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I am a South Indian. Muslims never succeeded in ruling Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

By the way, I am non religious and having a Hindu background, I know the shortcomings of the religion. But bragging about muslims ruling India for 1000yrs that too by a Bengali is quite immature. That's the reason I replied.

If you are not an Acchyut, then stop bullying us by uttering those forcible conversion crap.

Eaton made adiscussion on different views and different possibilities, or all views and all the possibilites about the muslim population of Bengal. He did not decide anything. But, did he have the right to make a conclusion without knowing the political history of Bengal? Can any one's theory be accepted as it is because he is a white Englishman?

Moreover, English took away the political power from the Muslims. So, it cannot be regarded as unusual if they try to degrade muslims to infuse confidence among the Hindus and help them in administrating the country. This really happened all along after the Plassey.
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Eaton made adiscussion on different views and different possibilities, or all views and all the possibilites about the muslim population of Bengal. He did not decide anything. But, did he have the right to make a conclusion without knowing the political history of Bengal? Can any one's theory be accepted as it is because he is a white?

Well going through the first chpater confuses the hell out of me.
First it talked about Munda people up to 500 BC, primary occupation of Agriculture. From there on Its Indo-Aryan intrusion with more advance agricultural technology. There is no mention of Dravid which is the main stock of current Bengali population. Neither it ever mentioned that hunting was one of the main profession in this region till 1000 AD. It made reference to Vedic scripture written by bhramin to back its claim up..

I gave up reading.. If I had time I might try later again.
Eaton's book is well researched and deserves to be taken seriously. If he is white so what? That is not a good enough reason to reject his book. If you are too dumb to comprehend his book then that is your lacking in education. I read the book from cover to cover with out any problem.
Eaton's book is well researched and deserves to be taken seriously. If he is white so what? That is not a good enough reason to reject his book. If you are too dumb to comprehend his book then that is your lacking in education. I read the book from cover to cover with out any problem.

Well its worth a reading no doubt..
As I said the first chapter confuse the hell out of me.. Yours thought?
Honestly this kind of polarization in Bangladesh is really sad.

You don't accuse the other side of treason , just because you can't agree with their political views.

This "AL is selling BD to India". Story was written more of the Benefit of the BD reader rather then Foreigners.

India does not have the competence to be as devilish as people tend to suggest.

Stop using India as a demon for your internal scare politics.

Actual BD foreign policy is to leverage both India and China. that's the smart thing to do, Keeps BD out military scuffles and leverages maximum economic benefit.
Well going through the first chpater confuses the hell out of me.
First it talked about Munda people up to 500 BC, primary occupation of Agriculture. From there on Its Indo-Aryan intrusion with more advance agricultural technology. There is no mention of Dravid which is the main stock of current Bengali population. Neither it ever mentioned that hunting was one of the main profession in this region till 1000 AD. It made reference to Vedic scripture written by bhramin to back its claim up..

I gave up reading.. If I had time I might try later again.
These white English guys came here to spend holidays and did not do any research on the subject they were dealing with. About Dravid stock in Bengal look what the famous Historian Rakhaldas Banaerjy wrote in his BANGALAR ITIHASH, Mongolian stock of people came from the north, Dravidians came from the south and the Negro looking people came from Choto Nagpur. These three groups mixed together to form the main core of Bangali and are the main ancestors of Bangali. To this group was added the Aryans from west--------.

R. Banerjee was talking about the original Hindu population of Bengal, and not Muslims. This Eaton was an armchaired anthrologist, did not do any field research. Perhaps, he asked his Peons to get some local information. But, even then he did not make any conclusion about the muslims, although he intentionally tried to degrade them.

I would like to ask one question to all the Acchyut & Dalit Hindus of India, who regularly bash the Muslims in this Forum by telling of forced conversion of their past relatives. Why the Muslims should have chosen only their same-blooded Acchyuts to convert to Islam by force, and why the Muslims did not force the Brahmin & Kayasthas to accept Islam?

What was the problem? Muslim swords could equally cut the Brahmin heads, too, isn't it? They could cut the throats of Brahmin men and take away their daughters and widows in marriage. Was it a problem then? If the Muslims did not do these heineous things to Brahmins, then how come they would do so to some inferior illiterate caste?

I would like to ask the Acchyut Hindus to answer my question.
What was the problem? Muslim swords could equally cut the Brahmin heads, too, isn't it? They could cut the throats of Brahmin men and take away their daughters and widows in marriage. Was it a problem then? If the Muslims did not do these heineous things to Brahmins, then how come they would do so to some inferior illiterate caste?

I would like to ask the Acchyut Hindus to answer my question.

Actually Muslims swords cut the throats not only of Brahmins but also of Buddhist monks. Look at how these Kaffirs were slaughtered at Nalanda University.

Muslim warriors proudly called themselves "But-Shikan", which means "smasher of Buddha" ... they used to smash the idols which Kaffirs used to worship.

As regards why only untouchables converted ... firstly that is not true. Even the Brahmins could not resist the sword ... there are so many Muslims with surnames like Bhat or Butt. These are Brahmin converts.

Secondly it could be that some Brahmins were more steeped in their traditions, which could have made them more resistant to the true wisdom of Islam.
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Actually Muslims swords cut the throats not only of Brahmins but also of Buddhist monks. Look at how these Kaffirs were slaughtered at Nalanda University.

Muslim warriors proudly called themselves "But-Shikan", which means "smasher of Buddha" ... they used to smash the idols which Kaffirs used to worship.

As regards why only untouchables converted ... firstly that is not true. Even the Brahmins could not resist the sword ... there are so many Muslims with surnames like Bhat or Butt. These are Brahmin converts.

Secondly it could be that some Brahmins were more steeped in their traditions, which could have made them more resistant to the true wisdom of Islam.

There is no Bhutt in E. Bengal. Its Mukerjee and Banerjee etc which is Bengali Bhramins.
Why you guys bringing reference of Northern India to back your claim that E. Bengal conversion were violent.
Nalanda university massacre was a heinous thing Khilji did by buring our 1000 years old books and history. Yet Nalanda university lost its zeal after the fall of Pala dynasty and was merely surviving under Sena who was not a patron to that university.
There is no Bhutt in E. Bengal. Its Mukerjee and Banerjee etc which is Bengali Bhramins.
Why you guys bringing reference of Northern India to back your claim that E. Bengal conversion were violent.
Nalanda university massacre was a heinous thing Khilji did by buring our 1000 years old books and history. Yet Nalanda university lost its zeal after the fall of Pala dynasty and was merely surviving under Sena who was not a patron to that university.

The reason I called the guy scoundrel, this guy should be up in the same league with Attila and others if there is any truth in Minhaj-i-Siraj's chronicle.
The following seems like a warning to Hasina to stay away from China or else.


Bangladesh: Feel for the Stones When Crossing the River

By Bhaskar Roy

“Feel for the stones when crossing the river” is an old Chinese strategic saying. Mao Zedong used this philosophy in his own strategies, and it has been used in his strategic writings. It is a caution to a commander or even an emperor, that when conducting a military expedition or crafting relationship with another country, every step must be critically considered as one misstep can result in wiping away an entire army and cause immense damage to a kingdom. A river bed is not necessarily smooth and the ordinary eye cannot see it. Hence each step must be tested for its firmness.

The Awami League government led by Prime Minster Sk. Hasina, inherited a country a year and half ago which was in tatters in more ways than one. Terrorism and distorted Islam practioners a.k.a. fundamentalists had taken roots thanks to the BNP – Jamaat-e-Islami (JEI) rule of the previous government. Unbridled corruption had sucked the country’s vitals. And its international reputation had plummeted like never before. The rights of women were put in a grinder, even though the Prime Minister, Begum Khaleda Zia was a woman.

In the course of just 18 months Sk. Hasina has succeeded in turning the country around. She has laid the course for the millennium development goal, energized the industrial sector, made new structure to augment the power sector, reduced corruption drastically, attacked terrorism and fundamentalism at their roots. Sk. Hasina’s basic platform was counter-terrorism and development.

Bangladesh observers may ask why did she attach so much attention to counter-terrorism in the beginning when so many other issues were begging attention? The answer is clear. Terrorism was not an issue by itself. It was the spearhead of a much larger political issue which attacked the fundamentals of the country’s history and culture which in turn stratified development.

Sk. Hasina’s foreign policy was meticulously structured, and should be a subject of research by students of international relations and parties of developing countries. Bangladeshi terrorism had become not only a national issue but a concern for countries even in the developed world. Under the BNP-JEI government Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism was invited in to serve the politics of the individuals and political parties of the day. At one point of time in 2004-05 Bangladesh was on an international watch list for countries sponsoring terrorism.

Al Qaida cadres visited Chittagong towards the end of 2006 looking for new bases. Pakistan’s Laskar-e-Toiba (LET), Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami (HUJI) and Hizbul Mujahidin found abode along with home grown terrorist like Jamiatul Mujahidin Bangladesh (JMB), who targeted not only India but had plans for the west. At one point of time there were more than 120 such organizations in the country functioning with the blessings of the power that be at the time.

The Awami League led government has succeeded in breaking the backbone of most of these organizations, but complete eradication will take a long time, if ever. They continue to enjoy the blessings of their earlier mentors who have their people still in the bureaucracy and financial institutions, and will continue to do so. Funds from abroad is still coming in, despite a lot of efforts. But the major task has been achieved.

In more regular areas of foreign policy, the Bangladesh government has approached the challenge in development mode and security in more senses than one. There is a first circle of neighbours. These include India, Nepal, Bhutan, China and Myanmar. These immediate and near neighbours, and economy and development have been catch words. China with its huge economic and political power gets a high slice in the infrastructure, and India has been included in this matrix after a long time. Bangladesh is not only to take, it has offered to give also. A developed, vibrant and secular Bangladesh will help boost the development of South Asia.

The Islamic countries have been approached similarly. Sk. Hasina has not left any untouched either personally or through her emissaries. Expatriate Bangadeshis in the oil rich countries contribute handsomely to the country’s economy.

Donor countries and international financial organizations have accepted the efficacy of Sk. Hasina’s stewardship and reposed new faith in the country. This is significant since these rich countries and financial entities can not only provide financial and technological assistance, but also provide prestige with trust.

This far, Prime Minister Sk. Hasina has well negotiated the stones in the river bed. Given Bangladesh’s important and sensitive geographical position in the Indian Ocean and South Asia, especially India, she may find the stones in the river bed a little more troublesome. This relates to balancing relations between India and China, and the political security thinking of each of these two countries. Yet, Bangladesh has to take decisions in its true national interest and in the interest of the well being of its people. Bilateral relations are no longer zero-sum games.

During her visit to China in March this year, Sk. Hasina sought Chinese investment, and assistance for building a deep sea port in Sonadia, Cox’s Bazaar, and repair the trade imbalance. Bangladesh’s trade imbalance with China is far worse than its trade imbalance with India, but the India factor is mentioned much more in Bangladeshi media and by interested political circles.

The Chinese Ambassador in Dhaka, Zhang Xianyi, recently informed the Bangladesh government that Myanmar had agreed in principle to allow this road through its territory. But no one has asked the question why Myanmar, a close friend of China, declined to agree to this proposal for over seven years? This had nothing to do with Myanmar’s relationship with Bangladesh. The answer will be found in Myanmar’s refusal to allow a road-cum-water way from Kunming through Myanmar to the Indian Ocean after years of negotiations, though Yangon or Naypidaw agreed to the China’s oil and gas pipelines from Kunming to Myanmar’s Indian Ocean port.

Being isolated by the west, the Myanmar military junta had no other options for support other than China. It became a captive of Beijing, and had to give China the top consideration in infrastructure, military and international diplomacy like in the United Nations. But Naypidaw is now feeling strangulated and wants to break out of this vice like grip. Dhaka may like to examine the Myanmar example.

Following India’s $ one billion credit to Bangladesh which continues to attract vitriolic attacks from the opposition politicians and media, China offered $ 800 million credit line to Dhaka with interest rate higher than the Indian offer. But there has been no opposition or even critical examination of the Chinese credit in Bangladesh.

The following may, however, help provide some explanation to Chinese strategy with respect to Dhaka and New Delhi. The China Radio International (CRI), an official mouthpiece of the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China (CPC), had the following to say on the proposed Asian Highway (AH) in its Bengali commentary on September 18, 2010.

Even since the present government (Bangladesh) came to power, India became hyperactive on this matter (AH). Finally, the present Bangladesh Government has successfully determined the routes and India has won the battle. Experts in Bangladesh, however, feel that the decision of the present Bangladesh Government in the matter does not reflect the aspirations of its own people …… the very fundamental purpose of this AH has been lost to “India’s interest”.

The rest of the CRI commentary underscored that both AH routes proposed give advantage to India, and therefore, India is keen to expedite the construction of AH by providing additional funds to Bangladesh. It does not mention that the proposed AH routes are not solely India’s decision but decision of an international financing agency.

The heart of this commentary is lending full support to the attack by the BNP and JEI on the Awami League and the new India-Bangladesh relations. It must be kept in mind that the Chinese media is official under the Chinese state and CPC constitutions. They reflect, by law, the position of the Chinese government and the Party.

In deduction, the Chinese government has thrown its support behind the BNP-JEI opposition front and reflects their views almost verbatim.

The Awami League and its coalition parties may like to revisit 2004—2005. The Chinese government at that time was very clear that they supported the BNP-JEI combine because if the Awami League came to power China and especially Pakistan would lose influence in Dhaka, and India will gain influence. In substance, Bangladesh had to be nurtured as an anti-India domino in the China-Pak encirclement of India – the “String of Pearls Strategy”. The Chinese strategy is to divide the Bangladeshi people, projecting improvement of relations would be detrimental to Bangladesh’s interest. This commentary is not a one-off view. It is the tip of the iceberg. It conforms to China’s “three warfare” strategy comprising media warfare, psychological warfare and legal warfare. At the moment, it is psychological warfare through media for agents to carry it out at the ground level in Bangladesh.

The Awami League and the freedom fighting parties need to revisit the war of liberation and China’s positioning with Pakistan. China accorded diplomatic recognition to Bangladesh only after the assassination of Banga Bandhu, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, and Islamabad’s diplomatic recognition of Dhaka. That strategy has not changed even by a millimeter.

Then, of course, Bangladesh cannot reject China, either. These are compulsions of modern geopolitics of the 21st century. At the same time, Dhaka cannot ignore reality. If South Asia goes down, India will be hurt, but it will not drown. China and Pakistan will not give a damn if Bangladesh goes down.

Sk. Hasina will have to determine the road ahead and deeply consider certain strategic projects. Feel the stones when crossing the river.

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