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Haha do you think India will sign an FTA, I think they would rather be vetoed. Even though an FTA is nothing in comparison to CISMOA/LSA.

Well, you paid so much to USA for their NSG support (which they failed to deliver) yet you expect free favours from us, an "enemy" country?

Do you believe that you can get our support for free... and you didn't need to give anything in return? Do you think the world works like that?

Next time you buy something from a shop, try refusing to pay for it?

To some extent i agree with you..There is nothing personal relationship here...It is a failure of Indian diplomacy that if thehiy expect something from any nation but there is nothing in the table to offer..But the bigger question isi that this kind of diplomacy happens when a nation is really interested in making a deal..But for China, they have a different intrest in the region and which is quite right from their perspective too....

In the end, it is all about give and take relationship in the international diplomacy...The bottom-line of the entire episode is that Our Gov should focus more on economic prosperity rather than getting distracted by nuances from Pakistan and other nations...Economically strong nations are commanded with respect...
I don't understand why India refused to sign the damn NTP, and instead, asks every member country of NSG to bend the rules for it? Anything so special about India?

Because NTP is a conceptually hollow in nature..How come a rule will allow certain nations to have a nuclear weapon while preventing others to do it...
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Enough of this crap on depending on others. If we want one we will get one by acting like one. Asking US to do our job was ridiculous.

China goes about proliferating while India being a good boy gets spanked. Its high time India started to do what is good for it instead of adhering to stupid useless institutions and self imposed rules.

Exactly man..I would prefer to just take a back seat and focus on our economy rather than just going behind US and China for any favor..I openly admit that this is a failure of Modi's diplomacy where they could no predict it in advance.
Go back a decade or so. China would never comment or come out against India in any international fora although silently it did treat India as a competitor locally if not globally.

India consequently, has also been very lackadaisical when it came to making certain decisions just because they didn't want to antagonize their northern neighbors. There was a clear lack of understanding of the extent china opposes India.

Now that china has played it's card, it would help the domestic discourse to move forward in India and make firm independent decisions keeping in mind that China is it's sole adversary.

Such open hostility is a first. Indians should be happy that they have a very strong leadership which forced China to open their cards. If you guys have played competitive poker, you will consider it a victory at some level.

@Guynextdoor2 @nair
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NSG was formed after Indian atomic tests,not after other countries conducted their tests that includes china too.
Now the same group atleast the majority wants India in NSG,wont you think thats special.or China being in the group still wont get some of the tech from other members in NSG what India will get even being out of NSG,isnt that special bro.
US changed its original stand and everyone knows why, cause it knows other countries will help it do this obvious job to block India's entry while successfully driving a wedge between India and principle holding NSG members. It's an old trick that everyone can see it through
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Indian NSG bid should finally put to a rest for years to come
To my dear Indian friends, lessons learned
(1) Be humble to whatever you thought you've been achieved, never let some so-called "victories" to blind your mind, be aware of the dangerous to fall into trap like" Success is just failure that hasn't happened yet"
(2) Over estimate your national influence proved to be a recipe for diplomatic disaster
(3) Using China as the "scapegoat" of your own failure will not help either
Conclusion: YOU are not there yet, move on and work harder for your "Indian Dreams" bragging will get you nowhere
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Because Pakistan has a track record which is highly questionable. And on top of that why should India worry, why they do not allow Pakistan to NPT. It is not India's problem rather Pakistan has to deal with it...
It's part of your problem now, they are not in, you are not in.They have a track record no worse than yours.
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Because Pakistan has a track record which is highly questionable. And on top of that why should India worry, why they do not allow Pakistan to NPT. It is not India's problem rather Pakistan has to deal with it...

You guys label your nuclear missile "China Killer", and then turn around asking China do you a big favor and give you an exceptional treatment? Something is wrong here, my friend. :partay:

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