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India a Country of Hindus and of Their Descendants - Dr. Swamy

see kid, indo pak war stand at 1-1 so then mentality you are talking about you would know or is your persevered mentality.
We have an agreement of no firing and we respect that.

IAF airpower (bombing) was never used in NE afaik
prove me wrong if you can, i would glad to learn some new things

current relation with china, that is a far cry
China know retaliation would be stopping trade, that is a 120 billion dollar trade 2014-15 and is ever increasing
LOL..why bring in Pakistan.A country several times lesser than India.The Indo paks were never fought in a ratio of 1:1.I wonder what kind of books you read.
Secondly,I am not in the habit of spoonfeeding morons who talk through their asses about stuff they have no ideas about..but I will make an exception for you.In hope that it makes you and others see how you guys talk through their asses about NE with no idea about facts and reality.
Air attacks in Mizoram, 1966 - our dirty, little secret - Economic Times
Sure..China is ready to embrace India and leave it alone.The chinese must be laughing at the naivety and "fingers crossed" mentality like that.There are many times when light firefights break out in Arunachal Pradesh border...ambulances of wounded Indian troops coming back from the front.
why would India stop trade with China or rather can india actually do that?Cut itself off from the manufacturer of the world?Fact is India needs china while china doesn't.India China trade is like peanuts to PRC compared to what they do with the rest of the world.After all,collecting land and territory is seen as far better option by the chinese.This much is evident by the chinese activities in South china sea and the senkaku islan dispute.You actually think they give a f8ck about trade with a far less lucrative trade with India?
All suppressed by the government.
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see kid, indo pak war stand at 1-1 so then mentality you are talking about you would know or is your persevered mentality.
We have an agreement of no firing and we respect that.

IAF airpower (bombing) was never used in NE afaik
prove me wrong if you can, i would glad to learn some new things

current relation with china, that is a far cry
China know retaliation would be stopping trade, that is a 120 billion dollar trade 2014-15 and is ever increasing

March 1966 Mizo National Front uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL..why bring in Pakistan.A country several times lesser than India.The Indo paks were never fought in a ratio of 1:1.I wonder what kind of books you read.
Secondly,I am not in the habit of spoonfeeding morons who talk through their asses about stuff they have no ideas about..but I will make an exception for you.In hope that it makes you and others see how you guys talk through their asses about NE with no idea about facts and reality.
Air attacks in Mizoram, 1966 - our dirty, little secret - Economic Times
Sure..China is ready to embrace India and leave it alone.The chinese must be laughing at the naivety and "fingers crossed" mentality like that.There are many times when light firefights break out in Arunachal Pradesh border...ambulances of wounded Indian troops coming back from the front.
why would India stop trade with China or rather can india actually do that?Cut itself off from the manufacturer of the world?Fact is India needs china while china doesn't.India China trade is like peanuts to PRC compared to what they do with the rest of the world.After all,collecting land and territory is seen as far better option by the chinese.This much is evident by the chinese activities in South china sea and the senkaku islan dispute.You actually think they give a f8ck about trade with a far less lucrative trade with India?
All suppressed by the government.

But Chinese also suppressed the info even if their Chinese soldiers are wounded.Paid traitors also got different type of treatment in China.
March 1966 Mizo National Front uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But Chinese also suppressed the info even if their Chinese soldiers are wounded.Paid traitors also got different type of treatment in China.
Tch tch..don't go on maximum hyperventilate.Why is it a shock that your troops are still insufficient against China?They can't do much against insurgents let alone armies that have won victories.Only good at raping civilians..oh the insurgent scare 'us'.let's rape some innocent civilian to regain our manhod once again..after all culture must be carried wherever one goes whether at home in mainland or in NE,right?
LOL..why bring in Pakistan.A country several times lesser than India.The Indo paks were never fought in a ratio of 1:1.I wonder what kind of books you read.
Lol my bad, i meant Indo-china conflict stand 1-1

Secondly,I am not in the habit of spoonfeeding morons who talk through their asses about stuff they have no ideas about..but I will make an exception for you.In hope that it makes you and others see how you guys talk through their asses about NE with no idea about facts and reality.
Air attacks in Mizoram, 1966 - our dirty, little secret - Economic Times

MNFOverruns the army battalion hence the air-froce was called,
The insurgents had managed to capture all the posts of the 1st Assam Rifles (AR) except the AR headquarters at Aizawl. Their chances of capturing the AR headquarters were low after the IAF airstrikes. When the MNF leaders heard about the likely arrival of the Indian Army in Aizawl on 7 March, they decided to retreat to Lunglei, which was under the MNF control.
March 1966 Mizo National Front uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sure..China is ready to embrace India and leave it alone.The chinese must be laughing at the naivety and "fingers crossed" mentality like that.There are many times when light firefights break out in Arunachal Pradesh border...ambulances of wounded Indian troops coming back from the front.
More complex than you understand kid, they incrusions are retaliations of how india gets close to US and Japan
They constantly remind us not to get involved or help Vietnam and Indonesia with weapons
Plus we do keep Tibetan monks, so they have their reasons to get pissed off

why would India stop trade with China or rather can india actually do that?Cut itself off from the manufacturer of the world?Fact is India needs china while china doesn't.India China trade is like peanuts to PRC compared to what they do with the rest of the world.
Yes you can, you would have to import from Thailand, malaysia and japan, there is nothing that china makes that cannot be found else where

After all,collecting land and territory is seen as far better option by the chinese.This much is evident by the chinese activities in South china sea and the senkaku islan dispute.You actually think they give a f8ck about trade with a far less lucrative trade with India?
All suppressed by the government.
dude, when you weight the advantages, you don't want to start a nuclear war over a piece of land
You lay too much importance to yourself
Only area China is really interested in is Arunachal Pradesh other area's they might want to create instability but not capture it
Lol my bad, i meant Indo-china conflict stand 1-1

MNFOverruns the army battalion hence the air-froce was called,
The insurgents had managed to capture all the posts of the 1st Assam Rifles (AR) except the AR headquarters at Aizawl. Their chances of capturing the AR headquarters were low after the IAF airstrikes. When the MNF leaders heard about the likely arrival of the Indian Army in Aizawl on 7 March, they decided to retreat to Lunglei, which was under the MNF control.
March 1966 Mizo National Front uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More complex than you understand kid, they incrusions are retaliations of how india gets close to US and Japan
They constantly remind us not to get involved or help Vietnam and Indonesia with weapons
Plus we do keep Tibetan monks, so they have their reasons to get pissed off

Yes you can, you would have to import from Thailand, malaysia and japan, there is nothing that china makes that cannot be found else where

dude, when you weight the advantages, you don't want to start a nuclear war over a piece of land
You lay too much importance to yourself
Only area China is really interested in is Arunachal Pradesh other area's they might want to create instability but not capture it
Sure they are retaliations.NOT.These incursions have always taken place..Arunachalis especially those with family in the upper region have always known that.You think so only because the news never reached you guys or you never were interested and the government suppressed it.Every generation of arunachali knows how deep chinese come into Indian territory and the Indian forces never do anything.Some even regularly cross into PRC territory.
I hope you are joking about getting stuff from anywhere but china.No country on earth can live without china that is a fact.The countries you mentioned are nowhere near capable enough to replace china.If Indians want to cripple their country,that i another matter entirely.
Nukes will never be used India,,too pussy to do that.Its not just a piece of land..NE you know.If India loses north east or even AP it can kiss bye bye to viable land connections.The value for north east is even greater in the eyes of chinese as it means they can cut off India almost completely from Myanmar and the rest of SEA,sll the while tightening their grip on Myanmar,bhutan and SEA.
Tch tch..labeeling me NSCN when I am an arunachali..but expected reply.Ok mr genius old timer.Do you get the point that smart people in these orgs means they inherently perform better than misguided idiots like those jihadi retards.The NE separatists are just expanding and the Indian state has just given up and prefers not to engage with them.Maybe that is why you see the quiet.
rag tag..lol.these orgs are run like corporate houses..with an armed facet.I was very stunned when I began researching into NSCN and talked with former NSCN guys.Those jihadis are nothing compared to real asymmetric fighters like vietcong or even the NE separatists.IB...IB..is that some kind of mainland belief that repeat something like a mantra and the problem will go away.The Indian intel agencies have been unable to even contain the insurgency let alone eliminate it.
.BTW,if your army and IB can't take out what you call rag tag fighters,what does it make them?Fucking impotents?
I wish you would ask the RR,CRPF and co to show some spine and go after NSCN..I wonder why they suddenly develop cold feet in NE when they totally own "most dangerous in world" jihadis.:omghaha::omghaha:
Hurry up will you?I don't relish the thought of having to pay taxes to NSCN:(:(

67 or 87?what is that?Maybe it was some minor skirmish and you guys take that as a face saver to convince yourself that 62 can't happen again.
I don't see the chinese think anything of these years while the very mention of 62 is enough to send the Indian state and its arms in an epiletic fit.

The naxals are just expanding mr genius.Unless you went senile and didn't notice.
Great Indian logic by the way.We beat the crap out of those naxals but they just expanded are an even greater threat to us now.Kind of like pakistani thinking that their army won every skirmish,every battle and every war and yet the Indians got the victory.
I guess you guys really are from the same stock.

Their mentality certainly is.They piss in their pants when chinese come into the picture.The PLA has a nice little camping trip inside Indian territory and the brave Indian army just looks on like monkeys.I guess 62 is still very traumatic on their institutional memory.
Ask @sreekumar about the use of air force in NE.he was bragging about it just a few pages back.A quick google will help you BTW if sreekumar doesn't.
yada yada..we will do this ..that ..blah blah..more Indian hot air and gas.First wipe them out will you?

BTW an interesting tidbit.Many of these separatists have ties to PRC.What if they are sleeper cells and help PRC if the chinese ever invade NE?

Oh we are scared .Lolllllll:lol::lol::rofl::rofl:.
I have links to back up my claim but I dont want post it and you can just search google for that if you need
NSCN can do what??and At what extent ?.Suppose if the law and order situation become worse and NSCN take up arms against India If Indian Army initiate a combing operation how much time they can sustain??
And we are talking about a 1.3 million strong army with limitless reinforcement plus advanced weapons.
Cut the crap dude:lol:.And about PRC ,India have nukes so they will think twice before invade India.
NSCN is just limited there in NE and surrounding areas .But these terrorists have global back up and support.
We support Kachin Rebels and we initiated ops leech against them when they supported NE insurgents .
Presently there is no such grave condition there otherwise we could be see the unrest in that area.
And even if they planned for something our present NSA knows how to deal with it.Well GoI knows more than you ,me and others in this PDF.
GoI present strategy is to developing our nation .We can decimate these naxals within 6 months but that may create collateral damage and losss of lives.So present IAP of GoI is enough for maoists

Paid traitors dont gonna change anything.A fraction like you cant change the reality.

Sure they are retaliations.NOT.These incursions have always taken place..Arunachalis especially those with family in the upper region have always known that.You think so only because the news never reached you guys or you never were interested and the government suppressed it.Every generation of arunachali knows how deep chinese come into Indian territory and the Indian forces never do anything.Some even regularly cross into PRC territory.
I hope you are joking about getting stuff from anywhere but china.No country on earth can live without china that is a fact.The countries you mentioned are nowhere near capable enough to replace china.If Indians want to cripple their country,that i another matter entirely.
Nukes will never be used India,,too pussy to do that.Its not just a piece of land..NE you know.If India loses north east or even AP it can kiss bye bye to viable land connections.The value for north east is even greater in the eyes of chinese as it means they can cut off India almost completely from Myanmar and the rest of SEA,sll the while tightening their grip on Myanmar,bhutan and SEA.

Mr Cheerleader .You can blabbering whatever you want.But Chinese will think twice before they invade us .Hell they are even
send their senior minister to see our new PM just within 1 week of swearing ceremoney.
Incident like you said might happened earlier.But present govt and its PM is too decisive when he deal with our enemies .
Chinese already know that .We got that when they bent down for relation with Modi govt.
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Oh we are scared .Lolllllll:lol::lol::rofl::rofl:.
I have links to back up my claim but I dont want post it and you can just search google for that if you need
NSCN can do what??and At what extent ?.Suppose if the law and order situation become worse and NSCN take up arms against India If Indian Army initiate a combing operation how much time they can sustain??
And we are talking about a 1.3 million strong army with limitless reinforcement plus advanced weapons.
Cut the crap dude:lol:.And about PRC ,India have nukes so they will think twice before invade India.
NSCN is just limited there in NE and surrounding areas .But these terrorists have global back up and support.
We support Kachin Rebels and we initiated ops leech against them when they supported NE insurgents .
Presently there is no such grave condition there otherwise we could be see the unrest in that area.
And even if they planned for something our present NSA knows how to deal with it.Well GoI knows more than you ,me and others in this PDF.
GoI present strategy is to developing our nation .We can decimate these naxals within 6 months but that may create collateral damage and losss of lives.So present IAP of GoI is enough for maoists

Paid traitors dont gonna change anything.A fraction like you cant change the reality.
Like you are gonna do that or will be able to.Indian army and othrt armed forces are tied down in J&K and rest of India.Replying to you is like talking with a bot.Same old lines..
You guys can't do shit.Because if you could..you would have.Its not like the Indian state was ever restrained in its approach towards NE.
You cowards won't do shit against China.Your nukes don't deter even pakistan and it will deter China?.You guys can't take care of rag tag naxals and are delusional to think you can take on China?Talk about low iq morons.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Like you are gonna do that or will be able to.Indian army and othrt armed forces are tied down in J&K and rest of India.Replying to you is like talking with a bot.Same old lines..
You guys can't do shit.Because if you could..you would have.Its not like the Indian state was ever restrained in its approach towards NE.
You cowards won't do shit against China.Your nukes don't deter even pakistan and it will deter China?.You guys can't take care of rag tag naxals and are delusional to think you can take on China?Talk about low iq morons.:rofl::rofl::rofl:


But the whole the world know that GoI knows several times more than you mr,They know how to handle the situation .
Your cheerleading for China or (may be false flagging) or emotion not gonna change the reality .Chinese know that very well.
If you want to know more about @Tshering22 would help you.
dude, when you weight the advantages, you don't want to start a nuclear war over a piece of land
You lay too much importance to yourself
Only area China is really interested in is Arunachal Pradesh other area's they might want to create instability but not capture it
Your thinking..not the chinese.The chinese are risking nuclear war over some rocks in east china with japan backed by China.A far greater threat than India will ever be let alone is.You think they won't come after all the resource rich NE?To finally nip in the bud one of the only threats to Chinese hegemony ?Take a good look at the map of AP and rest of NE..how devastating it will be for India to lose it.
Oh we are scared .Lolllllll:lol::lol::rofl::rofl:.
I have links to back up my claim but I dont want post it and you can just search google for that if you need
NSCN can do what??and At what extent ?.Suppose if the law and order situation become worse and NSCN take up arms against India If Indian Army initiate a combing operation how much time they can sustain??
And we are talking about a 1.3 million strong army with limitless reinforcement plus advanced weapons.
Cut the crap dude:lol:.And about PRC ,India have nukes so they will think twice before invade India.
NSCN is just limited there in NE and surrounding areas .But these terrorists have global back up and support.
We support Kachin Rebels and we initiated ops leech against them when they supported NE insurgents .
Presently there is no such grave condition there otherwise we could be see the unrest in that area.
And even if they planned for something our present NSA knows how to deal with it.Well GoI knows more than you ,me and others in this PDF.
GoI present strategy is to developing our nation .We can decimate these naxals within 6 months but that may create collateral damage and losss of lives.So present IAP of GoI is enough for maoists

Paid traitors dont gonna change anything.A fraction like you cant change the reality.

Mr Cheerleader .You can blabbering whatever you want.But Chinese will think twice before they invade us .Hell they are even
send their senior minister to see our new PM just within 1 week of swearing ceremoney.
Incident like you said might happened earlier.But present govt and its PM is too decisive when he deal with our enemies .
Chinese already know that .We got that when they bent down for relation with Modi govt.
Such typical Indian mindset.The cheerleader here is you...Yay modi..go modi..go.Imagine a smelly geezer cheerleading with pom poms :rofl: :rofl:So what if they sent some minister to India?Is that some sign that CHina has given in?Seriously you Modi fans are retarded..thinking he will change the face and standing of India.He will do a lot but it won't change the game and how it is balanced.
Oh yes I am a minority.Rest of NE hates you more than it hates pakistan or anything else on earth.I just dislike India..and you are having epileptic fits of rage.What will happen when you meet someone from NE who hates India?Probably have a stroke or heart attack with all that rage.

"Why u no luv us tribals..we superior hindus must be luvved,admired":lol::lol::lol:
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That is what the RSS and Hindu nationalists are trying to do. Teach history properly and induce cultural pride.
One of the major teaching of RSS is that destruction and looting of temples and sacred places started with the Islamic conquest of North West India in 8th Century only. Now read what Richard Eaton has to say on this. He is clearly challenging the RSS version of history.

The Reign of Non-History | Page 5
Sure they are retaliations.NOT.These incursions have always taken place..Arunachalis especially those with family in the upper region have always known that.You think so only because the news never reached you guys or you never were interested and the government suppressed it.Every generation of arunachali knows how deep chinese come into Indian territory and the Indian forces never do anything.Some even regularly cross into PRC territory.
Army is aware about the incursions sir, they aren't stupid
The issue has been taken up by PMO and assurance of early end to the dispute has been signaled by china too

I hope you are joking about getting stuff from anywhere but china.No country on earth can live without china that is a fact.The countries you mentioned are nowhere near capable enough to replace china.If Indians want to cripple their country,that i another matter entirely.
Do abit of research yourself, ofcourse you can, china is cheaper hence imports happen through china
same chips and usb can be bough from vietnam, thailand and other asean countries
hence i am not joking, there are alternative

Nukes will never be used India,,too pussy to do that.Its not just a piece of land..
you think, it would result in a full fledged war

NE you know.If India loses north east or even AP it can kiss bye bye to viable land connections.The value for north east is even greater in the eyes of chinese as it means they can cut off India almost completely from Myanmar and the rest of SEA,sll the while tightening their grip on Myanmar,bhutan and SEA.
China doesn't need to open another front with India, it is already pre-occupied with south china sea kid
china already has access to bay of bengal through burma, we are signing a $40 billion deal for supply of gas through china
steps taken are extremely positive between india and china, hence your possibility sounds such as a distant dream
Your thinking..not the chinese.The chinese are risking nuclear war over some rocks in east china with japan backed by China.A far greater threat than India will ever be let alone is.You think they won't come after all the resource rich NE?To finally nip in the bud one of the only threats to Chinese hegemony ?Take a good look at the map of AP and rest of NE..how devastating it will be for India to lose it.

Such typical Indian mindset.The cheerleader here is you...Yay modi..go modi..go.Imagine a smelly geezer cheerleading with pom poms :rofl: :rofl:So what if they sent some minister to India?Is that some sign that CHina has given in?Seriously you Modi fans are retarded..thinking he will change the face and standing of India.He will do a lot but it won't change the game and how it is balanced.
Oh yes I am a minority.Rest of NE hates you more than it hates pakistan or anything else on earth.I just dislike India..and you are having epileptic fits of rage.What will happen when you meet someone from NE who hates India?Probably have a stroke or heart attack with all that rage.

"Why u no luv us tribals..we superior hindus must be luvved,admired":lol::lol::lol:

Ok now we got the identity:lol: .
There is a lot of NE Indian citizens here.So dont talk to much .
Presently we dont have any problem there.So save it yourself.
Army is aware about the incursions sir, they aren't stupid
The issue has been taken up by PMO and assurance of early end to the dispute has been signaled by china too

Do abit of research yourself, ofcourse you can, china is cheaper hence imports happen through china
same chips and usb can be bough from vietnam, thailand and other asean countries
hence i am not joking, there are alternative

you think, it would result in a full fledged war

China doesn't need to open another front with India, it is already pre-occupied with south china sea kid
china already has access to bay of bengal through burma, we are signing a $40 billion deal for supply of gas through china
steps taken are extremely positive between india and china, hence your possibility sounds such as a distant dream
LOL..nope.No country on earth or even a group of country can do that.If it could be done,other rivals like US and co would have long done it.You guys talk of getting more expensive imports as if India is a rich country.Laughable at best...particularly considering that China can't be replaced.
Sure it would be full fledged nuke war.First you say..a little pieceof land is not worth it and now u say its total war if the chinese do so..make up your mind will you?
BTW,Indian state was ready to give up NE if the Chines invaded.Indians being Indians would simply roll over and take it silently just like they always have done.Case in point-pakistan.
Exactly the point that Burma having a border with India means India can influence it.Capturing NE will mean forcing urma into the chinese camp completely..for the burmese will have no choice if that happens.Again,the Chinese risk armageddon with actual nuclear powers like US just for some rocks in east asia and you say they will give up on NE and AP in particular,when faced with an inferior nation like India?what makes you think Indian establishment will risk total annihilation for NE.They will cripple china but China will wipe out India..or mainland India and its inhabitants off the face of earth.You are smoking some good stuff I tell you
The whole gist of your replies is ..
"Nope.nope..it ain't real..at least we will pretend it isn't..in the hope it isn't"
Your thinking..not the chinese.The chinese are risking nuclear war over some rocks in east china with japan backed by China.
Japan isn't nuclear
US's involvement remains a mistry

You think they won't come after all the resource rich NE?
Coming after a resource is a different thing my dear friend
You don't want to sour relationship between 2 nations

To finally nip in the bud one of the only threats to Chinese hegemony ?Take a good look at the map of AP and rest of NE..how devastating it will be for India to lose it.
thats is IF india looses it
China would not want to be a aggressor at this stage of its growth
Ok now we got the identity:lol: .
There is a lot of NE Indian citizens here.So dont talk to much .
Presently we dont have any problem there.So save it yourself.
Sure ..I can count your "real NE" citiens on my finger tips.Some assamese.A supposed sikkimese..a few nepalis under the delusion that they count as NE.What about ,mizoram,meghalya,tripura,manipur,nagaland?Nope..not one from them.
I am from AP and I guess you know how much we love you mainlanders:rofl::rofl:

Japan isn't nuclear
US's involvement remains a mistry

Coming after a resource is a different thing my dear friend
You don't want to sour relationship between 2 nations

thats is IF india looses it
China would not want to be a aggressor at this stage of its growth
Japan is one of the few countries with the ability to go nuclear seemingly overnight.The american nuclear umbrella is guaranteed under their security pact.If US can't defend japan conventionally..it is treaty bound to go nuclear.After all that is the very meaning of a nuclear umbrella.
And China is a resource hungry nation..always on the lookout to gain the ultimate resource of all..territory.This much is evident from the Chinese squabbles with practically most of its neighbours..from India in south and south west to SEA and east Asia.
Fact is China won't give up on AP in particular.They want it real bad it seems.One never knows when their stated aims expand to the rest of NE..just as they expanded their claims in south china sea..right out of nowhere.By your reasoning China wuld have never done that.Yet it did.Clearly,the powers in China think differently.
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