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India 2025: What kind of superpower


Sep 25, 2010
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Thanksto its functional institutions of democracy, India will become a very desirablekind of superpower, free of corruption; entrepreneurial and resource and energyefficient, says Anil K Gupta
Within two decades or less, arapidly rising India will very likely become the world's third largest economy -after China and the US. It would be appropriate to start speculating now on whatkind of a superpower India will be or could be when it becomesone.

Complex adaptive systems cannot change their stripes once theyhave evolved. How a system evolves determines its end-state. In short, how Indiabecomes a superpower will predefine its structure, its mindset and itsbehaviour.

First, India's emergence as a superpower will show that itis possible to lift millions of people out of poverty within one generationwhile embracing pluralism, a free press and a vibrant multiparty democracy. Mostanalysts predict that, over the next two decades, India's GDP will grow at afaster pace than China's. As the world's fastest-growing large economy on asustained basis, India's rise will put to rest the idea that acommand-and-control political system is the only viable route to rapid economicgrowth and that democracy is somehow antithetical to rapid economicgrowth.

Second, India has the potential to serve as a leading exampleof how to combine rapid economic growth with fairness towards and inclusion ofthose at the bottom rungs of the ladder. In a democratic system such as India'swhere even the poorest people exercise their political rights actively, fairnessand inclusion will be even more critical for social stability than in China. Asit becomes a great power, these values will likely become an enduring part ofthe country's DNA.

Third, the prospects are high that, by 2025, Indiawill likely emerge as one of the world's least corrupt developing economies.While widespread corruption is a reality in almost all developing economies (aswell as some of the developed ones), India is one of the very few developingeconomies with a free press that continues to be vigilant and merciless inexposing the corruption. It is very likely that a vigilant and free press willensure that the likelihood of getting away with corruption will decline rapidly- with salutary deterrent effects.

Fourth, India will likely emergeas one of the world's leaders in leveraging information technology (IT) to boostthe effectiveness and efficiency of its institutions - the corporations, thegovernment and as well as civil society organisations. As 3G and 4G wirelessconnectivity becomes widespread over the next five years, it is a near-certaintythat we'll see a rapid diffusion of low-cost tablet computers along with free ornear-free applications aimed at self-learning, mobile banking as well ascommercial productivity. India in 2025 could well emerge as one of the world'smost connected and IT-savvy societies.

Fifth, India will almostcertainly become a leading example of efficient resource utilisation, especiallyin energy. India relies on imports for a bigger proportion of its oil & gasneeds than any other large emerging economy. The situation is likely to getworse, with sustained growth. The consequences are clear. One possible outcomeis that India hits a resource-scarcity wall and economic growth comes to ascreeching halt.
predictions predictions and predictions.

Lets cut the crap and do our jobs in a better way today. Tomorrow will obviously be great and full of success. End of story.
This is absolutely incredible:woot::woot::woot: . Chinarocks posting such an article !!! Must be a first ....

Thanks .....:)
If by the time we turn 100 (in another 40 years) we have solved poverty, eradicated caste, created a just society and have adequate strength to preserve our interests--we'd be a superpower in Gandhi's eyes.
predictions predictions and predictions.

Lets cut the crap and do our jobs in a better way today. Tomorrow will obviously be great and full of success. End of story.

In 2025 ,these people will say 2050, i"ll be 61 then.
I would be happy If todays Indians were as ambitious and Productive as that of 1960's.... If it is, then with the kind of Infrastructure and facilities we have, Materializing the Modern India dream is almost Impossible to stop by any External force....
INDIA IN 2025 ,Hmmmmmm

Well i expect the following things to happen

Economy to rise to 5 Trillion USD
As u know Indian economy nearly trippled from 460 Billion USD in yr 2000 to 1365 Billion USD in 2010 ,if we follow the same growth rate then economy should be around 5.6 Trillion USD in 2025 , if economy slows down to 7% growth rate then GDP could be between 4.5 - 5.0 Trillion USD

Population of about 1.36 Billion
We cant do much about population growth , while growth rate as been declining and it is expected to be 1.2 % for this decade while slowing down to 0.9% post 2020

Telephone density should reach 90 %
As u guys know , number of mobile subscribers in India stand at 700 Million while Number of fixed line subscriber stood at around 37 Million
I expect number of mobile phone subscribers to rise above 1.1 Billion by 2025

Car sale to rise to 9 Million Unit and Bike sale to rise to 20 million units
CAR SALES AT PRESENT STOOD AT 2.3 Million unit while bike sales stood at 8 Million units , with a growing economy they are expected to continue growing at double digit pace

Middle class to rise to 560 Million from its present 300 Million , Number of people earning below 2 USD a day to decline to 300 Million

Well , army is expected to have similar number of Tanks and Artillary which it has at present but there quality will significantly increase , Number of choppers with the army is expected to double to 360 from its present 180 with the induction of 80 More DHRUVS , 133 Light helicopters and 114 LCH
Airforce is expected to have 800 fighters as compared to 650 today while its chopper inventory might rise to 400 from 320 at present , Its fleet of Utility aircraft is expected to be similar in number but of greater quality , while number of trainers ,might rise to 300 from present 200 , UAV fleet should be around 200 from present 135
Navy will probably have a fleet of 160 ships and 20 Submarines from its present fleet of 140 ships and 14 submarines
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. India relies on imports for a bigger proportion of its oil & gasneeds than any other large emerging economy. The situation is likely to getworse, with sustained growth. The consequences are clear. One possible outcomeis that India hits a resource-scarcity wall and economic growth comes to ascreeching halt.
I accept everything expect the last point...If a energy crisis hits, it would effect the whole world along with India.....& India is among the few developing economy which is having huge research & big money running on how to make the most out of renewable source of energy...India government have set a modest target in this field till 2025...& after the completion of ongoing nuclear deals India can remove the pressure on gas & oil by using them only for transportation requirement...Thus decreasing the energy crisis...
Looking at the ongoing research in other source of energy i think the oil producing nation will be the most effected if a energy crisis hits the world...
in 2025 id like to see.....
1:india with much less poverty
2:with less curropsion
3:wayy better infrastructure
4:less potholes on roads(its a real problem)
5:12% plus growth rate
6:and with development id like to see less religious tension
7:jobs for me(thatll be roughly when i graduate)
What superpower ??:confused:

This is a nation that cant even protect itself from the terrorists regularly unleashed by pakistan .

Even if India becomes economic power it wont be able to stop terrorism .

When mahmud of ghazni invaded india 17 times , even at that time india was an economic power........was that fact able to save it from his invasions ? :rolleyes:
A perfect Utopian society,old days of Ramayana revisited,frankly no nation in the world can create such a society

Poverty will remain with us,even we grow ten fold times,though we can minimize the intensity.

First lets control our population,every other thing will automatically follow on path

And The last thing i enjoy is such prediction articles.
I accept everything expect the last point...If a energy crisis hits, it would effect the whole world along with India.....& India is among the few developing economy which is having huge research & big money running on how to make the most out of renewable source of energy...India government have set a modest target in this field till 2025...& after the completion of ongoing nuclear deals India can remove the pressure on gas & oil by using them only for transportation requirement...Thus decreasing the energy crisis...
Looking at the ongoing research in other source of energy i think the oil producing nation will be the most effected if a energy crisis hits the world...

Not really.. becuase China generates more MW from solar power, win power, nuclear power than India does. If it is anyone that is going to stay strong during Energy crisis it is China.:china: I also think India might have a chance thoguh if gov't keeps and works towards its goal. The Us-India nuclear deal is going to help us a lot though.
in 2025 id like to see.....
1:india with much less poverty
2:with less curropsion
3:wayy better infrastructure
4:less potholes on roads(its a real problem)
5:12% plus growth rate
6:and with development id like to see less religious tension
7:jobs for me(thatll be roughly when i graduate)

first of all im going on record to say that india WILL not be a superpower in 2025, maybe itll have the kind of wealth and power that comes with wealth that china has today but i also do not consider china a super power today.

howeevr with regards to the points mentioned.

1. absolutely poverty should be greatly reduced in 14 years possibly down to some 5 percent of population($1 a day limit)

2. highly doubt this, in fact i fully expect corruption to get worst

3. i would say very possibly yes

4. goes with 3

5. ima go with no for long term but 1-2 years with 12 could be possible

6. sadly this i doubt

7. how old r u? graduate in 2025? i assume you mean masters that makes you....12?
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