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Incursions in Ladakh, a prelude a coming war with China, says analyst Bhara

We just invaded your country in April and you did nothing. India like to thump your chest saying you're ready this time, but when we invade you, you chicken out. Typical of Indians.

If you don't want to get humiliated every single time by us, stop bragging then we might take it easy on you.

Yes I agree whatever you say...BTW Japan captured your 2 islands...what did you do....chest thumping and lots of barking....nothing else...it is been more than a year now ...but you chicken out. Typical Chinese....only bark dont bite :D
LEH/NEW DELHI: Close on the heels of over a dozen incursions since the face off in Ladakh in April from across the Line of Actual Control (LAC), Chinese troops made a fresh attempt to violate the International Border at Chumar area in North east of Leh on July 20 but were forced back by Indian troops.

The 'assertive posturing' by the Chinese troops, who had climbed a small mountain where they faced Indian troops, has been flashed to all units along the Sino-India border in the area to keep a strict vigil on their movement, official sources said today.

Chinese troops claimed it was their territory and they were headed towards to Tible area, five kilometres deep into the Indian territory.

Chumar, which is located 300 kms from Leh, is the last town after which Himachal Pradesh starts. This area also has the distinction of having a defined International Border with China.

Chinese troops, who were confronted almost bang on the border by alert army and ITBP troops, said they needed to follow the orders PLA headquarters and conduct some photography in Tible area.

However, after a usual face-off drill, the Chinese troops who had to walk down a long stretch to reach Chumar, sought assistance in getting some food as they had run out of their stock, the sources said.

While no food was provided as the troops did not carry it with them, some cans of juices were given to the PLA soldiers, the sources said, adding the Chinese troops then retreated into their area.

All Indian units located along the LAC have been asked to maintain a tight vigil in their Area of Responsibilities (AOR) and launch frequent patrols to the higher reaches, the sources said.

Chumar has seen a number of incursion incidents in the recent past including an incident on June 17 where Chinese troops took away an Army surveillance camera meant for keeping an eye on the PLA troops patrolling there.

This is the same area where Chinese troops triggered tensions in April smashing some bunkers besides cutting wires of cameras installed at the border post.

Chumar has been an issue for China which claims it to be its own territory and have been frequenting it with helicopter incursions almost every year. Last year, it dropped some of the soldiers of PLA in this region and dismantled the makeshift storage tents of the Army and ITBP.

This area is not accessible from the Chinese side whereas the Indian side have a road almost to the last point on which the army can carry a load upto nine tonnes.

*This area also has the distinction of having a defined International Border with China.
*While no food was provided as the troops did not carry it with them, some cans of juices were given to thePLA soldiers- what the hell?
India is one among the largest trading partners of china,and econonic loss is reason No.1 for which they won't make an unprovoked attack on us. Also,we aren't an easy prey either.

Is India in the top 3 or top 5 trading partner of China. Also, what percentage is India trade for China?

And what are Chinese gonna do if they do come to North East? Last I remember in 1962, the Chinese ran with their tails between their legs when Indian Army units from Northern and Western Commands were being re-deployed to fight their incursions. Which is why despite a self proclaimed victory in 1962, Chinese didn't get an inch of Indian territory, not even ones they dispute and lay claim on like Arunachal (also known as South Tibet by you guys)

Ok, so you learned from school that India won the war. Get it. Every where else, they teach otherwise. lol
We just invaded your country in April and you did nothing. India like to thump your chest saying you're ready this time, but when we invade you, you chicken out. Typical of Indians.

If you don't want to get humiliated every single time by us, stop bragging then we might take it easy on you.

We just invaded your country in April and you did nothing.

Thanks for clarifying what WE ALL KNOW ALREADY! The land in dispute is INDIA's! Your comment proves it beyond a doubt. Keep it up!

Is India in the top 3 or top 5 trading partner of China. Also, what percentage is India trade for China?

Ok, so you learned from school that India won the war. Get it. Every where else, they teach otherwise. lol

The fact that the conflict was a sneak attack by China and then the Chinese govt called for a ceasefire when India start to mobilize troops from other sectors and the Airforce tells us China was not prepared for a prolonged major conflict.
India launching nukes at us is like North Korea launching nukes at the US. It's called nuclear suicide. Chinese generals are ruthless men, they will not care one iota how much damage China endures as long as India is wiped off the map permanently. Kid, Chinese generals are cold, brutal and absolutely ruthless humans, they make guys like Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz look like military doves in comparison.

What does it matter if ur ruthless when both sides die lol.And IA generals too are professionals not kids with lollipops.
Democratic India attacked by communist China, no matter how small the clashes will be, it will be all out war in International media against China, India can bet on support from International media with their eyes closed on this matter and bad publicity of china worldwide is rest assured, this also will also have troubling effect on china’s already slowing economy. India’s global image and its soft power has worked in past and china will find it hard to negate denting of china’s image happening at world stage.
Well analyzed! I couldn't have said it better.
Lol,this is what this 'invasion' farce has been reduced to?Exchanging juice?:coffee:
@ptltejas this is new era.... No war can be won all alone. Let me explain u. Poke a finger to a enemy and finger will break. Unite the fingers and make a solid punch. Enemy will get hurt.... India cant even take on pakistan all alone. Not because india weak. India is strong. Its because this is modern era and not 1970s. Unite the countries and share weapons, divide money equaly to be used in war (war is costly).... Going in a war all alone is a suicide. Be it any nation that is. India took israel help in kargil war. Without them i doubt india would had got the result in favor. Even if they had it would had been costly. India can defend but cant win and so do china. Uniting nations will make alot difference. Just think about india, america and japan. Think about their military strength combined, think about economy combined, think about the positions they hold. Its unbeatable. I hope u remember american military general, minister already have said if china makes a move in himalayan than america will unite with india and jump in the war.... America made it clear they want to stop china as soon as possible. America wants war but it needs indian help. Without india there is a threat that russia will join war but if india in a war and supports america than russia will never poke its nose.... America india japan is the death knowt for china.
@faithfulguy yes why not in war times? There is connection between china and india, usa, japan.... China defeated india in tiny little war (in which just 1200 indian army took part without airforce and navy who were strong). Than japan really had china good. After all they your master and 30percent chinese has japnese genes due to that war. Than it was america who saved china from japan's grip. Guess what now? All 3 of them are now united against china. Chinese are loosing thinking power. They taking on world.... So desparate for suicide. Than let it be.
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