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India & Afghanistan supporting insurgency in Pak : Major General Salim Nawaz

point being pakistan trying to find an counter arugument to indias claims of terrorists infrastructure in pakistan. There by losing sight of the real problem being faced by both india and pakistan. No to terrorism in ANY form is the only way forward.

Thats right. So you agree that india should stop terrorist support in Baluchistan.
Thats right. So you agree that india should stop terrorist support in Baluchistan.

Well Pakistan is as responsible for terrorisim .....as Pakistan claims India to be......its mutual....fair exchange....give and take......I scratch your back...you scratch mine......
Well Pakistan is as responsible for terrorisim .....as Pakistan claims India to be......its mutual....fair exchange....give and take......I scratch your back...you scratch mine......

No one is innocent in this business :coffee:
Well Pakistan is as responsible for terrorisim .....as Pakistan claims India to be......its mutual....fair exchange....give and take......I scratch your back...you scratch mine......

Well atleast some one has the decency to admit it to say the least unlike most Indians who claim India to be an angel.

As for fair exchange i think a fair exchange would be if we start supporting the seven sisters within India, only then can one call it to be fair and square.
Both India and Pakistan are no angels - both carry on the dirty work of formenting trouble in each others territory.
So lets stop giving holier than thou speaches.
Lets accept the fact - Pakistan trains and sends Islamic terrorists into India and India is trying to payback.
Is there any way to stop the proxies btw India and Pakistan , I think Pakistani leadership over the recent history has shown some dedication to foster better ties with India but unfortunately the GOI is not willing for that . Now one cannot acheive pece with a halfduplexed approach .
Even the people on both sides want peace but unfortunately the GOI is becoming a main hinderence in that .
Both India and Pakistan are no angels - both carry on the dirty work of formenting trouble in each others territory.
So lets stop giving holier than thou speaches.
Lets accept the fact - Pakistan trains and sends Islamic terrorists into India and India is trying to payback.

Dont you think to use the word "trying" is a bit understatement considering India's track record which dates back to seventies.
Is there any way to stop the proxies btw India and Pakistan , I think Pakistani leadership over the recent history has shown some dedication to foster better ties with India but unfortunately the GOI is not willing for that . Now one cannot acheive pece with a halfduplexed approach .
Even the people on both sides want peace but unfortunately the GOI is becoming a main hinderence in that .

GOI want stop until we give a befitting response or PA and the ISI gets dismantled. There is no third option.
Both India and Pakistan are no angels - both carry on the dirty work of formenting trouble in each others territory.
So lets stop giving holier than thou speaches.
Lets accept the fact - Pakistan trains and sends Islamic terrorists into India and India is trying to payback.

so is theres any way to stop the whole saga . May be settling Kashmir has something to do with it .
Dont you think to use the word "trying" is a bit understatement considering India's track record which dates back to seventies.

India has not been as successful as pakistan in formenting trouble. India has to raise a couple of notches to match pakistan.

* Maj Gen Salim Nawaz says proof of Indian involvement has been provided
* Taliban leaders not in Quetta

QUETTA: India and Afghanistan are supporting an insurgency in Balochistan, trying to bolster the leadership of separatists fighting the government, chief of the Frontier Corps (FC) paramilitary force in Balochistan said on Saturday.

“A lot of evidence of Indian involvement through Afghanistan is there, supporting the separatist movement,” Major General Salim Nawaz, inspector general of the FC in Balochistan, said.

General Nawaz said the separatists were not very strong as they did not have enough foot soldiers or a proper command-and-control structure.

“The foreign element, especially the element there in Afghanistan, is trying hard to create more leadership,” he said.

Proof: The FC chief said proof of Indian involvement had been provided. “The proof has been given at various levels ... Photographs have been provided,” he said, but did not elaborate.

Quetta: General Nawaz also denied US accusations that Taliban leadership was based in and around Quetta, saying Washington was looking for an excuse for the difficulty it was facing with an intensifying Taliban insurgency.

“These allegations have been levelled in the past,” he said.

“They had been dying a death but lately they have started again. In my view, whatever is happening in Afghanistan, if they are not succeeding, there has to be some escape route.”

The United States had handed over no information to back up its assertion regarding the “Quetta shura”, he said. “If they have any evidence – which they have not given us a bit of until this moment – they should share it with us. Pakistani forces are quite capable of sorting them out,” he said.

General Nawaz said it was impossible for Taliban leaders such as Mullah Omar to go unnoticed.

“If he has to move, or if their leadership has to move, they have to move with some paraphernalia, they need to make some arrangements,” he said. reuters

* Maj Gen Salim Nawaz says proof of Indian involvement has been provided
* Taliban leaders not in Quetta

QUETTA: India and Afghanistan are supporting an insurgency in Balochistan, trying to bolster the leadership of separatists fighting the government, chief of the Frontier Corps (FC) paramilitary force in Balochistan said on Saturday.

“A lot of evidence of Indian involvement through Afghanistan is there, supporting the separatist movement,” Major General Salim Nawaz, inspector general of the FC in Balochistan, said.

General Nawaz said the separatists were not very strong as they did not have enough foot soldiers or a proper command-and-control structure.

“The foreign element, especially the element there in Afghanistan, is trying hard to create more leadership,” he said.

Proof: The FC chief said proof of Indian involvement had been provided. “The proof has been given at various levels ... Photographs have been provided,” he said, but did not elaborate.

Quetta: General Nawaz also denied US accusations that Taliban leadership was based in and around Quetta, saying Washington was looking for an excuse for the difficulty it was facing with an intensifying Taliban insurgency.

“These allegations have been levelled in the past,” he said.

“They had been dying a death but lately they have started again. In my view, whatever is happening in Afghanistan, if they are not succeeding, there has to be some escape route.”

The United States had handed over no information to back up its assertion regarding the “Quetta shura”, he said. “If they have any evidence – which they have not given us a bit of until this moment – they should share it with us. Pakistani forces are quite capable of sorting them out,” he said.

General Nawaz said it was impossible for Taliban leaders such as Mullah Omar to go unnoticed.

“If he has to move, or if their leadership has to move, they have to move with some paraphernalia, they need to make some arrangements,” he said. reuters

What proof are we talking about, let the whole world see it and decide.

Eg. Kasab singing like a cukoo for the whole world to see that he is a pakistani terrorist. :cheers:
What proof are we talking about, let the whole world see it and decide.

Eg. Kasab singing like a cukoo for the whole world to see that he is a pakistani terrorist. :cheers:

Kasab has not provided any credible evidence about Pakistani institutions being invovled - the allegation by the Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik and the Gen. Nawaz relates to Indian institutions being invovled in supporting terrorism in Baluchistan, not just Indian nationals.
Kasab has not provided any credible evidence about Pakistani institutions being invovled - the allegation by the Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik and the Gen. Nawaz relates to Indian institutions being invovled in supporting terrorism in Baluchistan, not just Indian nationals.

Ok, Where and what proof are we talking about, show it to whole world.
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