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'India builds 60 dams on Jehlum to deprive Pakistan of water'



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Nov 1, 2005
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'India builds 60 dams on Jehlum to deprive Pakistan of water' :taz:

LAHORE (June 06 2008): India has constructed 60 dams on River Jehlum, Chanab besides two other rivers to deprive Pakistan of water and it is expected that the country may face acute water shortage in the coming years, said the chief organiser Sindh Tass Water Council of Pakistan Mian Azizul Haq Qureshi.

Other members of the council including the chairman of the council Zahoorul Hasan Dahir, Engineer Salman were also present on the occasion. Addressing a press conference at Lahore Press Club on Thursday he said India had violated the Indian Water Basin Treaty by constructing dams on the Pakistani side of the rivers.

"India had chalked out a mega plan with the help of Jewish lobby and international NGOs to built dams on the rivers flowing towards Pakistan from Kashmir and Karghal," he said adding that at present the nation had been facing a shortage of electricity due to the shortage of water in the rivers of the country. Aziz Qureshi further said that Pakistan is a nuclear state and the rulers should take strong stance for the country instead of going for negotiations.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
^^^^We need energy Dude:undecided: ,, We are forced to build more dams for the energy and agricultural needs, we are working for the betterment of India and not the destruction of Pakistan!!!
What? You guys buy this crack, "India had chalked out a mega plan with the help of Jewish lobby and international NGOs to built dams on the rivers flowing towards Pakistan from Kashmir and Karghal."

If indeed India has violated the Indus Water Treaty, then what is stopping GoP from taking India to the court or what was stopping Musharraf from taking action? It is not like these dams were built in one day; they have been, in all likelihood, there for months to say the least. So why the fuss so out of the blue?
and don't forget next war for water .may be nukes use for water .then no india pakistan and no water:wave::wave::wave:
and don't forget next war for water .may be nukes use for water .then no india pakistan and no water:wave::wave::wave:

That isn't what I call a good thing.

The article herein has inputs from men with questionable motives; that is the real bone of contention.
and don't forget next war for water .may be nukes use for water .then no india pakistan and no water

Empty rhetoric ... This has been discussed to death .. I request the mods to merge with a previous thread dealing with water resources in Geopolitics section
sir without water also pakistan go same way to finish why not we take action for water if india will not care of our share of water why we care of india .its true india don't follow any rule without gun rule.what abut UN resulations abut kashmir
without water also pakistan go same way to finish why not we take action for water if india will not care of our share of water why we care of india .its true india don't follow any rule without gun rule.what abut UN resulations abut kashmir

The Indus Water Treaty was agreed by both India and Pakistan. If India is indeed violating the provisions of the treaty (note this hasn't been proved yet), then Pakistan can resort to legal action, the judgment of which the Indian government will obey.

The article is misleading because the motive of the gentlemen quoted is under doubt. India does not have a Jewish lobby working for its well-being.

Further, the 60 dams that have been created have been created atleast months, if not years, ago. Why is it that no voice was heard up until now?
^^^^We need energy Dude:undecided: ,, We are forced to build more dams for the energy and agricultural needs, we are working for the betterment of India and not the destruction of Pakistan!!!

Its your right to build dams as long as its not a violation of Indus Water Treaty or Indian Water Basin Treaty.

The treaty is pending for renewal, building more dams is ethically incorrect.
What? You guys buy this crack, "India had chalked out a mega plan with the help of Jewish lobby and international NGOs to built dams on the rivers flowing towards Pakistan from Kashmir and Karghal."

Why is it so surprising?

Didn't India use the "Ohh...muslims hate us too" card to establish strategic alliance with Israel against Pakistan? :disagree:

Deny if you want but there's a strong jewish lobby in India and elswhere actively working against Pakistan's interests.
Why is it so surprising?

Didn't India use the "Ohh...muslims hate us too" card to establish strategic alliance with Israel against Pakistan? :disagree:

Deny if you want but there's a strong jewish lobby in India and elswhere actively working against Pakistan's interests.

There is no reason to think that India used the "Muslims hate us too" card rather than the "We have no conflicts and each has something the other doesn't" card.
Why is it so surprising?

Didn't India use the "Ohh...muslims hate us too" card to establish strategic alliance with Israel against Pakistan? :disagree:

Deny if you want but there's a strong jewish lobby in India and elswhere actively working against Pakistan's interests.

India has 2nd largest population of Muslims so why will it hate Muslims ? Or you want to generalize not so good relations of Indians with Muslim dominated Pakistanis ?

Its true that Israel has not so good relations with Arab (Muslim) world.

Perhaps one could be inclined to think that Israel came closer to India to stop Pakistan from making Islamic Bomb ? But one cannot stop imaginations?

I guess there is no Muslim country to share its hi-tech weaponary and knowledge with India ? But India's relations with PLO and Arab world is not bad at all.
Why is it so surprising?

Didn't India use the "Ohh...muslims hate us too" card to establish strategic alliance with Israel against Pakistan? :disagree:

Deny if you want but there's a strong jewish lobby in India and elswhere actively working against Pakistan's interests.

The reason why there is so much co-operation between India and Isreal has a lot to do with Pakistan's support of the Arab countries during the two wars.

We didn't use any "card." If there is a Jewish lobby working in our favor, which I highly doubt, then it is not our creation.
Didn't India use the "Ohh...muslims hate us too" card to establish strategic alliance with Israel against Pakistan?

Something blown out by media and wannabe analysts, by your arguments Turkey should have used the same argument to establish allience with Israel. Neo standing for Palestinian cause got us nowhere except several documentary film being made, Israel is a reality and India recognised it . Is Israel giving aid to India or is it providing us weapons at subsidised cost, it is pure business. Guess what if Turkey or Burkina farso provides us with such tech we shall be willing to buy from them too . Period

Deny if you want but there's a strong jewish lobby in India and elswhere actively working against Pakistan's interests.

Yup there might be lobbyists such as Russian lobbyists trying to further trade policies other than that Israel does not have deep investments in India to have a Jewish lobby.
India has 2nd largest population of Muslims so why will it hate Muslims ? Or you want to generalize not so good relations of Indians with Muslim dominated Pakistanis ?

Where did I say that India hates muslims?? :confused:

Israel otoh does.
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