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India & Afghanistan supporting insurgency in Pak : Major General Salim Nawaz

Mr Malik's statement was given serious consideration by the janitor in the US state department who is reported to have remarked to his secretary and I quote ;"Hmm...what??..thought I heard something..never mind"
Pakistan is not in panic, but Pakistan don't want to unleash ISI in Afghanistan again. Or in South Asia. India is been exploiting the Pak weak political situation since last year. If Mushi would be sitting thier, India won't dare to do such acts in Pakistan.

Dude the tone and the daily accussations against India in Afghanistan clearly suggest that Pakistan is in panic. I seriously doubt that you could unleash the ISI again, even if you wanted to. It was during Musharrafs tenure that the Indian involvement in Afghanistan started and even he coudent do anything about it except shout at the top of his, even the Americans paid no attention to his rants.
It's about time! For the last couple of days I've been hearing this a lot on the local news channels. They're claiming that Pakistan Army's found more than enough evidence to prove Indian involvement in the region. Without wasting any more time in the name of "Diplomacy" we should parade the UN representatives around this evidence asap.

This really doesent work !! You know what India had been trying since 2 decades to convince UN about pakistans involvement in destabilizing its internal situations, without any luck.

These UN guys are pretty useless. Hadn't it been for 9/11 and US taking islamic terrorism personally, and the shift in US strategy for region to be friends with India, that India still would have been whining and complaining the same even today.

Right now there is simply no sympathy towards pakistan in the international community and its War on terror is been seen only as an attempt to clean the fi!th it created by itself to fulfill its short sighted objectives.

What I see is, you would be finding more and more evidences like this in future but India and world would simply not entertain it as it had been in case of India for 2 decades.
There were 20 attackers in mumbai. Few of them was Pakistani. Why no Indian gov members and media talk about 10 12 other attackers ? Indians found Pakistan guilty for few weapons clothes and other stuff they found. Pakistan has from day 1 said they will take action agiants non state ppl who are in Pakistan or any Pakistani involved in mumbai attacks.

What about India ? Pakistan has found many evidence that Indian supporting terrorists in Pakistan. Some CIA officers confirmed that in newspapers. Last day 5 truck full with India weapons was found in Wazirstan. That mean Indian goverment is supporting terrorists ? on other words terrorist group is actualy Indian state. They will find hard to explain how so much Indian weapons has found way to Wazirstan. God know how much they have given to other terrorists.

Do we need to prove Indians involment ? Indians are so proud to talk about 1971 which they as cowards attack us as they are doing now in Wazirstan. Indians dont have balls to go war aginst us face to face.
There were 20 attackers in mumbai. Few of them was Pakistani. Why no Indian gov members and media talk about 10 12 other attackers ? Indians found Pakistan guilty for few weapons clothes and other stuff they found. Pakistan has from day 1 said they will take action agiants non state ppl who are in Pakistan or any Pakistani involved in mumbai attacks. .

Please get your facts right. There were not 20 attackers. They were 10. Many of them were Pakistani citizens. But most impotantly, this attacks was planned on Pakistan's soil.
Also there was not only weapons, clothes. We have the communication intercepts as well as Kasab's statement as proof. India never said Pakistan is behind this. They said Pakistan should dismantle this terror infrastructure. Hope you know the difference.

What about India ? Pakistan has found many evidence that Indian supporting terrorists in Pakistan. Some CIA officers confirmed that in newspapers. Last day 5 truck full with India weapons was found in Wazirstan. That mean Indian goverment is supporting terrorists ? on other words terrorist group is actualy Indian state. They will find hard to explain how so much Indian weapons has found way to Wazirstan. God know how much they have given to other terrorists.

If you have evidences, please show them to world. Unfortunately Pakistan has not provided any proof till date. But yes!, we have statements from Pakistan's side.
And 5 trucks?? :hitwall::hitwall: Do you believe this? Nobody is fool enough to send weapons in trucks (openly in this much amount). Also there is a thing called black market. I wish common sense prevails.

Do we need to prove Indians involment ? Indians are so proud to talk about 1971 which they as cowards attack us as they are doing now in Wazirstan. Indians dont have balls to go war aginst us face to face.

My response would be, yes you have to prove Indian involvement. Otherwise all these accusations would be considered pure rant.

Lastly, thanks for rest of your offtopic post.:blah::blah:
My Pakistani friends, please consider my words carefully. Your Army and your Government are deceiving you

They are playing a very dangerous game here, in their desperate bid to deflect the blame from themselves and avoid the public anger.

If any Pakistanis here refuse to believe the nonsense that is being perpetrated by their government and army, and realize that India is being made a scapegoat for this insurgency, and also realize the terrible long-term consequences that this will have on the peace and stability of the subcontinent, I urge you all to speak up now.

Fatma117? Please, I urge you to speak up.
S2? You also

Anyone else, who realizes the facts. Don't keep your views to yourself.
My Pakistani friends, please consider my words carefully. Your Army and your Government are deceiving you

They are playing a very dangerous game here, in their desperate bid to deflect the blame from themselves and avoid the public anger.

If any Pakistanis here refuse to believe the nonsense that is being perpetrated by their government and army, and realize that India is being made a scapegoat for this insurgency, and also realize the terrible long-term consequences that this will have on the peace and stability of the subcontinent, I urge you all to speak up now.

Fatma117? Please, I urge you to speak up.
S2? You also

Anyone else, who realizes the facts. Don't keep your views to yourself.

You are right we should definitely be listening to you, :blah::blah::blah::blah:
Get a life my friend.
and india is as pavitar as Ganga :D:D:D
Third agency of RAW,” a supra intelligence out fit started training Tamil insurgents in 32 training camps. By mid 1987, 20,000 insurgents had been trained and were provided weapons by central government of India and state government of Tamil Nadu. While most of the initial training was confined to military and paramilitary camps in utter Perdeash, specialized training was given in special training camps in New Delhi, Momby, and Vishakhapatnam. The most enigmatic training was given to insurgents in Dera Dun along with Bengali, Pakistani and Tibetan rebels.
(Thomas A. Marks, Maoist insurgency since Vietnam, Frank Cass and company limited London.1996, P.220)
The explosives were found to be the same that Indian Construction Companies are using in Afghanistan to blast mountains and build raods. We need to stop Indian Terrorism and start taking these to the US, G8, ASEAN, NATO, UN, OIC especially the 57 Islamic Countries.

Friend if GOP has the evidence of the Indian involvement which I still doubt, why is it not using diplomatically to gain the advantage over India or to convince the UN. :azn:
The problem lies in the policy of supporting terror. For long pak is supporting taliban in Afganistan and terrorists in pak occupied kashmir, which made pak an epicentre of terrorism.
Don't you think use of terrorism is a flawed policy and one day it will lead to chaos in Pakistan which is what exactly happening now.
India payed price in the form of Rajeev Gandhi, again india banned LTTE and helped srilanka to wipe out.
Its time to crush these terrorists and work for the benifit of both the nations. Long lasting peace will be benefit both india and pakistan. :cheers:
Is there any way to stop the proxies btw India and Pakistan , I think Pakistani leadership over the recent history has shown some dedication to foster better ties with India but unfortunately the GOI is not willing for that . Now one cannot acheive pece with a halfduplexed approach .
Even the people on both sides want peace but unfortunately the GOI is becoming a main hinderence in that .
Agreed that pak leaders are trying to have better ties with india.
But how can India work out peace talks when there are incidents happening such as Kargil,mumbai.

And it is very difficult to get the talks on track when there are anti Indian elements in ISI the armed forces who don't want peace talks,
on the other side there are elected representatives who want peace talks.
when ever there is a progress in the talks there will be terrorists strikes in India which will derail the process.
It's time for Pakistan to boot those RaW trained terrorists out of Pakistan so badly. And I believe Pakistan should bring these newses on International Media.
friend pakistan has done well during the past two decades to spread violence in kashmir don't you think it is enough :devil:

How much violence India is daily spreading in Kashmir, you know that? Young girls and women are raped, innocents get killed, students get killed, many are tortured. You're iterating as if India is a country based on saints!!
How much violence India is daily spreading in Kashmir, you know that? Young girls and women are raped, innocents get killed, students get killed, many are tortured. You're iterating as if India is a country based on saints!!

When you are talking about the problems of the kashmir people you should also be talking about the families of the people lost in kargil and Mumbai.
Do you think these terrorists act like freedom fighters there are cases in which these guys have created problems to the kashmiri women and girls. Ruksana case is a similar one.
The fact is ISI or the terrorist organizations will recruit the youth by using the above reasons which are not entirely true.
When you are talking about the problems of the kashmir people you should also be talking about the families of the people lost in kargil and Mumbai.
Do you think these terrorists act like freedom fighters there are cases in which these guys have created problems to the kashmiri women and girls. Ruksana case is a similar one.
The fact is ISI or the terrorist organizations will recruit the youth by using the above reasons which are not entirely true.

oh buddy don't worry isi is working in Pakistan internal side

and about you kargil it is war not terrorism

and every thing is acceptable in love and war

and Kashmir :smitten:it is soon escaped because the peace of India:sniper: require it
and about insurgency in Pakistan had been created by India and their alliances we will soon hold on :pakistan:
ISI needs to do covert operations in Afghanistan and take out indian terrorist sponsering and terror training camps, such as their consulates and information centers.
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