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India building defence capabilities like China: Antony

CORRECTION: Chinese is THE oldest extant language in the world (far surpassing even Sanskrit by several THOUSAND years), and possibly the oldest full-language in the world. It is the MOST spoken and written language in the world, and contains comparably more knowledge than English (with exception of perhaps in science & tech areas). Considering the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese are directly descendents (especially Kanji and Vietnamese) its user base is extremely wide.

The reason why most def.pk members don't realize its importance is because of their history of being colonialized. Do you know there are more Internet users and websites/pages that is in Chinese than English?! Open your minds, spread your horizons by learning Chinese. Benefits include: culture, friends, music, movies, science, tech, politics, business, etc.

China was already sailing and exploring the ENTIRE globe before the first stone block of the first Egyptian pyramids were laid. Just think about that. :)

If I can learn Chinese as a second language, so can others! :)


Making it up as we go along are we?
Yes tell me which industry you want a focus?

India is the world's biggest market for small cars and this is her strength in the automobile industry. I am sorry but it is not China. It is a globally accepted fact. It goes on further to say, in the coming years India's commercial and industrial strenght would lie in maintainign status quo int he small car segment which has a huge export market. I am sure India being a member of BRIC has ahuge export potential particularly to the LatAM, African and Eastern European nations.

Come challenge this.

Indian two-wheeler market is the world's biggest and it not only produces but also is the largest domestic market for world class two wheelers. Go to any African country or a LatAm country and ask them. particularly Brazil.

And yes, if you are so eager to test how much India's credit is, you should know GULSAR the fcuking copy which the Hans are trying to sell. Heights of Industrialisation....

Shuts everything up for you.


Indian IT companies like TCS, Infosys, Mahindra Satyam and HCL. I dont know if your haLf brained attiutde is going to defy this as well !!!!!!

I am amazed....

Dont counter this with Huawei and all those small software companies that you have in scores of EPZs and SEZs ...We all know the quality of Huawei and other Chinese made products requiring software technologies like the infamous Chinese Cell Phones ..

Globally people know (Particularly the US and EU, who you trade with most) that your cell phones do not have even a basic EMEI number. In todays era of Islamic Terror ...agencies around the world do not take risks , nor do governments..

So Chinese electronic goods ... A STRICT NO NO ....Brother you have to depend upon Indians to buy these mobile phones ..no one else would buy them.

And please do not tell me you have Cisco, Microsoft, Apple and other American firms having their manufacturing set up in China..

That is a simple case of taking advantage of the global economic phenomemon of division of labor and cost arbitrage...

Hope this gives you light to wriggle out of the "MADE IN CHINA" tunnel

Jai Hind

Let me give you a little reality check to your so called Indo pride;

China becomes world's largest auto maker and market
+ - 15:58, August 03, 2009

In 2009, driven by the stimulus package for auto consumption by Chinese government, China's auto sales increased by 18 percent and China became the world's largest auto producer with the world's largest auto market.

The major auto making countries and auto giants released their performance for the first half of 2009. Out with China, Germany and Brazil, the auto production and sales in the US, Japan, France, Britain, Canada and Russia decreased heavily.

Since the second half of 2008, the global auto market has been struggling with vehicle sales declining greatly. In the first half of 2009, global demand in the auto market shrank by almost 18 percent.

The global financial crisis hit the US auto industry hard. Two of its three auto giants collapsed and restructured. In the first half of 2009, American auto sales were down by 35.1 percent year-on-year. And China became the NO. 1 for auto production and sales.

Japan's vehicle sales in the first half decreased by 21.5 percent. Sales in Britain, France, Canada and Spain in the first half were also in a double-digit slump. In Russia, sales of passenger cars plunged 49 percent year-on-year.

With the subsidy policy on trade-ins by the German government, German auto sales increased by 20.9 percent year-on-year. This means that Germany was the only developed country to have a growth in auto sales in the first half of 2009.

By People's Daily Online

By the way your so called India auto production=19% of China's

One simple question to you; Why India is so far behind compare to China ?

I don't even bother to waste my time to answer the rest of your BS

claim. Let other educated members to judge for themself.

P.S. Please learn how to debate with support , not some crap out of

your wet dream.:smitten::pakistan::china:
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India will get 50 Su-30 aircraft to counter Pakistan, China: IAF chief

NEW DELHI: India will acquire fifty more 50 Su-30MKI aircrafts to counter Pakistan and China, Indian Air Force chief PV Naik said on Friday. In an interview with the Times of India, Naik said the IAF would acquire more aircraft.

The new aircraft would be in addition to the 230 fighter jets already contracted from Russia, the daily said. India has already deployed the aircraft on its border with Pakistan. The Indian Air Force has started deploying the aircraft close to the Chinese border. app
You can either:

1) become a archeologist, or join in an archeology club


2) visit a museum


3) do a search (yourself)

to get your evidence. :)

I read books. Do you?

Read "ABC etymological dictionary of old Chinese" by Axel Schuessler (ISBN: 9780824829759). A quote from that book -

The earliest records of Chinese language are the oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang dynasty from c. 1250 - 1050 BC.

And here is quote from "The Ancient Languages of Asia and the Americas" by Roger D. Woodard (ISBN: 9780521684941)talking about Rig Veda, one of the oldest Indic books -

The oldest form of Sanskrit is Vedic Sanskrit, the language of four collections of liturgical texts known as the Vedas and of the early exegetical literature on these texts. The oldest Veda is the Rig Veda, a compilation of 1028 hymns which took shape around 1500 BC in northwest India.

So, by 1500 BC Sanskrit was the language for 1028 hymns while even after 250 years, Chinese language only existed as bone inscriptions. And you said that the Chinese language originated "several THOUSAND years" before Sanskrit. Stop saying BS. It only undermines the credibility of your posts here.
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According to NASA Sanskrit is the only unambiguous spoken language on the planet.If you have ever learned Sanskrit, its grammar is so precise and perfect ! The endings are what make Sanskrit a language of math-like precision. By the endings added onto nouns or verbs, there is an obvious determination of the precise interrelationship of words describing activity of persons and things in time and space, regardless of word order.

Max Muller have pointed out that Sanskrit provides perfect examples of the unity and foundation it offers to the Celtic, Teutonic, Slavonic,Germanic and Anglo-Saxon languages, not to mention its influence on Asian languages.The transmission of Buddhism to Asia can be attributed largely to the appeal to Sanskrit.
Max Muller have pointed out that Sanskrit provides perfect examples of the unity and foundation it offers to the Celtic, Teutonic, Slavonic,Germanic and Anglo-Saxon languages, not to mention its influence on Asian languages.The transmission of Buddhism to Asia can be attributed largely to the appeal to Sanskrit.

I agree. Indeed if you look at the tree diagram of the Indo-Iranian languages you will find that how many modern languages of world are derivatives of Sanskrit.

KIT Over n Out
sigh... i love how an article about indian defense sector turns into a language contest
anyways, they are building their capabilities we all know what else is new?
India will get 50 Su-30 aircraft to counter Pakistan, China: IAF chief

NEW DELHI: India will acquire fifty more 50 Su-30MKI aircrafts to counter Pakistan and China, Indian Air Force chief PV Naik said on Friday. In an interview with the Times of India, Naik said the IAF would acquire more aircraft.

The new aircraft would be in addition to the 230 fighter jets already contracted from Russia, the daily said. India has already deployed the aircraft on its border with Pakistan. The Indian Air Force has started deploying the aircraft close to the Chinese border. app

:no:we can deploy more CJ-10 missiles at the border, indian doesn't have such missiles, no one is going to sale india any of such missiles.

we are happy to see more indian troops on our border, by doing that, india is effectively running an arm race with us -- with only 1/3 of our economy.
The common feeling in India abt China is "China and Chinese products cannot be trusted". The reason of this feeling is of course the 1962 India- China war - China attacked India at a time when India considered China as our good friend. You might have heard about the "India-China Bhai Bhai" phrase bfre the war(India -China= brother -brother).
its interesting that the indian civilians always say something just as the opposite of what their government is doing. in 1962, the indian civilians said "India-China Bhai Bhai" while their troops were advancing; and now the same thing is happening again, the indian media reporting "war to be happen in OCT 2009 or 2012 or 2020" while the government said "in spite of "occasional troubles", the Sino-Indian border was peaceful and India wanted to resolve its issues with Beijing only through negotiations."

BTW,here are some neutral document about 1962 from UK and US

And about the Chinese products , everybody knows the quality and copyright standards China following!

china produced all kinds of products, from low to hi quality. however, which one to be bought is up to the importer. westen importers found that it is the medium and hi quality products that sells best, so they bought what their customer choose. on the other hand, some importers choose the medium and the low qualities as they are cost-effective ones. hence, don't take that for granted, make in china = low quality and cheap. a pair of 6$ shooe is of course not comparable with the 60$ ones, although they both are make in china.
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There is no question that Chinese is one of the oldest civilization in the world (does it matter though I mean all practical purposes western European civilization is the most dominant and adopted civilization in the world )but what that has to do with India building defence capabilites.

it means india is not that civilized.
it means india is not that civilized.

ha ha :) i meet u again with the civilized comment on another thread :what:

have a great discussion man :cheers: you add a lot of humor to the topic with ur posts but just be more precise and elaborate on what u say with proof & links :rofl:

i mean why do you think we are not civilized ?
According to NASA Sanskrit is the only unambiguous spoken language on the planet.If you have ever learned Sanskrit, its grammar is so precise and perfect ! The endings are what make Sanskrit a language of math-like precision. By the endings added onto nouns or verbs, there is an obvious determination of the precise interrelationship of words describing activity of persons and things in time and space, regardless of word order.

Sanskrit is not unambiguous if you are speaking logically. Panini's grammar for Sanskrit is... If you accept that as Sanskrit then sanskrit indeed is unambiguous.
have you guys reported that troller. although i'm not an indian, i felt really really uncomfortable about some comments. a toller deserve to be banned if he kept insulting, otherwise every thread will be ruined.
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Every thread has been ruined..he was banned once for this but it seems the mods have no problem with letting him go on now.
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