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Imran Khan to hold talks with Swat militants


Sep 12, 2008
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Imran Khan to hold talks with Swat militants

Sunday, February 15, 2009
By Mushtaq Paracha

NOWSHERA: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan Saturday said he would himself visit Swat to hold talks with Taliban to bring a lasting peace to the region. He said that he has directed his party leaders to initiate parleys with the Taliban in Swat to settle the issue forever. In his speech to lawyers of Swat in Sheikh Maltoon Town, Mardan, internally displaced persons of Bajaur Agency in Jalozai camp and a press conference at the residence of PF-14, Nowshera PTI president Kifayatullah, Imran urged the government to immediately implement Shariah in Swat and halt military operation there, tribal areas and elsewhere in the country. PTI district president Riasat Sarhadi, provincial chief Asad Qaiser, Aftab Ahmed Advocate, president PTI Swat and others were also present on the occasion. “The government must devise new policy to safeguard the interest of Pakistan rather than the US in the region,” the PTI chief said, adding that demand of Swat people should be fulfilled by enforcing Shariah. He criticised the federal government for its lukewarm attitude to take prompt steps for resolution of crises being faced by the displaced people of Swat and tribal areas. He advised the government to hold talks with Taliban to bring a lasting peace to the region. “On one hand the government is carrying out drone attacks on its own people while shedding crocodile tears on the other,” Imran alleged, making a reference to the disclosure of a US Senator Dianne Feinstin. It may be mentioned that the US lawmaker has claimed that CIA’s unmanned predator aircraft striking militants targets in tribal areas are flown from an airbase inside Pakistan. Later, Imran addressed a big gathering of IDPs from Bajaur Agency in Jalozai camp and assured them of their full support. He said that a campaign for collection of contribution for the IDPs would be launched to help the affected people.

Imran Khan to hold talks with Swat militants

Its good news that Imran Khan is actually doing something about the situation in Pakistan. If successful, this can boost his political career in Pakistan and also boost his political party :tup:
This is good indication ,also indication of failure of present government , also that PA have taken cammand of NWFP completely and have given green signal to imran khan always wanted to stop army action in SWAT and FATA.
Imran Khan is the Right person as he is one of their own Kind and is well educated and has a Good ability in wining a Dialogue.

I hope Imran will not Give them Examples of other Countries because they don't bother Much about Others Except for USA.
lets see if this can work, i however doubt, reason is that the implementation of sharia here might not be the real reason, these militants have raised weapons for, there might be something else at work here, sharia law is just a cover up for the illegal activities that they might be doing in SWAT. We cannot rule out the possibility of an outside source giving a helping hand here.
Healthy sign in politics. All political parties should play their role in bringing peace. Expected PML n will play role, but they are more interested in their political carrier..
Imran Khan is a sincere and committed Pakistani, a relatively clean leader. He invokes confidence in the integrity of Pakistan.

Amongst all the political and military leaders he is best positioned to make a difference. His ability to function will depend on how much cooperation he gets from the Zardari Government and the Army.
hopefully the talks work
if they dont then he could always change the conversation by talking about cricket lol
he is mr, nothing, what is he representing here?:azn:
govt of pakistan, govt of USA, OR mulla omer & OSAMMA IN LADEN!:lol:
he is just trying to get cheap popularity, thats it.
he doesnt achived anything in the politics, he was trying to become , hero for the lawyers, but after as IMRAN found , Aitzaz & co, was to heavy to dislodge, he get disperated from the lawyers movment!:tsk::enjoy:
did mulla FM, even recognized IMRAN in any way?:rofl:
thats it, POOR IMRAN's poor, story?:lol:
I think he should join the taliban and al-qaeda already since he sees nothing wrong with them.he is trying to be Ahmedi Najad or Fidel Castro of Pakistan ..he wants to use the anti-americanism out there to gain support and win elections..which one day which he might very well do ....along with hamid gul,qazi hussain ahmed and a few other religious bigots..the end result of which will be that pakistan will get hit by economic sanctions and we'll all relocate to caves and mountains
I think he should join the taliban and al-qaeda already since he sees nothing wrong with them.

Yes, I agree. Why stop at meeting only with the "Taliban" in SWAT? He should also meet with Osama bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri, too. He should use his cell phone and make calls to the fawning Pakistani press while he meets with bin Laden. Let's hope he stays on the line for at least 15 minutes ......
Imran khan a religious bigot? sau choohay khaa kay?

He's the most undiplomatic person in Pakistan, how's he going to mediate?

Thinks he'll just show up with one of his old bats, and beat heads in?

On a positive note, cricket was one of the few games that the Taliban regime encouraged in Afghanistan (even if no local could play it).
Sometimes it seems that Imran Khan is delusional about the terrorists… I am a great supporter of IK, I think he is the only politician who can bring “the change” that Pakistan needs. He can only achieve it if he cuts his ties with the mullahs. Look at the history of Pakistan… It has always been most prosperous and happy when Islam has not been the integral part of the government. Yes that is true… During Ayub Khan’s time Pakistan was not an “Islamic Republic”. It thrived people lived in peace and prosperity and not killing each other. I feel religion is a personal matter and state should not be involved. Sorry to say but there is no ‘Common Ground’ in Islam. Everyone has their own sect and school of thought they follow. The problem is that all others are wrong and can be killed! Compare Ayub, Yahya, Bhutto, Zia, Bhotto (Bainazeer), Nawaz and Musharraf’s government and you will see what I am talking about.

Imran Khan is an intelligent person but it boggles my mind as to why he is trying to appraise these terrorist mullahs who know nothing else but death and destruction.

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