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India as a great power: Know your own strength

It was built by Britishers who used Indians to fight their wars. (no offence to Indian soldiers martyred)

And that's exactly why we should give it importance. As it reminds us exactly how brutal the war was, and how so many of our soldiers died for a stupid, meaningless conflict between three rivals in Europe.
EzioAltaïr;4088924 said:
And that's exactly why we should give it importance. As it reminds us exactly how brutal the war was, and how so many of our soldiers died for a stupid, meaningless conflict between three rivals in Europe.

yes :cheers:
It was built by Britishers who used Indians to fight their wars. (no offence to Indian soldiers martyred)

It was BUILT by them, for that purpose. But after independence, it has become our national monument, with a different significance. Today it is India's 'Tomb of the unknown soldier.' Many countries have such a monument, to pay tributes to the soldiers who perished in war, but remained unidentified. India treats India gate as precisely that - a tribute to the unidentified soldiers who fought and died in OUR wars. The flame of 'Amar Jawan Jyoti' was lit in 1971, and since then has burned continuously to symbolize the soaring spirit of our unsung heroes.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don't go all the way back to 1947. If we had done well since 1947, we would easily have been a middle income country or better by now. All our economic growth began in full steam only in the 90s, after Manmohan and Narasimha rao opened up the economy and radically altered our society. Twenty years into MMS' reforms, we are reaching heights that would have dizzied the previous generation. It's a shame that we languished under a socialist economic model for decades, with private enterprise not being given a chance to drive progress.

The polices undertaken in 1950s and 1960s by GOI created heavy industries of India, in 1947 we only had light industries

These policies created sound base for our economy and successive govts have been building upon it, though I agree poor planning and economic polices denied India to reach its true potential till 1991
Military greatness at the expense of a state's own citizens doesn't bring greatness, it brings chaos.
Agreed! But what about Pakistan that has the fastest growing nuke arsenal in the world? And this at the expense of its citizens. No wonder it has brought chaos in Pakistan due to its India-centric paranoia, resulting in billions being spent for something that will never ever be used! Deterrence too has its optimal levels beyond which it is of little or no value.
@janon I have lived in village bro. For months. My village doesn't have road. I can describe my village. And how hard was to reach there in a khatara bus.

I can prove it. But I used this example because most of the people have been in college in this condition, but not in village.

No one has ever used Hand Pump and bring water from 500 mts. Survived on Moti Roti, one onion. :D

Best dish is water mixed with Chilli powder and salt. Eat it with Roti made on Chulha. Best.

I mean most of them.

I know how tough is village life especially in summer. I know home remedies of many things. I know how to get rid of Mosquitoes. What to use to avoid heat stroke with less money. :D

My village has some of the most poor people in India.

As for dreams and Hopes of poor, the poor works harder than anyone to realize his own. But I have to quote a personal story.
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I was born in a Pakistani village and lived there for about 7 early years of my life. I am far from being poor but i have seen closely that how much people have to suffer from it.
Then you know the dreams, hopes of a village kid. The dedication, hard work, their struggle out of poverty.
The polices undertaken in 1950s and 1960s by GOI created heavy industries of India, in 1947 we only had light industries

These policies created sound base for our economy and successive govts have been building upon it, though I agree poor planning and economic polices denied India to reach its true potential till 1991

Well heavy industries of some kinds. Industries which did not make any profit, but kept running due to government largesse. That is, by gobbling taxpayers' money. Industries which were all run by the government, which means being run by bureaucrats and not industrialists. Industries which couldn't hope to compete with anything else in the world, and so the economy had to remain closed to any sort of competition. Industrial units which were assured lots of money from the taxpayers, and assured of monopoly.

So such industries could keep churning out ambassadors for the rich and influential people to drive, while not making any profit, but paying their employees by taxing the citizens. But they could not bring about a Toyota that churns out cars affordable to everybody, rich or poor, because such an enterprise requires that the industry is run by industrialists and businessmen, not government bureaucrats who's only qualification was having passed the civil service exam.

Until private enterprise was allowed to spread its wings, the country languished.
Well heavy industries of some kinds. Industries which did not make any profit, but kept running due to government largesse. That is, by gobbling taxpayers' money. Industries which were all run by the government, which means being run by bureaucrats and not industrialists. Industries which couldn't hope to compete with anything else in the world, and so the economy had to remain closed to any sort of competition. Industrial units which were assured lots of money from the taxpayers, and assured of monopoly.

So such industries could keep churning out ambassadors for the rich and influential people to drive, while not making any profit, but paying their employees by taxing the citizens. But they could not bring about a Toyota that churns out cars affordable to everybody, rich or poor, because such an enterprise requires that the industry is run by industrialists and businessmen, not government bureaucrats who's only qualification was having passed the civil service exam.

Until private enterprise was allowed to spread its wings, the country languished.

Do you think I don't know this? But the policies by GOI created heavy industries and the things I have mentioned in post number 34 wouldn't be reality had it not been for these polices.

Do you think it would be possible for us to create such base had we decided to do so in 1991?
@janon I don't disagree on all your points. Its just we have different perception and approach at things.
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This will explain.

No state can achieve greatness by feeding off its citizens to achieve military greatness instead of feeding its citizens. India may become the 4th largest spender on bombs and guns in next 6 years and claim greatness, however the same country ranks 135th on international human development index and is home to one of the largest malnourished population on earth.

It applies to Pakistan as well, as we spend more than we can afford to but Pakistan isn't willing to claim greatness nor do we have any hegemonic desires. This is why i said that India should invest in its citizens instead of buying arms, or keep a balance to achieve real greatness. For example Indian defense budget is around 36 billion a year while the Education budget is around 9-10billion.I am no friend of India, i would rather have India carry on with ignoring development of its own citizens which will do to India what no enemy can.
Just because Pakistan doesn't come in India's league,doesn't mean it you are doing better than us.
We still rank better than Pakistan in each and every indicator that hints at development of 'citizens'. Yet you have more percentage of GDP for defense.
Military greatness at the expense of a state's own citizens doesn't bring greatness, it brings chaos. Good luck to India for becoming a "great power".

What a cunning comment yaar! one post and the whole thread sidetracked to poverty in India (4 pages till now)...
Poverty can be removed by one's own efforts only, govt or NGO help will only help you to a certain extent only. What needs to be done is change in attitude...

on topic...
India was 2nd largest economy before British raj. It can become one again. It's just matter of time. All we need to do is retain our sovereignty. Rest is inevitable.
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