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India-Bangladesh Relations: The way forward

India-Bangladesh Relations: Are the Carrots Working?

On 31 July, India's TATA announced its withdrawal from a US$3 billion investment plan for Bangladesh. After four years of negotiations with the Indian conglomerate, the Bangladeshi government failed to reach a consensus with TATA executives over the gas supply assurance. Following the announcement, Bangladeshi industry has been quite vocal in blaming the government for losing such a lucrative deal.

The TATA investment plan, if it had succeeded, would have been bigger than the total FDI Bangladesh has seen since its independence. Declining the largest infusion of FDI ever attempted in Bangladesh will have a negative impact on potential investors, agree Bangladeshi economists. The lack of interest on Bangladesh's part in the deal, obviously, stems from a deeper reason than a purely economic one.

Bangladesh, which earlier was largely a pro-India neighbour, is now systematically cutting off its ties with New Delhi. Today, Bangladesh has better relations, both economic and military, with China and has even been accused of supporting Pakistan in many anti-Indian activities. Clearly there is something wrong going on with Indian foreign policy towards Bangladesh. It is therefore, time to look at Indian strategy and question how India can improve its relations with Dhaka.

Over the past few years, India has made many attempts to improve its relations with Bangladesh and has offered many deals that were far more beneficial to Bangladesh than India. However, more often than not, these deals have been rebuffed by Dhaka. The best example of such an offer was the proposed FTA (free trade agreement) between India and Bangladesh, according to which, Bangladesh would have been able to trade with India without trade restrictions both nations place on other countries. India has similar FTAs with Sri Lanka and Bhutan which have been quite advantageous for those countries.

A recent study by the World Bank has explicitly stated that a FTA with India would benefit Bangladesh, while for India, the gains were small. It explained that for Bangladesh the consumer gain from such an agreement would prove significantly beneficial while India, on purely economic terms, is better off following a non-biased tariff policy towards all countries. However, Bangladesh continues to avoid the topic of FTA, seeking instead a multilateral framework under SAARC. Such a framework, however, may not even take off given Indo-Pak problems.

Even on the FDI front, TATA is not a stand-alone case. India currently has at least three major commercial projects in Bangladesh in the fields of pharmaceuticals and recycling plastic and metal scraps that are facing regulatory difficulties. Further, as of November 2007, India has removed prohibition on investment in India by citizens of Bangladesh, yet no reciprocal gesture has been made by Dhaka. Bangladesh also still refuses to allow the laying of a gas pipeline between Myanmar and India through Bangladesh, which would have not only given it an opportunity to earn revenue through transit fees but also utilize some of the gas transported through the country.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh continues to invite other countries, especially China to take on oil and gas exploration in its territory. In 2007, a Bangladeshi envoy to China invited Beijing to develop its oil sector. Further, in July 2008, Bangladesh awarded rights to offshore exploration in the Bay of Bengal to two US- and Ireland-based companies, despite the blocks being under dispute between India, Bangladesh and Myanmar.

The refusing of India's goodwill gestures is not limited only to commerce. In November, 2007 when Bangladesh was wrecked byCyclone Sidr, India offered to lend IAF helicopters for search and rescue operations. Dhaka, however, turned down this offer and instead sought US help and consequently, two US Navy amphibious assault ships were deployed to Bangladesh.

There can be many reasons for Dhaka refusing such gestures from India, even at the cost of apparent national interest. Foremost among these is the volatile domestic politics of Dhaka that has bogged the government down, lest it be accused of being "India-friendly." It can be also argued that Bangladesh feeling insecure towards it huge encircling neighbour, is likely to seek help from other countries in an attempt to thwart any possible threat India may pose towards it. Bangladesh could also well be playing the age-old diplomacy game of pitting one big nation against its rival, in this case India against China.

Whatever the reasons might be, the bottom-line for New Delhi is that it is not getting results on the Bangladesh front. Only, when India increases its economic presence in Bangladesh and develops closer relations, can it address the much more important issues of security and trade. India has to approach Dhaka with much more aggressiveness and a greater sense of urgency.

Maybe it is time for India to change its strategy. What India requires is a closer look at what other tools of international relations India can use to get Dhaka to the negotiating table. If the carrots do not work, is it time to look for a stick?

Articles #2644 , India-Bangladesh Relations: Are the Carrots Working?

Carrot diplomacy will not work on Bangladesh which worked enormously for India with other south asian countries including Myanmar. India needs to understand that. Bangladesh will always work under equal terms.... :whistle::whistle:

Bandho, the article asserts that bangladesh is unable to respond due to 1) insecurity if feels regarding india, 2) the internal politics (where india is a divisive issue and and a useful scapegoat).

in such cases, how will relations improve as bangladesh does not want to improve them? what is unequal abt FTA? or equal abt not accepting indian aid but USAs? you must also realise these issues in your own country and psyche that are a hindrance. just look at the sheer hatred on show here by some bangladeshis, do you see than in many indians?

Wait wait!!

There are NO armed Chakma rebels, yet.

They are only in refugee camps scattered around NE India. And whether they stay their or move back to Bangladesh to reclaim :guns: their ancestral lands, totally depends on the Bangladeshi govt., not us.

Remind you there are 3million Bengali illegals too, as an added bonus.

What you are writing here on Chakmas are lie to its core. I am not going to fall for your ignorant flame baiting. Not to mention you have proven your bigoted mindset.
What you are writing here on Chakmas are lie to its core. I am not going to fall for your ignorant flame baiting. Not to mention you have proven your bigoted mindset.

Good excuse to maintain your cover.

Bangladeshi army and armed bangladeshi civilians caused a genocide of Chakmas that drove them into NE India.

Answer this --- Who took the lands evacuated by the Chakmas?
Bandho, the article asserts that bangladesh is unable to respond due to 1) insecurity if feels regarding india, 2) the internal politics (where india is a divisive issue and and a useful scapegoat).

in such cases, how will relations improve as bangladesh does not want to improve them? what is unequal abt FTA? or equal abt not accepting indian aid but USAs? you must also realise these issues in your own country and psyche that are a hindrance. just look at the sheer hatred on show here by some bangladeshis, do you see than in many indians?

Article iajdani posted was done by an indian to reflect indian prospective. Writing has nothing to do real issues on the ground. Real issues were:

1) Tata wants gas supply for 20 years when Bangladesh does not have reserve for that long.

2) Tata wants to pay only fraction of what gas price is in internation market.Even much less than india proposed to pay bringing Iranian gas to india (excluding tranport and transit cost).

3) Which means Bangladeshi tax payers has to import gas at intl rate and subsidize billions of dollars for tata's profit.

4) Tata didn't want to pay tax and income tax for 10-30 years.

Tata intention and proposal was not much of a investment idea but was a scheme for plundering Bangladesh resource and tax payers money. Mostly a colonial trait.
Article iajdani posted was done by an indian to reflect indian prospective. Writing has nothing to do real issues on the ground. Real issues were:

1) Tata wants gas supply for 20 years when Bangladesh does not have reserve for that long.

2) Tata wants to pay only fraction of what gas price is in internation market.Even much less than india proposed to pay bringing Iranian gas to india (excluding tranport and transit cost).

3) Which means Bangladeshi tax payers has to import gas at intl rate and subsidize billions of dollars for tata's profit.

4) Tata didn't want to pay tax and income tax for 10-30 years.

Tata intention and proposal was not much of a investment idea but was a scheme for plundering Bangladesh resource and tax payers money. Mostly a colonial trait.

Idune, please stop making it a habit of shooting the messenger, it does not matter who the writer is, an indian or a tagore loving muslim named mushrik or a real momin like some here. he posted an article, i raised points raised in the article, i hope you get it.

tatas obviously have profit motive (hello!), and i don't know the details of what they discussed. but i did not raise tatas issue, i raised specific issues of bangladesh's internal politics affecting their relationship with india and the FTA issue. on the one hand you talk of trade barriers, but don't want the FTA. understand what i was asking.
Idune, please stop making it a habit of shooting the messenger, it does not matter who the writer is, an indian or a tagore loving muslim named mushrik or a real momin like some here. he posted an article, i raised points raised in the article, i hope you get it.

tatas obviously have profit motive (hello!), and i don't know the details of what they discussed. but i did not raise tatas issue, i raised specific issues of bangladesh's internal politics affecting their relationship with india and the FTA issue. on the one hand you talk of trade barriers, but don't want the FTA. understand what i was asking.

Its very much matter who wrote an article when key and crucial elements of investments were left out from analysis to push indian agenda. So no its not “shooting the messenger” but my post was pointing out how deceitful those dime a dozen indian originated analysis were hiding the facts on ground.

As for FTA, india already enjoys $10 billion unilateral trade surplus and FTA will further widen that trade gap. So no country should allow such unilateral trade invasion.

On top of that india does not even allow Bangladeshi batteries to be sold in indian market, so Bangladesh shouldn’t have any reason to trust india with FTA.

Now that real topics out of the way…you seems to taken queue from other Indians who love to exploit their religious hatred against Muslims and Islam. Your use of Mushrik and Momin promote that bigot overtone.

Note for MOD
I have not seen any reaction from MOD about continuous abuse on Muslim sensitivities by Indians. SO my question would be is that been allowed? Because if that is the case there are many choice of words can be used.
the ships that broke down were chinese and not indian raquib....you wrote that yourself!

we wont force you to buy anything...that your govt doesnt need...GoB wouldn't pay if they are not satisfied...and dont worry..no matter what you feel...theres going to be no indo-bangla war...

Sorry dude, I apologize for that...... And I'm not talking a possible war would take place but Bangladesh neither can buy military hardwares from India 'cause its itself surrounded by India so, India comes first as a threat...no offense... Bangladesh rather looks for Chinese, Russian and Western military hardware........ And by the way, Bangladesh doesnt need any assistance in building ships since its a major ship-builder in the world and it is also on the way to jointly build warships with Pakistan.
First of this was news already posted, try reading the thread from the begining before posting.

It's probably you that dont want these weapons, but you are not the one who is going to decide. It will be evaluated by your defence ministry and army. I am pretty sure you they will make right choice for BD. As far those warships are converned, please can you provide some links to your claim. Plus cyclone is not small tropical storm.

and its neither only the govt whos gonna decide... what do you think the Army will approve this proposal?? And what do you mean by "make right choice" while we're buying hardwares from our best ally China and the Western countries??? and by the way, I apologize that those werent Indian-made warships, but to let you know, Bangladesh Navy did not face any trouble when the Cyclone Sidr hit the Bay of Bengal, rather they came forward to help the victims, while the Myanmar navy got their warships destroyed when they got hit by "Nargis"....
and its neither only the govt whos gonna decide... what do you think the Army will approve this proposal??

It will be up to your army's evaluation Committee and if they see it fity they will buy it. Look at recent DRDO sale to Ecuadore for some info.

And what do you mean by "make right choice" while we're buying hardwares from our best ally China and the Western countries???

India did beat Americans and Europeans for sale to Ecuadore and there must been good reason they baught that. Your army will put thier and BD's interest first before ally's and they will make choice based of thier needs.

and by the way, I apologize that those werent Indian-made warships, but to let you know, Bangladesh Navy did not face any trouble when the Cyclone Sidr hit the Bay of Bengal, rather they came forward to help the victims, while the Myanmar navy got their warships destroyed when they got hit by "Nargis"....

No hard feelings :cheers: I believe it was Chinese ships that were give to Mayamar but I am not sure. I will try to find an link on this matter.
It will be up to your army's evaluation Committee and if they see it fity they will buy it. Look at recent DRDO sale to Ecuadore for some info.

India did beat Americans and Europeans for sale to Ecuadore and there must been good reason they baught that. Your army will put thier and BD's interest first before ally's and they will make choice based of thier needs.

No hard feelings :cheers: I believe it was Chinese ships that were give to Mayamar but I am not sure. I will try to find an link on this matter.

well, you can beat 'em in numbers, but I'm sure not in quality, no offense....... Bangladesh didnt have any military excercise with India, we dont even go to India for training... the 1st excercise which was being held from 21st February '09 was canceled after the BDR mutiny.... in a word, Bangladesh doesnt have a good military ties with India at all.... the army will not approve this proposal.... and Ecuadore is not surrounded by India, but Bangladesh is!!
well, you can beat 'em in numbers, but I'm sure not in quality, no offense....... Bangladesh didnt have any military excercise with India, we dont even go to India for training... the 1st excercise which was being held from 21st February '09 was canceled after the BDR mutiny.... in a word, Bangladesh doesnt have a good military ties with India at all.... the army will not approve this proposal.... and Ecuadore is not surrounded by India, but Bangladesh is!!

As far quality is concerned, Indian Army is the biggest critic of DRDO. If indian arny inducted thier helicopters and weapons means they are well tested. I would be the first one to admit that India and BD's army relationships has not been the strogest but you cant label not strong relationships as hostile relationships. I find the concept of India attacking BD almost comical. Yes BD is surrounded by India but it only means that we areyour closest and biggest neigbour, nothing else. India has already lots of problems with it's internal militency and external militency and it does not need another issue on it's hand. I truly see BD and India making great strides together.
Its very much matter who wrote an article when key and crucial elements of investments were left out from analysis to push indian agenda. So no its not “shooting the messenger” but my post was pointing out how deceitful those dime a dozen indian originated analysis were hiding the facts on ground.

As for FTA, india already enjoys $10 billion unilateral trade surplus and FTA will further widen that trade gap. So no country should allow such unilateral trade invasion.

On top of that india does not even allow Bangladeshi batteries to be sold in indian market, so Bangladesh shouldn’t have any reason to trust india with FTA.

Now that real topics out of the way…you seems to taken queue from other Indians who love to exploit their religious hatred against Muslims and Islam. Your use of Mushrik and Momin promote that bigot overtone.

Note for MOD
I have not seen any reaction from MOD about continuous abuse on Muslim sensitivities by Indians. SO my question would be is that been allowed? Because if that is the case there are many choice of words can be used.

10 billion? ok never mind. i know where those figures come from. so you don't want FTA that will let you sell your batteries but your are crying abt some 'trade barriers'! is there an end to your hypocricy?

Muslims and islam are as indian as they are bangladeshi, so nice try. I just used that word from your friend's posts, you LOVE his posts, what happened?

India Bangladesh friendship on equal terms is a good idea imo, minus the influx of illegals. That will help in stabilizing South-Asia and keep outer powers (China etc. ) at bay.

But Bangladesh should also not forget that there is a huge Bangladeshi/Chakma mess that India is handling on their behalf, which ones pushed back can bring entire Bangladesh to its knees. Not that I'm threatening.

No trolling dude... we had discussed those matters millions of times with enough documents. So called illegal is Assamese /Bengali conflicts and a huge destabilizing factors in this region. Indian beggar is India's problem not BD's.
Regarding China, yes they will be here with Bangladesh as they are benificial to us and none of India's business.

Bandho, the article asserts that bangladesh is unable to respond due to 1) insecurity if feels regarding india, 2) the internal politics (where india is a divisive issue and and a useful scapegoat).

in such cases, how will relations improve as bangladesh does not want to improve them? what is unequal abt FTA? or equal abt not accepting indian aid but USAs? you must also realise these issues in your own country and psyche that are a hindrance. just look at the sheer hatred on show here by some bangladeshis, do you see than in many indians?

Well its not about insecurity but there are terms, how India proceeds. Regarding FTA, there are some controversy ofcourse as our economy is smaller than India and we have to be very carefull in signing those treaties.
We had very bitter experience in the past when dealing with India. For instance when Farakkah was built, India said they will open it for a test run and will settle the sharing issue before it goes in full operation. That test run never stopped and it took 30 years to get the deal signed even most people think the deal gone in favor of Indian.
Now second major case. When we signed the treaty on exchanging land for corridore, Bangladesh gave its part of the land but India holded its part back. Even though they finally handed it over after 35 years of intense negotiation, but we dont have any control on that corridore and people can only commute 6 hours a day.
We wanted some of our products' preferential access to Indian market as we have a huge trade deficit with India but India all the time drags its feet. But it was China who just gave the same to BD even without a negotiation when our PM visited China as a goodwill gesture.
Again the negative propaganda originated from India does not make us feel any good. These are done intentionally to demenize BD in international forums. Any indian newspaper starts the first word "Impoverished Nation/Failed State" as to refer Bangladesh without really realizing how Successfull and rich India is. There is a big slogan in our political culture "Somebody trying to make us a Failed States". You know who they are referring to.

Not taking Indian help. It depends what kind of help it is. BD did take Indian help regarding 37 mln dollar in rehabilitating some villages even though money is still not here. We did take help from IAF regarding helicopters in 80's flood but your flying machines did not have fuel to fly and BD had to send them back. It was embarrasing for both the countries. Also Indian help comes with BIG TALK and we dont want that kind of help tell you the truth. Americans came and goes but they will ever hardly mention about some humanitarian help ever provided by them but If it were India ... HUH .. I dont want to go any further... :blah: :blah:
Tata deal is still good if they go with Coal and abandon fertilizer factory. We even cant supply enough gas to our own factories. Also our own investor are saying, they will invest the same amount of mony if they were given the same preferences that Tata was asking for. Basically they already did on Steel sector.

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