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India asked American tourists on 'conversion drive'to leave

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@ Black Window.

Next statement will be these African countries are not secular.:lol:
Fooling people into becoming christians or any other religion should not be allowed . It is illegal in all parts of the world , because it is misrepresentation .

But yes conversion by will itself should not be a problem.
If poor people get money, medicine or anything else that increase their chances of living, and in turn change their religion, whats wrong in that? Those opposing these conversions, why dont they provide the necessities to the poor so that they can live & remain Hindu/muslim or whatever they are?

But will they keep getting money, medicine etc after converting. I'm guessing the answer is no right? As always the only solution to poverty is education so that the poor people can learn to provide for themselves. There are no shortcuts!
One thing is for sure that if people like our pious hindu brothers on this forum would stop following the ancient ideology of Caste system , there would be less and probably no conversions in India but i can't blame them low castes if they want to convert for a better life because of the way they are usually treated for being low castes particularly in the rural areas.Wage war against the caste system first if you want to stop conversion .This is coming from an upper caste brahmin.

Dash ist not bribing its bargaining by both sides willingly so according to secularism shouldnt it be personal freedom to people to convert as many times as they want be it for money or otherwise?

i know some people who bargain like this and get converted to christianity...but fooling people is not bargaining sister..
all i ask is why are missionaries in some kind of race to fool poor people...jesus will support such fooled conversions?
i dont think so that jesus would have ever supported this..and so i do not believe these missionaries to be real christains..
One thing is for sure that if people like our pious hindu brothers on this forum would stop following the ancient ideology of Caste system , there would be less and probably no conversions in India but i can't blame them low castes if they want to convert for a better life because of the way they are usually treated for being low castes particularly in the rural areas.


totally agreed but that is not forced conversion...that is conversion by will..
wow that is brilliant..but people are protesting against that corruption isn't it?? so why can't hindu's protest against such bribed conversions?

I didnt say they should not protest. If we feel something is wrong, its our right to protest. I am very much in support of this.

protesting against corruption is not an option, its THE only option as common men or religious organisations cant make or change a law. But religious organisations surely can change the lives of poor who are lured to convert, rather than protesting, sometimes violently & otherwise rhetorically.
I didnt say they should not protest. If we feel something is wrong, its our right to protest. I am very much in support of this.

protesting against corruption is not an option, its THE only option as common men or religious organisations cant make or change a law. But religious organisations surely can change the lives of poor who are lured to convert, rather than protesting, sometimes violently & otherwise rhetorically.

so what is all the fuzz about??
someone must have protested about these missionaries and so government took action...
a month back, I guess... some indian started a thread, saying that you can be a muslim/jew/christian while still being hindu.

so whats the fuss about it, they may convert to other religions and you may still think of them as hindus ? win win situation ? no ?:cheers:
Dash ist not bribing its bargaining by both sides willingly so according to secularism shouldnt it be personal freedom to people to convert as many times as they want be it for money or otherwise?

It is, but here we are discussing a complex issue. Personal freedom is often regarded as an act with limitation and not exploitation. Everyone has equal rights...but sometimes society looks at this in a different way. Its like the current "Rape" ration increased coz women are wearing more revealing clothes. Here personal freedom collides with conservative beliefs.

Should we ban western clothing or should we ask people to stop thinking like this....Both are faces of freedom.

Now how it relates to this issue is this. You attract someone buy showing them money to you religion, not by serving them or actually helping them come out of their misery( Like Mother teresa did). So why money, give something else?

I like sweets, I give you sweets and then ask you what you to do what I want...simple.
a month back, I guess... some indian started a thread, saying that you can be a muslim/jew/christian while still being hindu.

so whats the fuss about it, they may convert to other religions and you may still think of them as hindus ? win win situation ? no ?:cheers:

Read post#35, this is what iam saying..!!
IF, after getting converted & getting paid for converting, they are not allowed to convert back to their original religion by these missionaries, then these conversions are surely a crime. Otherwise, call it a bribe or whatever, atleast that increases their chances of survival. A human life is any day more important than a religion. My personal opinion.

And luring poor people by false promises of a better life, if this is a crime, then my friend, how do you think corrupt politicians are winning in elections? Most of us are converts, political converts that is.

Sp lets stay as converts and encourage it, shall we not?
so what is all the fuzz about??
someone must have protested about these missionaries and so government took action...

Took action on what? On conversions rather than on poverty. Thats the fuzz from my side. I cant speak on behalf of pakistani members posting here. Their motive I dont care about.
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