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Imran Khan's contradictions



New Recruit

Jul 2, 2010
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I was an Imran Khan supporter, but now I am having second doubts. I would still take him over the PPP & PML-N in a heartbeat though, anything to disrupt the stranglehold of the feudals. But here are some of the contradictions in Imran Khan's arguments I have pointed out here:

1. No need to fight the US's WOT. Make peace in FATA, & let the tribals take care of the militants. Problem solved:

Imran Khan needs to be reminded what happened in Swat & the Malakand agency when the Pak Army made "peace" with the militants, & when the TNSM enforced Shariah there, & were brutal towards the people. The neglect from the Pakistan government for the tribals was the primary reason how the terrorists managed to grab a foothold in the FATA in the first place.

2. Army further aggravates the situation in FATA & Balochistan, & should not be involved there. If the Army stops its involvement there, both issues can be resolved:

Imran Khan forgets that there are many Baloch tribes besides the Marri, Bugti, Mengal tribes that are pro-Pakistan. Imran Khan forgets the innocent non-Baloch & Baloch people killed at the hands of the Baloch nationalist terrorists. Imran Khan forgets the foreign intervention aspect in FATA & Balochistan from Afghanistan. The Taliban don't have access to the SAMs that the BLA have access to. The safe havens in Kunar & Nuristan in Afghanistan play a major role in fueling the militancy in FATA. Furthermore, there are no Army operations in Balochistan, as only FC personnel are deployed there.

3. Won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil:

As Imran Khan is against Army operations inside Pakistan (judging by his comments on the FATA, Balochistan, Bangladesh), this can only mean that he will be willing to make peace with LeT. But that will not stop the LeT from infiltrating into India. There is no way Imran Khan can convince the LeT to stop infiltration into India, which is contradictory to his claims. How Imran Khan won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil without the use of the Army is a million dollar question.

The dangers Imran Khan's contradictions pose:

Imran Khan's approach towards the WOT can lead to Pakistan being declared a terrorist state in the international community, & also result in an increase of Taliban strongholds in more parts of the country (as terror groups can regroup easily). Pakistan can also see higher levels of militancy & sectarian violence following Imran Khan's thought process, & undo all the hard work done by the Army in dismantling countless terror networks over the years. As a result, Pakistan can become a target of both the international community (sanctions) & the militants (violence from terrorism, rise in extremism) simultaneously, which can further endanger Pakistan, in the form of a possible anarchy. Bending over to India to please them on the issue of Kashmir can also have dire consequences for his government & the nation as well.
I was an Imran Khan supporter, but now I am having second doubts. I would still take him over the PPP & PML-N in a heartbeat though, anything to disrupt the stranglehold of the feudals. But here are some of the contradictions in Imran Khan's arguments I have pointed out here:

1. No need to fight the US's WOT. Make peace in FATA, & let the tribals take care of the militants. Problem solved:

Imran Khan needs to be reminded what happened in Swat & the Malakand agency when the Pak Army made "peace" with the militants, & when the TNSM enforced Shariah there, & were brutal towards the people. The neglect from the Pakistan government for the tribals was the primary reason how the terrorists managed to grab a foothold in the FATA in the first place.

2. Army further aggravates the situation in FATA & Balochistan, & should not be involved there. If the Army stops its involvement there (along with the US ceasing its drone strikes), both issues can be resolved:

Imran Khan forgets that there are many Baloch tribes besides the Marri, Bugti, Mengal tribes that are pro-Pakistan. Imran Khan forgets the innocent non-Baloch & Baloch people killed at the hands of the Baloch nationalist terrorists. Imran Khan forgets the foreign intervention aspect in FATA & Balochistan from Afghanistan. The safe havens in Kunar & Nuristan in Afghanistan play a major role in fueling the militancy in FATA. Furthermore, there are no Army operations in Balochistan, as only FC personnel are deployed there.

3. Won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil:

As Imran Khan is against Army operations inside Pakistan, this can only mean that he will be willing to make peace with LeT. But that will not stop the LeT from infiltrating into India. There is no way Imran Khan can convince the LeT to stop infiltration into India, which is contradictory to his claims. How Imran Khan won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil without the use of the Army is a million dollar question.

The dangers Imran Khan's contradictions pose:

Imran Khan's approach towards the WOT can lead to Pakistan being declared a terrorist state in the international community, & also result in an increase of Taliban strongholds in more parts of the country (as terror groups can regroup easily). Pakistan can also see higher levels of militancy & sectarian violence following Imran Khan's thought process, & undo all the hard work done by the Army in dismantling countless terror networks over the years. As a result, Pakistan can become a target of both the international community (sanctions) & the militants (violence from terrorism, rise in extremism) simultaneously, which can further endanger Pakistan, in the form of a possible anarchy. Bending over to India to please them on the issue of Kashmir can also have dire consequences for his government & the nation as well.
Sir you have been fighting them for years now and you Army now says they haven't defeated them they have just pushed back the Taliban and the moment they will return from those areas Taliban will return Sir and now they themselves want to talk with the Taliban secondly in Baluchistan we are doing the same thing which we did in Bangladesh and we lost Bangladesh and Mr Fata people lifestyle is very close to Taliban and now for your information now most Tribals are fighting you rather than Taliban and ifyou will keep fighting them so called Taliban will gain more support because what ever you now you will be always considered the puppets of America and this gives the support
Bro, you are taking the basics of what he's saying too seriously and wrong. When he is elected, inshallah, he will be PRO Pakistani, PRO Army, and PRO people.
I've mentioned the contradictions in his arguments, & I see nothing here that dispels them. If I am wrong in what I said in my opening post, I'd like to be corrected. And I never labeled him anything, or accused him of being a terrorist sympathizer. But I did point out the fallacies in his arguments.
I've mentioned the contradictions in his arguments, & I see nothing here that dispels them. If I am wrong in what I said in my opening post, I'd like to be corrected. And I never labeled him anything, or accused him of being a terrorist sympathizer. But I did point out the fallacies in his arguments.
Than Sir listen to above videos Sir and their is no contradictions

---------- Post added at 09:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 AM ----------

Difference Between Imran Khan And Mian Nawaz Sharif - YouTube
For the sake of being an non-feudal, honest man; & being a fellow Pakistani Pakhtun brother, I wish him & the Pakhtun people all the best, & I hope they do well. I would also take him over a feudal any day, but I hope he gets his head around some of these concerns.
For the sake of being an non-feudal, honest man; & being a fellow Pakistani Pakhtun brother, I wish him & the Pakhtun people all the best, & I hope they do well. I would also take him over a feudal any day, but I hope he gets his head around some of these concerns.
Sir do you think he doesn't know about these concerns man give a break he has most talked about Taliban issue and he doesn't know what he is talking about Sir and even in Swat the day Army will pull out you will see the real results
Sir do you think he doesn't know about these concerns man give a break he has most talked about Taliban issue and he doesn't know what he is talking about Sir and even in Swat the day Army will pull out you will see the real results

Yes, he has talked about the Taliban issue, but he does not have a coherent policy in relation to that. I do not favor Army operations either, but there is a difference where there is a need.
Yes, he has talked about the Taliban issue, but he does not have a coherent policy in relation to that. I do favor Army operations either, but there is a difference where there is a need.
i think your misunderstanding what IK is trying to do, hes looking at it in the long run think about it if u continue to fight then it can never be solved there are hundreds of examples around the world that prove fighting isn't the way to go
Yes, he has talked about the Taliban issue, but he does not have a coherent policy in relation to that. I do favor Army operations either, but there is a difference where there is a need.
Mr with so many speeches haven't understood his policy than what ever he will say you will not understand Sir he has clearly stated his policy that is to separate Tribal s from Taliban first than only you can win war that will automatically finish the idea of Shariat of Taliban although life style of Tribal s is still very close to Taliban
I was an Imran Khan supporter, but now I am having second doubts. I would still take him over the PPP & PML-N in a heartbeat though, anything to disrupt the stranglehold of the feudals. But here are some of the contradictions in Imran Khan's arguments I have pointed out here:

1. No need to fight the US's WOT. Make peace in FATA, & let the tribals take care of the militants. Problem solved:

Imran Khan needs to be reminded what happened in Swat & the Malakand agency when the Pak Army made "peace" with the militants, & when the TNSM enforced Shariah there, & were brutal towards the people. The neglect from the Pakistan government for the tribals was the primary reason how the terrorists managed to grab a foothold in the FATA in the first place.

2. Army further aggravates the situation in FATA & Balochistan, & should not be involved there. If the Army stops its involvement there, both issues can be resolved:

Imran Khan forgets that there are many Baloch tribes besides the Marri, Bugti, Mengal tribes that are pro-Pakistan. Imran Khan forgets the innocent non-Baloch & Baloch people killed at the hands of the Baloch nationalist terrorists. Imran Khan forgets the foreign intervention aspect in FATA & Balochistan from Afghanistan. The Taliban don't have access to the SAMs that the BLA have access to. The safe havens in Kunar & Nuristan in Afghanistan play a major role in fueling the militancy in FATA. Furthermore, there are no Army operations in Balochistan, as only FC personnel are deployed there.

3. Won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil:

As Imran Khan is against Army operations inside Pakistan (judging by his comments on the FATA, Balochistan, Bangladesh), this can only mean that he will be willing to make peace with LeT. But that will not stop the LeT from infiltrating into India. There is no way Imran Khan can convince the LeT to stop infiltration into India, which is contradictory to his claims. How Imran Khan won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil without the use of the Army is a million dollar question.

The dangers Imran Khan's contradictions pose:

Imran Khan's approach towards the WOT can lead to Pakistan being declared a terrorist state in the international community, & also result in an increase of Taliban strongholds in more parts of the country (as terror groups can regroup easily). Pakistan can also see higher levels of militancy & sectarian violence following Imran Khan's thought process, & undo all the hard work done by the Army in dismantling countless terror networks over the years. As a result, Pakistan can become a target of both the international community (sanctions) & the militants (violence from terrorism, rise in extremism) simultaneously, which can further endanger Pakistan, in the form of a possible anarchy. Bending over to India to please them on the issue of Kashmir can also have dire consequences for his government & the nation as well.

Bilal Bahi, believe it or not but I had the same exact thoughts as you in my mind. I support Imran Khan over PPP and others but this guy will seriously need another 10 years to understand politics. I don't think he will be able to handle the current situation of Pakistan very well. I think it's time that we need Musharaf back
Bilal Bahi, believe it or not but I had the same exact thoughts as you in my mind. I support Imran Khan over PPP and others but this guy will seriously need another 10 years to understand politics. I don't think he will be able to handle the current situation of Pakistan very well. I think it's time that we need Musharaf back
Musharraf is the biggest reason we have suicide bombings in Pakistan and also Zardari Imran Khan is an honest person and knows politics and Musharraf can destroy Pakistan more rather than doing anything good
These contradictions are there because many Pakistanis themselves are conflicted about what approach to take against militants and Muslim extremists in general.

Imran Khan has put in one thing. Insaf. Go wherever Insaf takes you.

There has been intentional idiotification of the Pakistani where they have been made to choose either to be with America or to be with the Mullahs. Think about it, the only solution and the only justice is to fight both the unjust Americans and the unjust Mullahs. Both want you to remain idiots and subservient to them. Think independently and there will be no contradiction.

It is fully justifiable to fight every wrong person or wrong doer within Pakistan. Wrong doers in Pakistan: GHQ, Government, America, Mullah and even the mindsets of the local awaam. Don't accept anything wrong, no matter what the costs. That is the only way to proceed forward. In Imran Khan we are offered something closest to this MANDATORY defiance.
Sorry to interrupt in this thread. There are some things known as "Golden Election Promises" to win the election. In India, every year 5-7 States go for election poll every year so we Indians properly know what an election promise is. Taliban is a great menace and dust will a long time to settle, Pakistani army and other people who are handling the situation knows ground realities more than any Golden promise making leader.

But change and miracle do happen like it happened in my home state of Bihar, now my state has highest GDP growth rate in whole of India and one of the most honest governments in India. Only, time will say, can Imran Khan bring change in Pakistan.
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