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Guys please control your language, I donno why but some senior members are also using some harsh lang and please don't just bash about the history everyone has bad and gud.

I donno why the :mod: mod is still not closing this thread, This thread is totally goin off topic and will only raise hate between the two.

I think you should contact the Indian High Commission in Dhaka and ask for several copies to be sent to India. Alternatively contact The Bookworm in Dhaka -

The Bookworm, 'Twin Peaks' Complex, Old Airport, Tejgaon, Dhaka Bangladesh. Tel: 9120387. Fax: 880-2-8828595.


Hii.. Is it a compilation of the following words? Coz i have never seen u posting anything other than these words or something similar to these.

If yes the guy who requested can save some money over it.

Oh dear whats happening in Kashmir?!!! :coffee:

India falling apart at the seams

The article that started the thread was written by two Indians. So now we have Indians calling other Indians stupid. As I said before the whole idea of India-Bangladesh strategic alignment is stupid so we are in agreement on one thing at least.

Indians are only bullies in this neighborhood because they have the numbers which makes them a little brave. All that is required is a loud shout at them and Indians cower in their corner.

Bangladesh is doing well enough with out Indian investment and interference in the economy. Bangladesh should look to China, US and Europe for investment and India can go to hell.

Do you come from a family of stupid people? :hitwall: :angry::angry::angry:

The picture shows Ashoka taking advice from Chanayka while negotiating with other dignitaries. Chanayka is still central to Indian thinking and especially in its intelligence, military and foreign services. The cover page is very much pertinent but I guess a moron would not see that.

"If New Delhi is seriously keen to establish a ‘Pax Indica’ in her neighbourhood and firmly proclaim its dominance vis-à-vis China, then these kinds of diplomatic maneuvers are essential. They say: ‘when you cannot defeat them, just buy them’."

This sentence appears in the original article that started this thread. It suggests that India is still striving for an Akhand Bharat and that Sheikh Hasina is susceptible to bribery to comprise on the national interest and our sovereignty.

Pax Indica means a region dominated and controlled by India. In other words a Akhand Bharat. Physical absorption is not required as long as there is control.

The disintegration of India is inevitable. It is an unnatural conglomeration of religions, languages, ethnicity and castes. It simply could not hold itself together unless it had external enemies such as Pakistan and China. Therefore a strategic alliance with India is not in the long term interests of Bangladesh.

Cheers buddy . It was a genuine question and i expect you take it that way. And please dont hit back with your same old stupid statements against people asking something, because we have seen enough of it already.
Originally Posted by BENNY
"Hii.. Is it a compilation of the following words? Coz i have never seen u posting anything other than these words or something similar to these.

If yes the guy who requested can save some money over it."

Benny, you got a point. See what he says about Chanakya and Ashoka as he has depicted on the cover:

Originally Posted by MBI Munshi View Post
Do you come from a family of stupid people
"The picture shows Ashoka taking advice from Chanayka while negotiating with other dignitaries. Chanayka is still central to Indian thinking and especially in its intelligence, military and foreign services. The cover page is very much pertinent but I guess a moron would not see that."

Now even the biggest moron has to accept that Chanakya was adviser to Chandragupta (340 BCE-298 BCE). As somebody on this thread; put it very succinctly-- maybe he advised Ashoka's "bhoot"!
Seeing this kind of misinformation and misrepresentation, even Ashoka's "bhoot" is likely to give up "non-violence".
If this is on the cover, what is likely to be inside ?
Bengali culture belong to west Bengal. We are Bangladeshi and our culture based on Islamic principals unless you are a Hindu or other none-Muslim minorities. :coffee:

You are unbeatable AL-Zakir. :rofl:

I am in a good mood today.. ;)

I agree with you on this point.


How can he be popular in Bd since I can not even mention one of his song though I heard this name before. Don't make sense of your claim.:tdown:

Sorry I meant his father SD Burman. RD Burman is equally popular.
I am sorry that you did not hear Burman familly.. Just ask your Pakistani friends, they know better. He was a legend in Bombay and hindi cinema. Also a Bengali legend born in Braman Baria/Comilla Bangladesh same place as Ustad Alauddin Kha.

Some of his Bengali Masterpiece.

Some of his Bengali Folk songs

RD Burman
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@ iajdani
Thanks for posting. S.D. Burman is an outstanding example of the talent that was born in the region that is now the Republic of Bangla Desh. As is Ustad Allaudin Khansaheb and Kazi Nazrul Islam and Laalan Fakir. i do not have to be a citizen of Bangla Desh to admire their greatness and recognise their contributions to humanity.
BTW, if Al-Zakir and any of his "friends" wish to appropriate these great personalities as their exclusive property and creations, that is fine.

AFAIK, you belong to the Republic of Bangla Desh, not a Dominion of Bangla Desh; inspite of the protracted exertions of some people here.

Just for that reason (among others), you have my respect.
Iaj, here is a more recent example, penned by Rudra Mohammad, sung by Kabir Suman and Sabina.

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Hii.. Is it a compilation of the following words? Coz i have never seen u posting anything other than these words or something similar to these.

If yes the guy who requested can save some money over it.

Cheers buddy . It was a genuine question and i expect you take it that way. And please dont hit back with your same old stupid statements against people asking something, because we have seen enough of it already.

What I write on this forum it is extempore. What I have written in the book is deeply considered and thoroughly researched. You do not expect someone to sound like a book when they make off the cuff comments on a live forum like this.
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I think you should contact the Indian High Commission in Dhaka and ask for several copies to be sent to India.

As I said sarcasm apart.Anyways The High Commission at Dhaka is closer to you than it is to me...
Alternatively contact The Bookworm in Dhaka -

The Bookworm, 'Twin Peaks' Complex, Old Airport, Tejgaon, Dhaka Bangladesh. Tel: 9120387. Fax: 880-2-8828595.


hmmm...I will try calling them..As I can see,the book is written in Bangla ...It also says that it is a Bangla translation.You must be having that book in English as well.....Do you have e-copy of it??
Hindus were ruled by Muslim invader for 1000 year. It is unlikely that Bharat Hindus has forgotten this painful history. Your angry reaction proved my point that Bharati Hindus are taking revenge on Muslims in Bharat to score historical event. You leaders are dreaming to do the same on us with the help of Hindu minded Awami Munafiq dalals but we have made it clear in past that we are anti submissive to Hindu. Hence, no Hindus will rule over Bangladeshi Muslims. You can try with Awami but they will die trying. :smokin: :sniper:

Firstly,someday I might puke at your ignorance.From the time starting from early 700A.D ,India as we see it today,was never ruled by any Muslim ruler in its entirety.The largest amount of territory was under the rule of Aurangzeb,and he too could not control the Maratha in the west and the Sikhs in the north.

You not only need a doctor,but also a good teacher who can teach you history.

Secondly,Muslim rulers indeed ruled parts of India including Bengal and many people converted their faith to Islam.If you have origin in Bangladesh,then you are one of them.

Thirdly,the Muslims in India are as much a part of India,as anybody else in India is.So,the vengeance factor,or the idea of revenge in missing.We don't take pride in Taj Mahal or Charminar,as well as Minakshi temple just without a reason........
Hindus were ruled by Muslim invader for 1000 year.

Oh cut the Cr@p already! Medieval chest thumping. The Pakistanis at least have this lame reason of them coming from central/west Asia. Bangladeshi muslims don't have any. They were the Buddists and Hindus forcefully converted by muslims. It is something you really cannot be proud of.
Oh cut the Cr@p already! Medieval chest thumping. The Pakistanis at least have this lame reason of them coming from central/west Asia. Bangladeshi muslims don't have any. They were the Buddists and Hindus forcefully converted by muslims. It is something you really cannot be proud of.

Who were them Muslims who forcefully converts us from Hindu and Buddhist? If we all were converts from Hindu and Buddhist then how how come were allergic to Hinduism and Buddhism genius? :undecided:

By the way, Farsi was official language of Bengal even during the British raj so something doesn't add up Hindu. :coffee:
Who were them Muslims who forcefully converts us from Hindu and Buddhist? If we all were converts from Hindu and Buddhist then how how come were allergic to Hinduism and Buddhism genius? :undecided:

By the way, Farsi was official language of Bengal even during the British raj so something doesn't add up Hindu. :coffee:

Listen u idiot dont tell this to hindus and buddhists living in Bangladesh.....and use little grey matter before ur verbal diarrhoea. You deserve saudi arabia rather than US ehh.....a clear case of contraceptive failure.......:tdown:
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Listen u idiot dont tell this to hindus and buddhists living in Bangladesh.....and use little grey matter before ur verbal diarrhoea. You deserve saudi arabia rather than US ehh.....a clear case of contraceptive failure.......:tdown:
I think he meant "If they were forcefully converted,they would naturally hate the religion to which they are converted and love the original one,but the reality is that they hate hinduism so they are not forcefully converted"
I think he meant "If they were forcefully converted,they would naturally hate the religion to which they are converted and love the original one,but the reality is that they hate hinduism so they are not forcefully converted"

going by ur logic every muslim should hate hindus in subcontinent......to prove that he was not forcefully converted isn't it......:what:

newys i leave this topic....not my cup of tea........
Hindus were ruled by Muslim invader for 1000 year. It is unlikely that Bharat Hindus has forgotten this painful history. Your angry reaction proved my point that Bharati Hindus are taking revenge on Muslims in Bharat to score historical event.
If Hindus wanted to take revenge for the Muslim rule,they could have made india a hindu nation like napal,which would be an apt revenge.But india was made a secular nation.Anyone who do injustice based on religion here is doing it against the constitution of india.
You leaders are dreaming to do the same on us with the help of Hindu minded Awami Munafiq dalals but we have made it clear in past that we are anti submissive to Hindu. Hence, no Hindus will rule over Bangladeshi Muslims. You can try with Awami but they will die trying. :smokin: :sniper:
Have awami league done anything to bring any part of Hinduism in Bangladesh?They are secular in nature and may try to avoid religion in politics and is that what you call Hindu minded?Your problem is that you cant accept secularism where religion is seperate from state and you clearly wants Bangladesh to be an Islamic state.But instead of speaking against secularism in favour of theocracy,you conveniently bash hindu mindedness of awami league comprising >80% muslims.
Just be frank that you dont want a secular bangladesh but an islamic bangladesh.Dont try to induce Hinduism in awami league in the place of secularism.
On topic;India and Indians should wholeheartedly support our brothers
of awami league who want to maintain a progressive and secular bangladesh like turkey where all religions are equal in front of state.We should also help awami league in their struggle against religious fanatics who want to make Bangladesh a theocracy where one religion is preferred over other by constitution.We cannot have a stable region if India and Bangladesh become hindu or islamic states respectively.
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