Trust me I understand no people like their country changed beyond recognition. I do not emphatically agree with uncontrolled immigiration that might change the basic core of that country. That is why immigration must never exceed a countries ability to assimilate.
However as another poster said these stupid invasions and or interventions like in Iraq, Libyia, Afghanistan and the meddling in Syria on serve to create chaos in those countries that then causes waves of immigrants.
Take a look at Gaddafi, despot he might have been but how was he bad to somebody in Stevenage, UK? Take a look at Saddam why was he bad for somebody in Swindon, UK? Then look what happened.
Why not check the number of Iraqi asylum seekers post Iraq war, same for Libyia where you now have boatloads heading for Italy who will no doubt go on to father more mix breeds like Markus, or look at Syria which has caused a wave of migrants many in Greece now and no doubt heading for UK.
So it's not like there is some grand scheme or some conspiracy afoot. Lot of this is down to international politics that brightest and the best in halls of power decide apply as policy or cook more wars.
However maybe they know something or rather are playing a chessboard game at level far higher. Do you recall how humans used to think tribal, then nation state where Germans were kiling British etc and now that conciousness has risen to another level?
Well maybe the guy's in power are putting pawns in place for the next major chanhe in the world. China. Maybe these guy's are attempting to secure Europe flanks which are all Muslim countries so that they can hedge against Chinese future expansion.
Crazy idea? Maybe not ...