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Incredible India In Chinese Media

Post of the day :rolleyes:

You asked me for the link, so you got it. :lol:

Anyway I posted some of these links in the Economy subforum, so if you have anything to say about them then please let me know.

So True.And indians celebrate that and always lick west's boot............

That seems about right. Just contrast the two documentaries and see, China shows all the good parts of India, the West shows all the bad parts of India. It's not even close.
Now for contrast:

Look at the recent BBC Documentary called "Welcome to India".

Now tell me that Chinese are biased against India?

We show the good parts of India, the West shows the bad parts. The West only ever makes movies about India regarding the slums, we never do that.

Indians are also quite pro-China. Except for the Media that creates all the hoopla and the politicians with their nonsensical rhetoric. Yes geo-politically there might be plenty of things to argue, but in reality, most people are quite pro-China. Atleast that has been my experience.

The West also loves stereotypes. They always pander to those ideas, thats how their societies work. Especially BBC, who have been accused of harboring a colonial mindset depicting the worst parts of India always. They have been accused of being Indo phobic. I dont see this in China. I think that's good for the future. After all the future likes in the peaceful relations between India and China, not in what the west thinks of India or China for that matter.

So True.And indians celebrate that and always lick west's boot............

And you do, Pakistan's boot.
Indians are also quite pro-China. Except for the Media that creates all the hoopla and the politicians with their nonsensical rhetoric. Yes geo-politically there might be plenty of things to argue, but in reality, most people are quite pro-China. Atleast that has been my experience.

I can't really believe that. The Indian media peddles China and Chinese people as a boogeyman day and night, and from the interactions I have had with Indians so far, it seems to be working exceptionally well.

It is clear that China has no intention of showing India in the same image that the West does, but that doesn't make a bit of difference.

According to the Pew Global research polls, Chinese perceptions of India have become sharply negative over the past two years, from a majority positive to a majority negative. Which is probably due to more Chinese venturing onto the English-language internet and seeing what Indians really think of them.

And those perceptions are mirrored in the Indian view of China (majority negative), according to the same polls.
I can't really believe that. The Indian media peddles China and Chinese people as a boogeyman day and night, and from the interactions I have had with Indians so far, it seems to be working exceptionally well.

It is clear that China has no intention of showing India in the same image that the West does, but that doesn't make a bit of difference.

According to the Pew Global research polls, Chinese perceptions of India have become sharply negative over the past two years, from a majority positive to a majority negative. Which is probably due to more Chinese venturing onto the English-language internet and seeing what Indians really think of them.

And those perceptions are mirrored in the Indian view of China (majority negative), according to the same polls.

I dont take Pew research factors seriously. Pew research is based on sample sizes. They cannot ever represent 1.2 billion people.

Yes thats what I said, the bolded part above, that the Media keeps up with their rhetoric and so do the politicians. But the people in India are either neutral or pro-China. I havent seen in my entire life someone speak ill of China.

you dont have go to india to witness all that cheerleading and bootlicking .you can witness it all here how PDF indians celebrate movies like slumdog millionaire and act as west's cheerleader here on

Ajtr, before calling anyone a bootlicker you should think twice.

You grew up an Indian, and in 1.5 years after marrying a Pakistani, you became a Pakistani yourself!! . And now you are anti-India.
A little bit of introspection and self-esteem, wouldnt be too uncalled for here. Your pandering for Pakistani approval is quite glaring, maybe even pathetic. Its quite sad really.
Even though Indians on this forum hate China and troll everything we do, I hope India is successful and wish them well.
A strong India is good for Asia.
I studied overseas and have many Indian friends, did group project together and all that and they were smart hardworking people.

Also I think poor people getting a better life is a good thing whatever country you are from.
You are not the only one, before i came here i never had negative views towards Indians or Viets. I had worked with some Indians before, could get along with a Viet and some Indian classmates. Now reading all these crap comments from some of them i'm disillusioned too.

We have missed your comments man, welcome back :D

Same to me. Before I came here, I had a better view on China and the Chinese. Welcome to the disillusion club! :lol:
I hope your countryman does not troll too much. Welcome back Chinese-Dragon!
Lin Yutang (1895-1976) author of The Wisdom of China and India:

"The contact with poets, forest saints and the best wits of the land, the glimpse into the first awakening of Ancient India's mind as it searched, at times childishly and naively, at times with a deep intuition, but at all times earnestly and passionately, for the spiritual truths and the meaning of existence - this experience must be highly stimulating to anyone, particularly because the Hindu culture is so different and therefore so much to offer." Not until we see the richness of the Hindu mind and its essential spirituality can we understand India...."

"India was China's teacher in religion and imaginative literature, and the world's teacher in trignometry, quandratic equations, grammar, phonetics, Arabian Nights, animal fables, chess, as well as in philosophy, and that she inspired Boccaccio, Goethe, Herder, Schopenhauer, Emerson, and probably also old Aesop."

Hu Shih, (1891-1962), Chinese philosopher in Republican China. He was ambassador to the U.S. (1938-42) and chancellor of Peking University (1946-48). He said:

"India conquered and dominated China culturally for two thousand years without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."
Lin Yutang (1895-1976) author of The Wisdom of China and India:

"The contact with poets, forest saints and the best wits of the land, the glimpse into the first awakening of Ancient India's mind as it searched, at times childishly and naively, at times with a deep intuition, but at all times earnestly and passionately, for the spiritual truths and the meaning of existence - this experience must be highly stimulating to anyone, particularly because the Hindu culture is so different and therefore so much to offer." Not until we see the richness of the Hindu mind and its essential spirituality can we understand India...."

"India was China's teacher in religion and imaginative literature, and the world's teacher in trignometry, quandratic equations, grammar, phonetics, Arabian Nights, animal fables, chess, as well as in philosophy, and that she inspired Boccaccio, Goethe, Herder, Schopenhauer, Emerson, and probably also old Aesop."

Hu Shih, (1891-1962), Chinese philosopher in Republican China. He was ambassador to the U.S. (1938-42) and chancellor of Peking University (1946-48). He said:

"India conquered and dominated China culturally for two thousand years without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."

you can download the book here, if you are interested

The Wisdom Of China and India.pdf
according to Rene Grousset (1885-1952) French art historian in his book Rise and Splendour of Chinese Empire

"the name China comes from "an ancient" Sanskrit name for the regions to the east, and not, as often supposed, from the name of the state of Ch'in," the first dynasty established by Shih Huang Ti in 221 B.C
Gerolamo Emilio Gerini (1860 -1913) author of Researches on Ptolemy's geography of eastern Asia (further India and Indo-Malay archipelago has described as follows:

“During the three or four centuries, preceding the Christian era, we find Indu (Hindu) dynasties established by adventurers, claiming descent from the Kshatriya potentates of northern India, ruling in upper Burma, in Siam and Laos, in Yunnan and Tonkin, and even in most parts of southeastern China. From the Brahmaputra and Manipur to the Tonkin Gulf we can trace a continuous string of petty states, ruled by those scion of the Kshatriya race, using the Sanskrit or Pali language in official documents or inscriptions; building temples and other monuments after the Indu (Hindu) style and employing Brahmana priests for the propitiatory ceremonies, connected with the court and state. Among such Indu (Hindu) monarchies (Theinni) in Burma, of Muang Hang, C’hieng Rung, Muang Khwan and Dasarna (Luang P’hrah Bang) in the Lau country; and of Agranagara (Hanoi) and Campa in Tonkin and Annan.”

“The names of peoples and cities, recorded by Ptolemy in that region, however few and imperfectly preserved, are sufficiently significant to prove the presence of the Indu (Hindu) ruling and civilizing element in these countries, undoubtedly not so barbarous as the Chinese would make them appear.”

“It is evident through the medium of those barbarians that China received part of her civilization through India.”
Hu Shih, (1891-1962), Chinese philosopher in Republican China. He was ambassador to the U.S. (1938-42) and chancellor of Peking University (1946-48). He said:

"India conquered and dominated China culturally for two thousand years without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."

Firstly, the Buddha was born in Nepal. :lol:

Secondly, Hu Shih was an ambassador for the RoC (Republic of China) which is Taiwan.
The Chinese Quietists practiced a form of self-hypnosis which has an indisputably close resemblance to Indian Yoga. The Chinese Taoist philosopher Liu-An (Huai-nan-tzu) who died in 122 B. C, makes use "of a cosmology in his book which is clearly of Buddhist inspiration."

The first mention of India to be found in Chinese records is in connection with the mission to Ta-hsia (Bacteriana) of a talented and courageous Chinese envoy, Chang Chien (Kien), about 138 B.C. Fourteen years later, having escaped after ten years as a captive of the Huns, he returned home and in his report to the Chinese Emperor he referred to the country of Shen-tu (India) to the southeast of the Yueh-chih (Jou-Chih) country. There are other traditional stories suggestive of earlier links, but Chang Chien's reference to Indian trade with the southwestern districts of China along the overland route corresponding to the modern Yunnan road indicates the existence of some sort of commercial relations well before the second century B.C. The find of Chinese coins at Mysore, dated 138 B.C. suggests maritime relations between India and China existed in the second century B.C. Passages in a Chinese text vaguely refer to Chinese trade relations with countries in the China Sea and Indian Ocean, such as Huang-che (Kanchi or a place in the Ganges delta), as well as to the exchange of diplomatic missions.

Firstly, the Buddha was born in Nepal. :lol:

Secondly, Hu Shih was an ambassador for the RoC (Republic of China) which is Taiwan.

when buddha was born, Nepal was under the rule of indian kings, and buddha was born in a HINDU family. the religion of India.

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