couldn't understand your post. Look, a lot has changed since 1971. If you're still living in 1971, it makes me feel good and I want whole India think the way you think.
China has become very strong economically. With CPEC, their economy will boost exponentially and so would our economy. China's technology has lessened its gap with western powers. We get TOT on each and every project which would strengthen our country to a level where India won't stand a chance in front of us as well. Its a fact specially considering your recent switch towards US from Russia.
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