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In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

Yes India is not fully secular because buying Satanic Verses also will land you to jail as well as eating beef. However no one claims India to be perfect secular nation, actually there is no perfect secular nation. What is good for France may not be good for India, as Indians are deeply religious and we didn't have to go through all the Church vs State tomfoolery. Religious sensitivities need to be taken care of, however there should be a line drawn and this idiotic law crosses the line.

However, dear Pakistanis, worry not for Muslim brethren in India, as they are more educated, earn more and live longer than you.

I can care less about anyone living in India because they all are citizens of the Indian state and its responsibility. My only contention is about setting the record straight and that is all I'm doing. While talking about getting the facts right, I'm sure you would present empirical data to prove your thesis in the bolded part, won't you ?
Even Sikhs are victims due to their turbans, in France they banned that too in public places.

Then perhaps instead of demonizing Muslims, you should stand with the Muslims and Sikhs and raise your voice against this injustice. Unless you are saying that since the french do it, why can't we ?

---------- Post added at 06:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 PM ----------

jews are also not allowed to wear their small topis...

Then perhaps instead of demonizing Muslims, you should stand with the Muslims, Jews and Sikhs and raise your voice against this injustice.
I can care less about anyone living in India because they all are citizens of the Indian state and its responsibility. My only contention is about setting the record straight and that is all I'm doing. While talking about getting the facts right, I'm sure you would present empirical data to prove your thesis in the bolded part, won't you ?

It wasn't exactly directed to you but some other overzealous members.


Economic | Indian Muslims
Then perhaps instead of demonizing Muslims, you should stand with the Muslims and Sikhs and raise your voice against this injustice. Unless you are saying that since the french do it, why can't we ?

---------- Post added at 06:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 PM ----------

Then perhaps instead of demonizing Muslims, you should stand with the Muslims, Jews and Sikhs and raise your voice against this injustice.

Why is that injustice? You need to understand that Christian cross is also banned from public display in France. French are paranoid about religion and quite reasonably so if you read their history.
Why is that injustice? You need to understand that Christian cross is also banned from public display in France. French are paranoid about religion and quite reasonably so if you read their history.

You misunderstand the French secularity law. It bans religious symbol in public schools. Public schools are funded by the public and shouldn't favor one religion over the other. You can display whatever religious symbols in private schools.
^that's why I said public display, didn't I?

Anyway India also doesn't favour one religion over another, it's just takes care of all sensitivities. Only us agnostics have to take the backseat.
Yes India is a hindu country but we co-exist with the muslims.

---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

I am a strict Meatarian. I do not believe in eating plants because they give up oxygen and shade and with global warming we need these plants more than ever at the same time we need to thin the Oxygen users of this world and what better way to do it than eat those who do?? Those who eat plants are criminals and are killing our world.


Thats so funny,there is more global warming from canned beef than by vegetarians.
This is not fair to anyone in India except Hindus.

India is not a secular country. The truth is India is a Hindu country.

Ha ! Ha ! India is not a simple hindu country man, its the most racist country on earth after or along israel... :devil::devil:
^that's why I said public display, didn't I?

Anyway India also doesn't favour one religion over another, it's just takes care of all sensitivities. Only us agnostics have to take the backseat.

You confused public with public school. Those are two different things.
bs...this lie has been busted over and over....

killing cow is mandated neither in islam nor christianity...it is an act that is done by the muslims to show they are different from the hindus and to assert their identity in a hindu majority india...

my position is..if you feel you need to assert your identity even though it directly offends hindu religious sentiments, your "need" can go to hell...as simple as that..

Just make sure
that you don't push the "HELL" too hard to the wall otherwise it can bounce back right at

you after all their is a saying

History is hard as "HELL" on top of that it's also very cruel
have u ever been outside chittagong?

Yes sir, I have been to india- Calcutta and New Delhi for couple of days. And I am Going to USA after 7 months, got it ?? And i hope that you are a learned and honorable person, just sit and ponder quietly - Is this law is actually a good one? Why not then ban hen, duck, etc etc slaughtering?? Cow is a deity of yours, fine Everyone of us honor it. But if I kick a cow anyhow and any why does that mean that deity is downed?? What about millions of cows are being slaughtered in chicago, Bangladesh, pakistan, ................................ even in indias some others state? This is a sheer Hypocritical and heinous act. It supposed to be 2012, not some 1100 A.D....
^cow is not a deity but it's considered sacred.

As I said religious sensitivities need to be taken care of, if that makes India a Hindu nation then it's also a muslim nation because satanic verses was a banned here and christian nation because da vinchi code was banned. Although I'm against banning anything, but sometimes you have to make a compromise to your ideology if that saves some peoples lives.

Ps: the law is idiotic, they simply should have banned slaughtering in open spaces.

Pps: pakistanis and bangladeshis should be the last people to pass judgement on secularism.
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