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In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

No certainly not..definitely no tourist is gonna head to India specifically to eat beef...but it'll be such an odd pain in the *** to walk into a 1/2 empty Mac's and only see chicken on the menu.

Wait, what about Mac's?? Double cheeseburgers and Big Mac's and all those good stuff?? Beef can still be sold in there I hope? :coffee:

MC.Donalds are not fools. For the tiny clientele of foreign tourists or people like you they are not going to sacrifice the larger clientele of beef hating Hindus by serving Big Mac. You realize that beef is still available in star hotels. If you or foreign tourists want beef burger you can head to these hotels or to states like Kerala, Goa etc.

Let me tell you about an interesting observation that Pakistani restaurants in Gulf don't serve beef. The main reason I believe they are doing it is that they don't want to lose the North Indian customers (which also includes Hindus) who also happens to eat there.
Oh thanks for pointing that out..its just in certain states then. Then its not so bad. But mmmm....okay I can appreciate the reason you have given for the ban in those states, communal harmony and all, but I'm not sure if this is the best approach to ensure there is no disruption to peace. People need to be educated to have more tolerance for each other and learn to live together...banning this and that...I don't think thats the way to go.

Oh well, as long as it doesn't touch Goa, I'm a happy camper.

Dude u gotta be kidding?!?! Then what do they sell besides chicken???? Why would they even operate in India if they can't sell half the things on the menu?? Or do they have a substitute for beef?

I take that from your surprised shock you have not visited a Mcdonalds in India? :D you can have a tasty Mcraj chicken or lamb burger or how about a nice Vege burger? :rofl:

No your safe in Goa :azn: they sell bucket loads of beef there and it taste the Bombay
Dude u gotta be kidding?!?! Then what do they sell besides chicken???? Why would they even operate in India if they can't sell half the things on the menu?? Or do they have a substitute for beef?

Veggie burger...
Pakistani joints in Uk also dont sell beef or pork just a point but then again 99% of Pakistani places are called Indian :lol:
I take that from your surprised shock you have not visited a Mcdonalds in India? :D you can have a tasty Mcraj chicken or lamb burger or how about a nice Vege burger? :rofl:

No your safe in Goa :azn: they sell bucket loads of beef there and it taste the Bombay

Macdonald's in India no, last time I was in India was in '95 and I think it was before Mac's got there. I did see a small burger stall, I think in Delhi airport that sold mutton burgers but didnt run into any MacD's.
Macdonald's in India no, last time I was in India was in '95 and I think it was before Mac's got there. I did see a small burger stall, I think in Delhi airport that sold mutton burgers but didnt run into any MacD's.

Ya they freaking everywhere now alongside Subways but to be honest I rather stick to eating Vegetarian food when im in India apart from when I went south to Goa etc where I did have some meat and fish dishes.
Pakistani joints in Uk also dont sell beef or pork just a point but then again 99% of Pakistani places are called Indian :lol:

Bcs they are businessman first. They respect the religious sensibilities of their clientele for the greater good of themselves. MP govt is also just doing that. If I am not wrong , MP is stage to many religious riots that sprang from the issue of cow slaughter. So they just banned the root cause.
Macdonald's in India no, last time I was in India was in '95 and I think it was before Mac's got there. I did see a small burger stall, I think in Delhi airport that sold mutton burgers but didnt run into any MacD's.

there are many mcd in india...they do not sell beef and pork...also vegetarian food and non-veg food is cooked in different areas of kitchen and by different cooks..
Macdonald's in India no, last time I was in India was in '95 and I think it was before Mac's got there. I did see a small burger stall, I think in Delhi airport that sold mutton burgers but didnt run into any MacD's.

You should update yourself bro. Mc. Donalds is doing great in India without the Big Mac.
Bcs they are businessman first. They respect the religious sensibilities of their clientele for the greater good of themselves. MP govt is also just doing that. If I am not wrong , MP is stage to many religious riots that sprang from the issue of cow slaughter. So they just banned the root cause.

Plus its under BJP rule too and birthplace of Uma Bharti and she is hardcore to say the least.
All i know is this when I go to my grandparents town in India i see cows roaming around without a care in the world and some even have that red mark on their heads but i like to feed the cows they even eat chappatis! pretty cool animals cows are the same cant be said for those ugly black pigs :bad: i once saw them eating a dead puppy

I think cow slaughter is also banned in many states which are not ruled by BJP.

Think you may be right but some 5 star hotels you can still get it like in Mumbai and Delhi?
All i know is this when I go to my grandparents town in India i see cows roaming around without a care in the world and some even have that red mark on their heads but i like to feed the cows they even eat chappatis! pretty cool animals cows are the same cant be said for those ugly black pigs :bad: i once saw them eating a dead puppy

Think you may be right but some 5 star hotels you can still get it like in Mumbai and Delhi?

you are right..cows are really calm and nice of all the animals...
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