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India and Vietnam co-operation in SCS

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where is your ownership in SCS indiman? you have greedily taken our land in Zangnan and still want to claim a share in SCS which is way outside of your sovereignty. If you are not thieves then you are burglars!

We have not claimed, and are unlikely to claim in the future even an inch of territory in the South China Seas.

I am challenging the vietcong pirates to open fire on Taiping Dao again - the largest of the islands/shoals/reefs under our belt. Come on - if you think they are all yours come and get them!

From this, I understand that your position in the PLA Navy is one of authority, and you are empowered to operate warships at sea.

due to the consequence of vietcong mailorder marriage business!
LOL yes 1967 a mere skirmish and you guys are so happy

i had made this clear before

all u guys did in 62 was beat a small group of indian border gaurds who were armed with sticks and stones and ran away when the real counter attack came.

Then u guys fliched in the 87 rematch

In 1962 however, there was one indian who had bullets instead of sticks and stones. Do u know what he did?

He killed 300 chinese in 3 days. That’s a record in modern history
Jaswant Singh Rawat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turn back to main-point: Slavers don't have right to talk about vassal state or non vassal state ! understand ?

This is genetic...our ancestor own your ancerstor...so you were binding to us until the last dynasty:D. During Yuang and Ching dynasty...vietnam was considered as vessal state...even the rulers were not HAN.

So you see regardless of how you call us....Vietnam was indeed a vessal state.
indians are a slave race first conquered by Islam for 800 years, then conquered by the Anglos for another 200 years!

It's a pity these slaves gained their freedom after 1000 years, because their IQ is so low they are actually borderline mentally retarded. No wonder india is a third world hole where bullsh!t is everywhere on the ground and coming out of indians' mouths.

The traditional way to deal with indians is to castrate the men and send them to the Middle East as slave labor (called "hindu kush"). The females are used as sex slaves. This is why northern indians are literally all descended from Muslim conqueror soldiers.

Timur himself recorded the invasions in his memoirs, collectively known as Tuzk-i-Timuri. In them, he vividly described the massacre at Delhi:

In a short space of time all the people in the [New Delhi] fort were put to the sword, and in the course of one hour the heads of 10,000 infidels were cut off. The sword of Islam was washed in the blood of the infidels, and all the goods and effects, the treasure and the grain which for many a long year had been stored in the fort became the spoil of my soldiers. They set fire to the houses and reduced them to ashes, and they razed the buildings and the fort to the ground....All these infidel Hindus were slain, their women and children, and their property and goods became the spoil of the victors. I proclaimed throughout the camp that every man who had infidel prisoners should put them to death, and whoever neglected to do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order became known to the ghazis of Islam, they drew their swords and put their prisoners to death.

One hundred thousand infidels, impious idolaters, were on that day slain. Maulana Nasiruddin Umar, a counselor and man of learning, who, in all his life, had never killed a sparrow, now, in execution of my order, slew with his sword fifteen idolatrous Hindus, who were his captives....on the great day of battle these 100,000 prisoners could not be left with the baggage, and that it would be entirely opposed to the rules of war to set these idolaters and enemies of Islam at liberty...no other course remained but that of making them all food for the sword.

i had made this clear before

all u guys did in 62 was beat a small group of indian border gaurds who were armed with sticks and stones and ran away when the real counter attack came.

Then u guys fliched in the 87 rematch

In 1962 however, there was one indian who had bullets instead of sticks and stones. Do u know what he did?

He killed 300 chinese in 3 days. That’s a record in modern history
Jaswant Singh Rawat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOL indians are so humiliated from 1962, you delude yourself with imaginary battles :lol:

So where is your forward policy again?
i had made this clear before

all u guys did in 62 was beat a small group of indian border gaurds who were armed with sticks and stones and ran away when the real counter attack came.

Then u guys fliched in the 87 rematch

In 1962 however, there was one indian who had bullets instead of sticks and stones. Do u know what he did?

He killed 300 chinese in 3 days. That’s a record in modern history
Jaswant Singh Rawat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL then your people are even more stupid than i thought , why provoke us if you dont have any weapons to fight?

LOL indians are so humiliated from 1962, you delude yourself with imaginary battles :lol:

So where is your forward policy again?

one chap with just sticks and stones killed 300 chinese in a war ???? holly cow I think he is mad avoid him at all cost is a must.
This is genetic...our ancestor own your ancerstor...so you were binding to us until the last dynasty:D. During Yuang and Ching dynasty...vietnam was considered as vessal state...even the rulers were not HAN.

So you see regardless of how you call us....Vietnam was indeed a vessal state.

Very funny thing. Slaves During Yuang and Ching dynasty don't have right to talking about vassal state and non vassal state, bro. Your job is was to work hard on field and furnished what your invader rulers ordered to do. :butcher:
Very funny thing. Slavers During Yuang and Ching dynasty don't have right to talking about vassal state and non vassal state, bro. Your job is was to work hard on field and furnished what your invader rulers ordered to do. :butcher:

lol,we were slavers,you were slaves.
It's a pity these slaves gained their freedom after 1000 years, because their IQ is so low they are actually borderline mentally retarded. No wonder india is a third world hole where bullsh!t is everywhere on the ground and coming out of indians' mouths.

we had already discussed and concluded earlier that based on the chinese trolls here, you people IQ must be in the low 50s.

anyway, compared to us u chinese are a joke
while you guys got cleaned up by the japanese, indian army fought and defeated Japs, Nazis and Italians SIMULTANEOUSLY

That great Indian Army (“British” being colloquial, not official) fought and defeated first-rate, first-world enemies: Germans in North Africa and Italy; the Imperial Japanese in southeast Asia. Stripped of Commonwealth camouflage, the Indian Army of 1945 was, in its own right, a veteran combat outfit with global experience.

Restitching the Subcontinent | The Weekly Standard
we had already discussed and concluded earlier that based on the chinese trolls here, you people IQ must be in the low 50s.

anyway, compared to us u chinese are a joke
while you guys got cleaned up by the japanese, indian army fought and defeated Japs, Nazis and Italians SIMULTANEOUSLY

That great Indian Army (“British” being colloquial, not official) fought and defeated first-rate, first-world enemies: Germans in North Africa and Italy; the Imperial Japanese in southeast Asia. Stripped of Commonwealth camouflage, the Indian Army of 1945 was, in its own right, a veteran combat outfit with global experience.

Restitching the Subcontinent | The Weekly Standard

No you didn't. That was the achievement of Britain. We have no responsibility for the actions of the Republic of China. That's because we're the People's Republic of China which has never lost a war and never fought a war on our own territory.
No you didn't. That was the achievement of Britain. We have no responsibility for the actions of the Republic of China. That's because we're the People's Republic of China which has never lost a war and never fought a war on our own territory.

we fought under the british flag. but it was the indian infantrymen who handed them the victory.

That's because we're the People's Republic of China which has never lost a war


never fought a war on our own territory.

i agree. once the enemy gets into your country, you dont put up much of a fight.

nanjing is an example
we fought under the british flag. but it was the indian infantrymen who handed them the victory.


i agree. once the enemy gets into your country, you dont put up much of a fight.

nanjing is an example

Nope that's the Republic of China. Nation states are nation states. British India is Britain, not India. Just because it has Indian in it doesn't make it India's, otherwise Indian Ocean would be India's Ocean. 1962 was another example of where we killed and captured thousands of Indians while Indians can only feebly claim some skirmish where even numbers were killed as a hollow "victory".
indians are a slave race first conquered by Islam for 800 years, then conquered by the Anglos for another 200 years!

It's a pity these slaves gained their freedom after 1000 years, because their IQ is so low they are actually borderline mentally retarded. No wonder india is a third world hole where bullsh!t is everywhere on the ground and coming out of indians' mouths.

The traditional way to deal with indians is to castrate the men and send them to the Middle East as slave labor (called "hindu kush"). The females are used as sex slaves. This is why northern indians are literally all descended from Muslim conqueror soldiers.

Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hans are the real slave breed my friend. Go check your history.

LOL you just proved the point I made yesterday in another thread. http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...nese-mainland-bombing-run-10.html#post2881409

indians jump to their colonial master's defense because they want to be Anglo's servant and get pats on their heads.

Chinese would be very happy if a nuclear war happens between india and China because it would be a one-way massacre. Similar to 1962, but on a much more destructive scale. Probably more than a billion indians would be liquidated in the first few days alone.

You have to understand from their perspective: these indians were enslaved by the Islamic World for 800 years, and then they were enslaved by the Anglos for another 200 years. They know they are literally the descendants of slaves, so they feel inferior. To make up for this inferiority complex, they need to delude themselves into thinking that they are their Anglo masters, and try to find ways to take advantage of their neighbors (especially Pakistan and China) like a blood-sucking parasite. This gives them relief from their inferiority complex.

They are a failed state with a collapsing economy, economic statistic are all lies, politicians are all corrupt, they literally live in a dump where BS is everywhere coming out from their mouths and on the ground too, and starvation / disease is everywhere.

Contract Killer is basically a parasite on PDF, trying to pass off his inferiority complex on to other people, while burning with jealousy at China's success. He is trying to find relief from his inferiority complex. We Chinese PDF members simply take these indian parasites and squash them, no problem. And wait for the day PLA will do the same to the indian state, preferably in the most permanent manner, so South Asia can finally find peace.

indians belong in the 10th century, before Timur and other Central Asian conquerors subjugated them. Them and their parasitic mentality do not belong in the 21st century.

This makes you earn more 50cents. Nothing more.

Rest all is your CCP propaganda.
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