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Imran Khan wants Qadiani Atif Mian to be his Finance Minister

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Finance Minister ?

Is he elected in Parliament by people of Pakistan ? Is he in Senate ? Does PTI have plans to rigg seats / election after they 'oust' PML-N government ? (They seem quite sure by their body language and so confirms Javed Hashmi's revelations...) I don't care what race, religion, sect you belong. Just wanna know what this is all about and how its planned ?
he is taking about next election he will select a candidate like him. Not his family member like PMLN is doing . he will select a person with skills ,.Ishaq dar only quality is that he is nawaz sharif relative .
Finance Minister ?

Is he elected in Parliament by people of Pakistan ? Is he in Senate ? Does PTI have plans to rigg seats / election after they 'oust' PML-N government ? (They seem quite sure by their body language and so confirms Javed Hashmi's revelations...) I don't care what race, religion, sect you belong. Just wanna know what this is all about and how its planned ?
But PTI can get him elected given the claim is not for public consumption. But like I said before, these people are very status and CV conscious. Offer them a post of Governor SBP and you'll see them coming here the next day. Offer them a post of provincial finance minister and you'll see them citing excuses because it doesn't add anything significant to their resume.
But PTI can get him elected given the claim is not for public consumption. But like I said before, these people are very status and CV conscious. Offer them a post of Governor SBP and you'll see them coming here the next day. Offer them a post of provincial finance minister and you'll see them citing excuses because it doesn't add anything significant to their resume.
everywhere in educated world that happens bro. No one like to elect a guy as finance minister just because he is a relative, abid sher ali minister of water and power just because he is a minsiter, mariyum nawaz head of a fund laptop scheme just because he is her daughter ... yes we want eligable people, No someone who got admission in GC college on acting seats, then passed with 3rd division, played cricket first international match scored zero. English jis se meera sharma jaye
For as long as he is a Pakistani, loyal, qualifies for the job role, honest, professional, patriotic --- he is fine
This is remarks OP talking about, btw besides IK wish to chose him as his finance minister he can't coz Ahmadies are not casting their votes neither they contest in election as Jamat Ahmadiyya boycotting election since 1973. don't know how could he FM as he is not a member of Assembly or Parliament.
The under one is also an interesting watch! similarity of IK and AH thoughts.
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Imran Khan wants Qadiani Atif Mian to be his Finance Minister | Rabwah Times

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on Saturday said that after coming into power he would select his team purely on merit, which will consist of the most competent people both from the inside and outside Pakistan.

Khan said he would rather have people like Professor Atif Mian as his finance minister rather than Nawaz's 'Samdi' Ishaq Dar.

Atif Mian is a 39 year old Pakistani-American, professor of economics at Princeton University. International Monetary Fund (IMF) named Mian as one of 25 young economists who are expected to be most influential in the decades to come.View attachment 52226

View attachment 52238Mian who was born in Nigeria but mostly grew in Pakistan is also a member of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community a international revival movement within Islam. The Ahmadiyya faith is practically banned in Pakistan and its members face severe persecution across Pakistan.

Article 260-3 in the 1973 Pakistani Constitution declares Ahmadis to be “non-Muslims”. Furthermore, Article 298-B, amongst other things, prevents an Ahmadi from referring to his/her place of worship as a ‘masjid’ or referring to his/her call for prayers as ‘azaan’.

Last year in a widely circulated video message, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan said that he would neither revise nor repeal any current laws pertaining to the Ahmadiyya community, since these were in consonance with his personal beliefs.

Ahmadis have been quick to point out that on one hand Mr Khan wants to have an Ahmadi Muslim as his Finance Minister but on the other hand he and his political party the PTI effectively deny them their religious freedom which is a fundamental human right.

The discriminatory laws against Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have been widely condemned by Human Rights groups and the International community.

You are just trolling my dear countryman ... He doesn't even know to Atif Mian personally and he asked his name from Jahangir Tareen ... 2ndly he meant that he will bring to skilled Pakistanis back to country .................

if you guys didnt know i am an Ahmadi muslim myself, and the "Qadiani" in the title is to provoke a reaction from guys like you see what you really think of this matter : )

Your avatar tells much more about you :-)
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Thatch the same reason, i never favor IK, he should try to get some one local with a good reputation in business community, and come up with a solid plan, so stupid.

just because he is a Qadyani, arent Qadyani allowed to work in Pakistan?
beside Imran was giving an example of how he would be impartial to person's religion or ethnicity but only the merit. I doubt he has already made up his mind.
just because he is a Qadyani, arent Qadyani allowed to work in Pakistan?
beside Imran was giving an example of how he would be impartial to person's religion or ethnicity but only the merit. I doubt he has already made up his mind.
he is trying to form a good team. u can crticize imran for alot of bad decision. one thing he is gud at is forming a good team of talent people. That is why SKH, namal, imran khan founcation as well. he presude alot of good people to join.. the guy we are talking about is very talnent. It is very diffcult to ask him to come to pakistan and join as minister. U know in our societ people hate gadiyani. do u remember when he met with qadyani in last election who much propoganda was done against him
why stigmatize by adding 'qadiani' as a prefix? do you not like 'Prof' ?
he is trying to form a good team. u can crticize imran for alot of bad decision. one thing he is gud at is forming a good team of talent people. That is why SKH, namal, imran khan founcation as well. he presude alot of good people to join.. the guy we are talking about is very talnent. It is very diffcult to ask him to come to pakistan and join as minister. U know in our societ people hate gadiyani. do u remember when he met with qadyani in last election who much propoganda was done against him

good person is a relative term, you cant judge someone as good until you give him and position and see if he performs with talent and honesty. A thief is a good person till he gets an opportunity to steal. As far as a team of good people, I wont call any Makhdoom or gaddi nasheen as a good people nor will I call a son of a policeman now owning an empire and his own Jets he would have stepped on many toes stomachs and throats to get to that position.

Imran Khan backs off statement to make Ahmadi economist his Finance Minister | Rabwah Times

Pakistan's most liberal and outspoken politician Imran Khan last night backtracked over his support for the Ahmadi economist Atif Mian after receiving serious backlash from Islamist Clerics.

Since August 15th Mr Khan has been leading a sit-in demonstration against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in Islamabad.

On September 13th while addressing the protest he announced that after coming into power, he would never compromise on merit and have people like Professor Atif Mian as his finance minister rather than appointing a relative like Nawaz Sharif’s Samdhi (daughter’s father-in-law) Ishaq Dar.

Atif Mian is a 39 year old Pakistani-American, professor of economics at Princeton University. International Monetary Fund (IMF) named Mian as one of 25 young economists who are expected to be most influential in the decades to come.

In his interview to a Britain based Islamic web channel Khan clarified that he did not intentionally mention Atif Mian and implied that had he known about his faith he would not have done so.

I mentioned the name of Atif Mian because I read in a magazine that he is one of the top 25 economists of the world, I did not know that he ran a campaign against "KhatmeNabuwat (Finality of Prophethood)" I had no clue about it.

He went on to say:

All should be equal in the eyes of the Law and thats how it was in the state of Medina (Saudi Arabia), Everybody had rights, Christians had rights, Jews had rights ... everyone had rights. Those were the rights of all Humans and i say they are all equal in the eyes of the Law but to say that someone who does not believe Prophet (Muhammad SAW) to be the last Prophet is Muslim, that can not happen.

Responding to Imran Khan's remarks against Ahmadiyya Muslim beliefs Atif Mian who up till now has kept quiet about the issue sent the following tweet to Imran Khan:


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Doesn't the right of a Pakistani include the right to be involved in government even if you don't belong to a majority religion of the country ? IK seems to have made a big booboo here :undecided:
Doesn't the right of a Pakistani include the right to be involved in government even if you don't belong to a majority religion of the country ? IK seems to have made a big booboo here :undecided:

exactly it does and when he first announced his name all his political party workers were like oh look Imran wants to give Ahmadiyya equal rights and fast forwards two weeks Mullahs come and ask him about it and he just acts dumb and says oh ah Sir i did not know please forgive me for i have sinned !
He has made himself quite clear. Rights will be given to all the minorities & law is same for everyone.
Doesn't the right of a Pakistani include the right to be involved in government even if you don't belong to a majority religion of the country ? IK seems to have made a big booboo here :undecided:
Pakistani's does not believe in equality. Sad that a country born complaining that they will not get equal treatment is doing this.
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