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Imran khan's PTI is set to approve a grant of Rs277m for ‘jihad university’.

The filthiest cult was founded by Mirza Ghulam of Qadian.

Exactly. Those couple thousand people are to blame for terrorism, radicalism, poverty, unemployment, load shedding, global warming, starving kids in sindh and even that bird who took a shit on my car. Good spotting brother.
And before you accuse me of being one in a sad attempt to rescue your argument I'm not an ahmedi :)

seriously are we going to defend funding of a taliban institute now just because it was done by imran khan ( then we cry why can't we get rid of extremism from our society).
when our nation is going get out of this personality worshiping. for some imran can never be wrong and for others it is nawaz

Hey hey hey don't say anything against instutions KNOWN to breed thousands of terrorists or else I'll abuse you since I don't have any other valid arguement to make.
Khan Sahib sorry to say that you don't even know a kuddu about what is brewing in Maderressa like Haqqania. These are the power plants build up with the help of U-S of A and Petro Dirhams using Zia regime and they are not a bit of changed in the ideology which is churning out people which are putting our country's a$$ at burner.

Questions arises that Where is Bajwa brigade and co? Do they want some blasts again?
More and more sane voices are emerging. Good to read.
Why are some people so worked up when they hear Jihad? Don't spoil the actual meaning of the word.:angry:
For the idiots here .... pay attention and TRY absorbing what's being said here (maybe too much of an ask!):

Don't ignore just because of the title .. listen to what she says! Fundamentalists are well explained by her.

oh, and pay specific attention to the meaning of Kafir and Jahil ...

Libturds want to alienate and target the madrassah children and this actually breeds extremists, but fools just do not understand! What IK is doing is just fine, cry all you want!
there are more kids in madaris then school . government should give them opportunity to learn science subjects too.
I accidentally ran into few of them in Germany and it was really sad and tragic to know their mentality.
and i ran over some of this filth in paris..... they queeked a littel, ...
Has Imran ever been inside the Madrissa to gauge teaching standards and overall conditions before allocating huge sums?
Questions arises that Where is Bajwa brigade and co? Do they want some blasts again?
I don't care about bajwa brigade, it's always these lousy decisions of empty skull politicians for the sake of their political benefits which later provide others a chance to interfere.
i think so he is mentally disordered so he is taking ajeeb o ghareeb decision. he just put a stamp on his credibility, i think so now his followers should get turn back.
PEMRA should really look into the article and specially the wording being used.
IK and his followers need to be start from Jihad un Nafs:coffee:
Jihad al-nafs is the struggle against evil ideas, desires and powers of lust, anger, and insatiable imagination, placing all of them under the dictates of reason and faith in obedience to God's commands.
This struggle is considered as the major struggle (al-jihad al-akbar) as it is much more difficult than fighting in the battlefield, for in the struggle against the self, one has to constantly battle enemies that are hosted inside his own existence.
That Mulla Sami producer of all evil known as Taliban, Shukar hai long time ago I send Lanat on him ( IK ) and stop following him.

Now followers of Mirza Ghulam will teach us meaning of Jihad???
@Horus Why these people are allowed to use Islamic terms and then to mock and ridicule Islamic personalities? Pakistani law doesn't apply here?
Now followers of Mirza Ghulam will teach us meaning of Jihad???
@Horus Why these people are allowed to use Islamic terms and then to mock and ridicule Islamic personalities? Pakistani law doesn't apply here?
Yes you need to learn:lol: jao apna nafs theek karo molvi. That mulla Sami is your is your personality? Ow man you need to be recite kalima again to be a sarkari Muslim.
A Muslim scientist from a madrassah ? Unless the guy from Suleman dawa khana counts as a scientist im not aware of any. Could you give an example ?


At an early age, his family moved to Bukhara where he studied Hanafi jurisprudence with Isma‘il Zahid and at about 13 years of age he studied medicine with a number of teachers.


Jabir was entrusted under the tutelage of a reputed scholar, Harbi al-Himyari, who taught him mathematics, Quran, and several other subjects.

Jabir Ibn Hayyan, later on, was tutored by a Shi’ite Imam, Jafar Al-Sadiq who was closely associated with the Abbasids during Harun al-Rashid’s Caliphate

You can search more at your own leisure.

Again, and I have highlighted this issue on many occasions, the libturds of our country unfortunately think of themselves as Alama, without even bothering, understanding and educating themselves on the subject before they open their mouth.

The institution of Madrassa was the building block of the Muslims culture and society where the citizens of Muslim states at early stage in their lives, were prepared not only be better citizens, contribute to their state but also, prepare them for hereafter.

This institution has systematically been targeted and reduced to what it has become now. It should be revived on the similar grounds it used to be, when Muslims ruled the world affairs.
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