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India can launch a short war in case of a Pak misadventure

look being 1/6 india's size and keeping them engaged for 62 years and reaching a stalemate in 65 & getting back stabbed in 71 is the closest a SMALL nation can come to victory...

our victory is the fact that we are SURVIVING & the fact that our 6 times larger enemy CONSIDERS us as a THREAT!!!

you can't expect PAKISTAN to take over INDIA...or TAIWAN to take over CHINA.... holding your own infront of a far bigger adversary my friend is victory!!!
look being 1/6 india's size and keeping them engaged for 62 years and reaching a stalemate in 65 & getting back stabbed in 71 is the closest a SMALL nation can come to victory...

our victory is the fact that we are SURVIVING & the fact that our 6 times larger enemy CONSIDERS us as a THREAT!!!

you can't expect PAKISTAN to take over INDIA...or TAIWAN to take over CHINA.... holding your own infront of a far bigger adversary my friend is victory!!!

India is still moving ahead despite of the fact that Pakistan has spent and will be spending Billions of Dollars on maintaining the balance of power in the subcontinent......

India is investing on defense infrastructure across all the borders .....Be it china or Bangladesh or Myanmar ..so Investing in Defense only for sake of fighting one country may be a Pakistani Philosophy...

Indians have always believed in all around development...India is an Invest economy and we will continue to invest in infrastructure and services till the time we become a formidable economy...so Pakistanis can stay happy with their fake sense of satisfacthion that they are doing anything to pull back India.....
Battle of Chawinda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i think this link is an intresting read...looking for more "authentic" sources though...

and as for INDIA not considering PAKISTAN as its SOLE enemy....my friend all your AIRFORCE forward bases are located next to pakistan...all your strategic war assets are located towards pakistan...so yes INDIA thinks of us as the ENEMY...and that my friend we should be proud of given our FEATHER WEIGHT category against a HEAVY WEIGHT boxer!!;)
It is the truth.India is a Lone Hero standing between nagging Enemies surrounded.India carries the bite marks from these enemies in all its parts. :(
Pakistan media -don't believe them-India is not a "Hindu" Country alone.Here Censoring Media is not the Norm unlike Pakistan.
Islamic Terrorism is what India facing for decades.unlike pakistani thought that India a "Hindu Country " 20 crore(illegal immigrants included) Muslima dwells here.they often get excited for Jihad.Ethnic Cleansing of Majority is a common thing.Every time I read the claim of "Hindu Extremist found in pakistan" title I cannot stop laughing.Hinduism,Buddhism are Eastern Religions who DONT have the ambitious idea of world domination-khilafat Ummah as in Islam or Christianity.learn that.
Watch This Video about Hinduism/Pagans ,they are NOT Violent Unlike what was spoonfed to Jehadis:

Internet Archive: Free Download: Hinduism

Marad Hindu Massacre

Hey lone hero, do not mind my nagging but ever heard of the Sikh and Naxalist radical militant movements?

Go take a look at all the outfits declared as terrorists by your state and i am sure you shall find a lot of non Islamic movements in the list!
PA is famous for its propaganda ie overestimating itself.

This is an article from a pakistani major. its long but read it fully.
The Pakistan Army From 1965 to 1971

This overestimating lead to bad management and Pakistan paid for it in many occasions. eg, battle of longewala where a small indian force defeated a much larger pakistani force.
Battle of Longewala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

forget about 71, look at 65 war.

So these are your sources...lol, i dont know about PA being good in propaganda or not, but you sure are. Wikipedia is your source and some major writing from Washington DC. Seriously try better next time in showing your supremacy. Longewala is just one battle, how about Lahore or the battle at Chawinda where your army suffered a loss of nearly 100 tanks.

Pakistan did underestimated India however here is another article which gives a fair analysis on the events of 65 and not what you like to portray here. Both sides suffered loses and in the end it was a stalemate and not what you guys are taught in school "Pakistan's defeat".

So these are your sources...lol, i dont know about PA being good in propaganda or not, but you sure are. Wikipedia is your source and some major writing from Washington DC. Seriously try better next time in showing your supremacy. Longewala is just one battle, how about Lahore or the battle at Chawinda where your army suffered a loss of nearly 100 tanks.

Pakistan did underestimated India however here is another article which gives a fair analysis on the events of 65 and not what you like to portray here. Both sides suffered loses and in the end it was a stalemate and not what you guys are taught in school "Pakistan's defeat".


Its a good read but I disagree. firstly, Wikipedia is a gud source bcos at the bottom of its every article, you find valid references. second, Winning a war means the accomplishment of objectives. in 1965 war, pak failed its objective ie capturing kashmir, while india achieved its objective ie defend it. Lahore attempt was a part of that defencive plan. (offense is the best defense).Also Pak lost more lives 3800 while india lost 3000 (source:India Pakistan War 1965) It does not take a genius to figure out who "won". In pak's defence, they were outnumbered
You've been watching to much Indian media. Pakistani troops were ordered by Nawaz Sharif to pull out of Kargil after a telephone call from then US president Bill Clinton.

Here's a neutral source for you:
Kargil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know the whole stuff sir

u never accepted any one there as ur own anyways!!

in addition ..... "kicking out" was result of a combination of military and diplomatic offensive

nawaz sharief did not "withdraw" out of goodness be rest assured .,..... you had no peaks anymore held to threaten indian supply route to Leh

also 2 peaks which were not in our posession were taken ..... thanks to your PA "withdrawl"
Just keep dreaming. You Indians think you can strike Azad Kashmir, just try. Why haven't you striked Azad Kashmir after Mumbai fraud? If you were going to do it, you would've done it months ago..but you know Pakistan will strike back at India.

What the hell do you Indians think you are?


not dreaming ...... about the SF ... same as your SSG does all the time in valley ..... big deal I agree ....
You are comparing apples and oranges here. The Atlantique incident gave India plausible deniablity due to the fact that India claimed it had crossed into its airspace. You cannot claim that some alleged camps moved into Indian territory.

What the IAF chief is claiming he would do are strikes on Pakistani soil, a violation of Pakistani sovereignty by India. At the least you will have your AC intercepted and engaged and/or military installations within India attacked.

India is not the US, and Pakistan's relationship with India is not like its relationship with the US, and therefore you will not be treated like the US.

I agree

but Kashmir is "disputed" as you say ... so you shall have really no justification especially when world opinion will be on Indian side ...

in addition ...... (although this thing - the Indian strike, wont happen IMO) ...any Pakistani retaliation will cause Pakistan to be at the receiving end .... of a whole loads of nation who may be scared of you launching nukes at them (Israel for one) ....... a scary prospect at best

but rest assured neither side has the politicians with the cojones to do anything:cheers: like that
AgNoStIc MuSliM

Not 'our representatives' - the Tribal invasion was already going ahead before a Major from the nascent PA was assigned to work with it.

Am sure if you were to read up the archieves of united India (they are in Delhi in National Archieves now I think) you shall find that there was a miliatry force to ensure stability on borders of partitioned nations under command of Maj. Gen. TW Rhees (ex-Rajputana Rifles 3rd Batallion, commanded the 19th Indian Infantry Division in Burma Campaign during Battle of Irrawaday Crossing, his GSO1 was Maj. Jack Masters ex-Gurkhas who became John Masters the famous author) In addition it was incumbent upon the national administrations to ensure borders were controlled especially along kingdoms/riyasats that had not acceded to either nation.
So how exactly were "tribals" from NWFP crossing over into Kashmir? Strange I find that and where were they getting the arms to defeat the Kasmiri militia? It was not as if there was any active campaign there during WWII! I

Simultaneously, there were trains full of massacred migrants from India - men, women and children all killed by Sikh extremists on the way to Pakistan.

Ture. Reciprocated on either side by both congress and muslim league.

It was a combination of these factors that led to the Tribal invasion.

no. it was the fallout of muslim league policy

Actually we did withdraw from Kargil - a location where we never applied our complete military might in the first place.

because you did not have the guts to accept that you had put your troops there till way after the war, otherwise India would have been justified in attacking across IB ...... as it is world opinion was against Pakistan from day 1 and that would have given BJP the perfect excuse to take you on ....
PA has bright officers and this proves it.

And please don't flame by using the 'refused to accept our soldiers canard' - its been debunked on other Kargil threads.

Please read statements of your own leadership concerning dead found by attacking Indian troops being in NLI uniforms .... and denials to same by GoP. I am not going to sit and prove it. It was seen world wide..... GoP denying their troops were there in first place. attributing the whole thing to "freedom fighters":woot:

Pakistan had issues with the Indian attempt to make theater out of the handover, and not utilize the traditional mechanism employed by the two nations to exchange prisoners and bodies.

Obviously, you wanted to hide the fact that they were your troops and India wanted you to accept them as yours. As proof.

What was disgraceful was the Indian attempt to gain propaganda mileage out of POW's and dead bodies

And sporting Nachiketa and shooting Ahuja, when he ran out of ammunition and was very well surrounded by your troops way inside your territory, in cold blood was laudatory am sure!!!
ignore Omar1984. he is a brainless troll

well I wont share your sentiments as all have right to speak their mind

he has his POV and I mine and as long as we both are decent to each other, we can go on and on ..... its what this forum is all about is it not?
Anyway you dont have to tell us where you will strike.Worry about where we will strike back.We will use all weapons to retaliate.

Sir I agree

but then we have to worry about your not reacting and the fallout of that .... or your reacting and fallout from that

either case you are at deadend of tunnel and we have to decide how much damage you do to us as you go down:undecided:
I agree

but Kashmir is "disputed" as you say ... so you shall have really no justification especially when world opinion will be on Indian side ...
Didn't matter during kargil and won't matter now. It will be perceived as an escalation that might lead to war and therefore the pressure will be on India to not act militarily, and on Pakistan to act immediately against whatever groups may have committed such acts.

in addition ...... (although this thing - the Indian strike, wont happen IMO) ...any Pakistani retaliation will cause Pakistan to be at the receiving end .... of a whole loads of nation who may be scared of you launching nukes at them (Israel for one) ....... a scary prospect at best
That's rather flawed reasoning - anything that destabilizes Pakistan has the potential of compromising the nukes and/or nuclear material, which is what the West fears the most, and not 'Pakistani retaliation'.

Then you have the entire prospect of the WoT in Afghanistan falling apart because the West acted tangibly against Pakistan in response to a Pakistani retaliation (no initiation) to aggression by India.

The West was more scared before Pakistan tested, and to an extent we suffered sanctions (and we knew we would suffer sanctions) but we went ahead anyway.

The West will not do anything except to apply pressure on India to not act, and on Pakistan to act against any alleged perpetrators.

In fact, if the GoP were not to retaliate, it risks becoming 'de-legitemized' in the eyes of Pakistanis, and that creates a vacuum that could be exploited by extremist groups in gaining power and control by painting the GoP as weak, ineffective and in the pocket of 'Amreeka and India'.

It goes without saying that no retaliation to military aggression by India will be political suicide for whichever party is in charge at the time.
but rest assured neither side has the politicians with the cojones to do anything:cheers: like that
The benefits are minimal to none, and the potential losses are catastrophic if escalation from either side followed such adventurism by India.

Any sane person would not need 'cojones' to realize the dangers of tempting full fledged war with such acts.
So these are your sources...lol, i dont know about PA being good in propaganda or not, but you sure are. Wikipedia is your source and some major writing from Washington DC. Seriously try better next time in showing your supremacy. Longewala is just one battle, how about Lahore or the battle at Chawinda where your army suffered a loss of nearly 100 tanks.

Pakistan did underestimated India however here is another article which gives a fair analysis on the events of 65 and not what you like to portray here. Both sides suffered loses and in the end it was a stalemate and not what you guys are taught in school "Pakistan's defeat".


Battle or lack thereof of Islamgarh!!!!

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