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In exclusive deal, India to get ‘Most Advanced’ F-16 fighter jets by 2019-20

F 16 reached it peaks... lil / nothing left for future developments.. or to juice...
Good news, PAF finally have a good timeline on when to start getting rid of its F-16 fleet....if this news is true, which seems a bit fishy.

Why get rid of F-16.

Why not purchase made in India F-16 block 70.

A plane made by India used against India.
F 16 reached it peaks... lil / nothing left for future developments.. or to juice...
They are just making money by transferring the assembly line from US to India. Importing Industrial scrap in guise of investment.
They are just making money by transferring the assembly line from US to India. Importing Industrial scrap in guise of investment.

they are milking for a deal ...
i fully agree that F-16s is not an futuristic platform but there are many grey areas like
1) what is LM offering alongside F-16
2) Political benefits from the deal
3) What do we want to replace with F-16 with (Time and money constraint)
4) What up-gradation is LM offering in F-16
5) If there will be anything new to learn for indian techs if the manufacturing comes to india (dont forget latest fighters of usa are here because of what they learned and achieved in F-16)
If we can get it at a very competative price than only it has some meaning. Tejas MK1+ is going to be a great aircraft. I believe that F16 can serve only 2 purpose. It may have better electronics and it may add to the numbers at a competitive price.
Why get rid of F-16.

Why not purchase made in India F-16 block 70.

A plane made by India used against India.
got an update on the F16 deal. Posted it in rafale sticky. Xposting it here
Source based news about LM offer
(first reported about the meeting in The Hindu newspaper)

  • Meeting between Marilyn Hewson and FM Arun Jaitley happened last week for over 20 mins
  • LM latest discussion suggested that India become the global MRO for F16
  • The assembly line transfer will be completed in less than 3 years
  • The first F16 will roll out by 3.5 years from the date of signing the FMS deal from Indian assembly line
  • The F16 will be customized as India wants and will sport indigenous weapon systems like Astra BVR
  • Indian order will be further divided into exclusive access to the following
    • 75% of the F16 order will be eligible for F35 purchase under reduced rates post 2022
    • 66% of the F16 order will be eligible for a new fighter F22 E (exports) post 2020-22. to be purchased by only handful of nations (5 in numbers as of now with Japan and India and 3 others with limited purchases)
  • The export version of F22 E will be first lucrative point of technology being shared between USA for Japan 5th gen program and India's AMCA.
  • There would be senate approvals required and the export version will have downgraded specs but potency of the F22E vs F22 is not yet defined.
  • India will need the foundation agreements adherence completely.
  • It was noted that F16-F35-F22E the whole deal structure has evolved a lot but still need more concrete terms on the same.
  • FM AJ assured that PM NaMo and DM MP will be appraised about the whole deal structure and he hoped that LM will provide India with a 'meaningful' and 'substantial' technology transfer in any aircraft deal.
  • FM AJ discussed the above discussion points with DM MP.
  • DM MP has told LM representative of what his expectations are ..
    • To a pointed question about what is the real chance of F22E as it has been in news for some time, LM folks defined that they are studying market prospects and believe India and Japan alone can consume around 150 such devices and net 5 country potential as of now stands close to 250 odd numbers. This number may be further expanded when more Nato allies join in for the F22E orders.
    • LM was cited a recent example that an aircraft major is willing to invest in domestic engine program. So what is the possibility that LM also does the same and makes a family of Engines which can power all the 3 (F16,F35 and F22E) thereby getting India a high indigenous number.
    • LM reply to this was they need to study more to understand if such an arrangement can be made or not as they feel all 3 jets required too much different class of engines.
    • A family of engines supporting all different types of fighter jets and which can also power our AMCA program is one of the key points which India is looking at.
    • Also India explicitly asked for Radar, Stealth, Communication, Reduced detection capabilities, RAM technology and armaments to be completely shared with partial codes for any meaningful offer.
    • Again on this point, LM needs clarity from US government and Senate.
    • To a pointed question on weapon customization, LM said present US weapons latest versions would be supplied and Indian weapon customization can be done. To this DM MP clearly asked without codes being shared how can India configure Astra and NG ARM etc and recertify the plane.. LM did not reply to that.

It looks like DM MP wont agree for the LM deal at present structure due to uncertainity and lack of clarity on terms.
F22E is like a carrot dangled for the fact that India has not fallen for the F35.

India is very close to freezing FGFA project investments and release the funds. Talks are already going on for PAKFA stage 1 some numbers for procurement in 2021-25 period before stage 2 FGFA is made in Indian assembly line. The efforts seems to undercut this PAKFA stage 1 numbers by pitching in F22E

One thing what is clear is that despite of public campaigns by LM and Saab, DM MP seems a man who had not fallen for such facade and is bargaining hard to see how much willing LM, Saab and perhaps Boeing is in reality willing to offer a good economical package to India. With terms as desired by India and are agreeable to Indian side without giving up control, access and shelling out a blank cheque.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/dassault...ussions-thread-2.351407/page-274#post-8462362

I think those guys seriously wishes us to buy F16 so dangling out carrots like never before. But they need to up the game.. without codes all this is meaningless.
F-22E? sorry to say but I am not buying that...USA will never sell F-22s..even a water down version of it.
What in d gods name.. F22E??? are you serious... if its true US is playing hard ball game !!
Damn.. IAF inventory will end up being one big kichdi! Jaguars / Migs / Mirages / Sukhois / Rafales / Tejas... & now F16?:eek:
bogus. simple...
Also, I don't know why India is going for F-16s, seems like a poor choice. They'd be adding a new system, one that is a fairly old design, and just adding to their over all operational costs. I don't know, it seems like this was more of a political decision, rather than one based upon Indian defense needs.

Not to mention that people are starting to stir away from the F-16, because a F-16 successors already exists...they're called the Rafale and Typhoon.

As L&M are closing F-16 production lines in US so they need someone (a scapegoat, to be precise) to mint extra money when legacy of F-16s is finishing. Even if there was a slightest of potential for future F-16s exports then they would have continued producing them in already running plant. Nonetheless Turkey is a NATO ally and a close friend of US and already producing F-16s in its facilities, so if at all it was beneficial for Turkey to ask for such a venture then they would have already asked for it. In MMRCA L&M pitched F-16 Block 60 but it didnt qualify and here we are hearing about a futuristic Block 70/72. Its more or less a bait and it would be quite interesting if India takes it or not.
Damn.. IAF inventory will end up being one big kichdi! Jaguars / Migs / Mirages / Sukhois / Rafales / Tejas... & now F16?:eek:

When MMRCA announced, it was said that they are going for 126+ just to end the " Logistical Nightmare " !

Mig 21,23,25,27 and 29 , Jaguars, mirages , mkis might be the reasons for that .

Now it's time to re introduce that term ..!
think those guys seriously wishes us to buy F16 so dangling out carrots like never before. But they need to up the game.. without codes all this is meaningless.

These would be like astras in the hands of Karna.. CISMOA is being negotiated as part of this deal...

Article says LM is searching for land in india to set up the manufacturing base.
Then why is the news yet so hush hush ? Where is the offiicial announcement, official press release ?

It would be announced when the government is able to justify the signing of the remaining two foundational agreements.
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