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Imran Khan's greatest challenge: Making Pakistan Muslim again

Can the OP not use India in every paragraph while searching for pakistans identity.
Can Bharatis not use a word derived from a Pakistani river to denote their identity?

That was an observation.I don't think secular is the way forward for Pakistan. They just need to reclaim Islam from the assholes burning the streets right now and their like.

Earliest I remember Pak in early 90's, diff kettle of fish. Didn't have to be secular.
Yes...but the Architect of the Modern World is at work...Pakistan will be given a choice.....a river or a fire....but his river is a fire and his fire a river....

The powers that be are creating a false dichotomy and trying to tarnish the name of Islam in the eyes of common Pakistanis... I must give credit to them for their strategic thinking....

The constitution of Pakistan is Islamic, its courts are bound by Islamic law, its military names most of its operations and weapons after Islamic heroes n concepts. Its govt is bound to act by the constitution to act for the preservation of Islam. How is this a secular state?, The full name of Pakistan is Islamic Republic of Pakistan mate, secularism has no place here, our founding fathers built this state for Islam n its principles, let this be the end of this needless n useless debate mate. If u think the concept of state is unislamic, i will urge u to remember that Islamic world started as a little state found on Islamic law, Medina it was called.
Let me solve the conundrum.....Hypocrisy.....that is what Islamic Republic of Pakistan is......
Sad to write this...and I wish it were not so.....

Who said it's Islamic I said they co exist. You step out.
Depends on one’s definition of secularism.

One needs to understand that the “default” concept came from Western Europe in a “rebellion” from the religion as exemplified by the Catholic Church.
As such non Europeans who have little “domain knowledge” of the historical baggage of what happened in Western Europe, naturally have a knee jerk reaction....
...traditionally Muslim societies have had a different sort of “secularism” to the West...and they did not use this word, naturally....Perhaps Muslims ought to reclaim their history a bit more.....
Is this a Turkish joke? :"Most of the people in the Islamic world mix up the concept of statehood and nationhood. Yes, the Pakistani nation is Muslim but the Pakistani state isn't."
Nation state is nonreligious by definition. A state in the modern sense is a demigod that is truly secular and every new birth is a taxpayer, a slave of the state! The state can take kids away from biological parents and give them in foster care if the state feels the parents are not providing care or not the kind of care the state wants be it nutrition, physical or mental. State gives pension for retirement, pays unemployment and if one gets sick and can't afford pay medical bills. In today's world every state by definition secular though some say they profess religion and others don't provide the kind of protection/control others do. The democratic or so called democratic states that profess religion will and are only professing it until a majority changes their constitution. Others such as absolute monarchies profess religion as well however it doesn't apply to them. States like Turkey and Pakistan have staunchly secular institutions that propagate and sustain these states are truly non religious. Just like what Ottomans did they were The first ones to take religion out of everyone's everyday life and give it to a mullah. Today when people question mullahs authority vis Islam they don't know the context. The Mevlvi is a Turk creation, Islam asked each and everyone to seek knowledge of Islam and know everything just so a shyster doesn't take advantage of the masses and their lack of knowledge. Yet today almost all Muslim majority countries are afflicted with this disease. The common populace is kept secular semi religious and mullah controls the podium that does two thing people leave the state alone to its mischievous device and religion open to manipulation by mullah.
Ottomans did a lot of things that continue to give even today while they've been gone for a century now.

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