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First you fought for a seperate land. Now you want to join the two lands?
Why do you need Ghazwae hind for that?
Lets be one country if you both want that.
Also this Ghazwa thing could take a long time. Lets take the shortcut and undo partition.
Unfortunately, I think we dont' like each other much :rofl:
Plus, it's bound to happen, God's verdict. Sounds strange yeah, but nonetheless :undecided:

Again people would only believe it, when they see it unfold before their eyes.

“An invasion of armies can be resisted but not an idea whose time has come” -Victor Hugo

According to 'my research': Also this Ghazwa-thing is going to take 6 months approximately to finish. I think it should be only 8-9 months away. Mind-blowing stuff init :angel:
U might not know that ..Hazrat Data Gunj Baksh , Ali Hajveri was persian too and a great Auliyaa Allah of his time...now resting in Lahore...
The province of Ghazni have so many Auliyaa Allahz that u cant even believe it ...more than the whole country ...did great work for Islam.
Most of them were Persian speakers..
Above all ..our great scholar Hazrat Imaam Abu Hanifa was from Kabul and persian speaker...and a district hasbeen named after him....Persians dont talk against Khorasan and neither do Pushtoons...nor Tajiks from Northern Afghanistan...
Aother thing the pplz might not be knowing here that our 4rth Khalifa Hazrat Ali (razi-Allah unhu) Roza-e-Mubarak is in Mazaar-Sharif...named that district after his Roza-Mubarak.
These all ethnic scholars thaught these hadiths regarding the word or the coming of Islam from Khorasaan.
U must be knowing that in the pplz of Khorasaan there is no sectarianism...just shias and mostly the rest are Hanafiz...:azn:
sorry to bother u this time too..:)

i know my people's contribution to islam, you dont have to tell me. i dont wana answer you here as it is off topic, i will send you a pm and reply to your post.
Unfortunately, I think we dont' like each other much :rofl:
Plus, it's bound to happen, God's verdict. Sounds strange yeah, but nonetheless :undecided:

Again people would only believe it, when they see it unfold before their eyes.

“An invasion of armies can be resisted but not an idea whose time has come” -Victor Hugo

According to 'my research': Also this Ghazwa-thing is going to take 6 months approximately to finish. I think it should be only 8-9 months away. Mind-blowing stuff init :angel:

that is fascinating, i will make sure to stay(if death dont come to me) for another 8-9 months here to see if that comes true.
that is fascinating, i will make sure to stay(if death dont come to me) for another 8-9 months here to see if that comes true.
Again it's only 'my research'. I have only glued different bits together to come to this conclusion. I think I should start finding another suitable forum for me :bunny:
Define Sunnah...

I am sure every Muslim who loves his Rasool Allah (Sallalla-ho-alai-he Wasallam) knows the definition of his Sunnah...:azn:
Anyways if u realli interested to learn about Sunnah of Rasool Allah (Sallalla-ho-alai-he Wasallam) U needa study this book: honestly U will find all ure Questions answerz in it in detail...U will even know how to find spies in our pplz wrking for Shaitaan...if u r sincere...

"Maktoobat-e-Imaam Rabbani" by Hazrat Mujaddid Alf-e-Saani (Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi)
Its orginal is in Persian..u can get its authentic translation in 3 Jilds(published from Madina Publishing company Karachi.....translated By late Imaam-Masjid Data Darbaar-Lahore..probably Cost around Rs.1000)...dont buy the one in 2 Jilds..cuz it has mistakes in it...
This book will give u the detailz of Hadiths and the scenarios of the Imaam Mahdi..and almost everything u wanna know about..and without joke U gonna find out the MI6/Mosaad/CIA/Devilz agents in HUT or in any organisation....if not I am ready for any punishment U can give me...:cheesy:
Bro. I dont needa joke cuz its the matter of Emaan for the pplz and Akhriah...:what:
Can you explain the bold part??
Yes India will have a strong say in the Caliphate.It will be one of the pillars of the caliphate.

Alhumdulilah... This is what the people of Pakistan need to see... that regardless of nationality and religion, every human being desires the same goals of a decent life on earth... this is the ultimate goal of the Caliphate... and the idea of unity amongst people can soften the hearts of rivals and arch enemies...

My point about the Hindu elites is simple... I do not see them joining the Caliphate because it will mean the end of their corruption, control and brutality against their own people... Today India is full of young talented people but the Capitalist system imposed on it does not allow them to achieve their full potential and prevents new avenues to be created for them... Interest based economy has indebted India in the same way as it has Pakistan...

People in our countries have been kept in misery for so long that they forget a simple fact... that you do not require years to bring a change... change can happen all of a sudden and the condition of people can improve within matter of days... If we simply take Islam's stance on the way it commands energy resources to be public property... it means an end to the Capitalist multinational hagemony and profits from oil, gas, coal reserves, reducing travel and electricity expenditures overnight resulting in reduction of prices of each and every commodity and products because all of them require energy either for production or transport...

So for a few months after re establishment, the Caliphate will start implementing the economic policies that improve the living standards of its citizens... also she will invite other countries for treaties etc (most countries except the colonialist states like US, UK, France and the occupation called Israel)... an alternative to the United Nations is also part of the plan God willing...

The situation with India could take the route of war if Indians cause problems for the Caliphate OR if the Muslim population inside India asks for help from the Caliphate... I can see your good will towards the idea of unity based on a certain system (regardless of the origin of the principles on which it is based i.e Islam) but do you think there would be many like you in your country?

There is no need for a Ghazwa e Hind if Indians see the Caliphate as a model they would like in their land also... Without setting a living example and improving the standard of living for our own people, all talk about Jihad and Ghazwa does nt make us sound like Muslims, rather George Bush... and as I said... all Indian soldiers become part of the Army of the Caliphate itself... We need all the talent of the Indians that we can get...

---------- Post added at 02:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

I am sure every Muslim who loves his Rasool Allah (Sallalla-ho-alai-he Wasallam) knows the definition of his Sunnah...:azn:
Anyways if u realli interested to learn about Sunnah of Rasool Allah (Sallalla-ho-alai-he Wasallam) U needa study this book: honestly U will find all ure Questions answerz in it in detail...U will even know how to find spies in our pplz wrking for Shaitaan...if u r sincere...

"Maktoobat-e-Imaam Rabbani" by Hazrat Mujaddid Alf-e-Saani (Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi)
Its orginal is in Persian..u can get its authentic translation in 3 Jilds(published from Madina Publishing company Karachi.....translated By late Imaam-Masjid Data Darbaar-Lahore..probably Cost around Rs.1000)...dont buy the one in 2 Jilds..cuz it has mistakes in it...
This book will give u the detailz of Hadiths and the scenarios of the Imaam Mahdi..and almost everything u wanna know about..and without joke U gonna find out the MI6/Mosaad/CIA/Devilz agents in HUT or in any organisation....if not I am ready for any punishment U can give me...:cheesy:
Bro. I dont needa joke cuz its the matter of Emaan for the pplz and Akhriah...:what:

so you cannot answer a simple question...
I understand and appreciate your concern (Dard) that you have for the atrocities committed against Muslims of the world. But please bear in mind brother, that there are two kinds of changes that could be brought about... One is where we humans try to force a change in our condition by consistent struggle and hardwork. And the other is when Allah wants to bring about a change. Look out for and never miss the latter when you see it happening.

Aulias say that a change is coming to Pakistan polictically for now, in the form of a caretaker Govt. That Govt. would consist of very honest, hardworking and intelligent people. It's a matter of a few months now. Also that would only happen when the conditions get more unstable. That should happen before the end of 2011 according to my research. During the same time, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrain (may be Iran) and a few other little states might also follow suit. When 2011 finishes, things would be in a very different state.

Please remember, that it's a time for very rapid and drastic changes now. Please go through the following excerpt from Wasif Ali Wasif's poetic predictions. Of course, people will believe only when they see things happening the way they are described.

That last verse is magnificent. And I believe that is what is happening today. Japan's Nuclear disaster is still far from over. Experts say its a "Chernobyl on steroids".

I strongly reject the idea of a caretaker government doing anything good for us... We have seen what half Islam aka Iran, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Zia's Pakistan has done to us...

This is one of those issues where I have severely criticized some well known speakers and proponents of this idea... Zaid Hamid anyone ;)
I understand and appreciate your concern (Dard) that you have for the atrocities committed against Muslims of the world. But please bear in mind brother, that there are two kinds of changes that could be brought about... One is where we humans try to force a change in our condition by consistent struggle and hardwork. And the other is when Allah wants to bring about a change. Look out for and never miss the latter when you see it happening.

Aulias say that a change is coming to Pakistan polictically for now, in the form of a caretaker Govt. That Govt. would consist of very honest, hardworking and intelligent people. It's a matter of a few months now. Also that would only happen when the conditions get more unstable. That should happen before the end of 2011 according to my research. During the same time, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrain (may be Iran) and a few other little states might also follow suit. When 2011 finishes, things would be in a very different state.

Please remember, that it's a time for very rapid and drastic changes now. Please go through the following excerpt from Wasif Ali Wasif's poetic predictions. Of course, people will believe only when they see things happening the way they are described.

That last verse is magnificent. And I believe that is what is happening today. Japan's Nuclear disaster is still far from over. Experts say its a "Chernobyl on steroids".

I hope it happens in a very good way ..without any kinda bloodshad...everybody is predicting it...cuz I cant see humanz dying for this world ..where the Akhirah is the best choice for everybody..
Yes his last sentence is strange and amazing ..but anything is possible in this world..Allah is very mercifull..Alhamdolillah...we really need his help everywhere...:coffee:
Hot air being thrown around.. without any weight in it..
Its either links from Hizb this or hizb that in this forum.. or scattered Quranic verses and Hadiath being used with abandon.
Not one concrete, concise post that gives the system that Allah has presented.. just vague and abstract.

u missed readin ALL THAT??:drag:!
If it can happen like that ..it be very good ..but the shaitaan agents not gonna let it happens in an easy way...and the Hadiths are showing in the different way... from Khorasaan...cuz the word of Khorasaan is coming in Hadiths clearly...:woot:

plz share hadiths along referrnce
As far as I know, YES...


Imagine the Armies of Pakistan and India fighting together against a common foe...

before inviting india khilafat will invite muslim lands to merge hopefully they will demand joining khilafat state as soon as they get to know about it ! n army of only 7 muslim countries numbers in crores!!
We can only join HuT for protests ..if they sit on the supply routes and permanently block the NATO/US supply lines...other than that..we cant trust HuT ...cuz then they r the agents of MI6...:azn:
Our brotherz are getting killed mercilessly in Afghanistan and our tribal areas on the name of Islam by these drone strikes. and Kafireen Forces..and nobody cares..everybody is looking for their money and political goals..shame on everybody of us..we really are mean and selfish.We really deserve to be killed cuz we all are traitors of Islam and Muslim Umma..:what:
sorry to say that ..but whatever r the facts ..im writing...:woot:

r u participating in jihad ??
I hope it happens in a very good way ..without any kinda bloodshad...everybody is predicting it...cuz I cant see humanz dying for this world ..where the Akhirah is the best choice for everybody..
Yes his last sentence is strange and amazing ..but anything is possible in this world..Allah is very mercifull..Alhamdolillah...we really need his help everywhere...:coffee:
Yes insha-Allah brother!!

@ others...
I dont' want to talk more about it, as I think I am satisfied with my research. If there was anything new I come across, I would 'bump' this thread back to life then. Also I won't be able to transfer all of my knowledge-base (whatever little knowledege I have about these things) into anybody's mind here online anyway...

Also these conclusions that I draw are not from Zaid sb. Zaid Hamid is just a mouth-piece for the ideas of a lot of people.
Anyways, let's wait and see whether events turn out to be heading the same way we are discussing here... :tup:
I think I should update that timeline to 10-11 months (i.e. till that war with India) to be on safe-side. :wave:

Khilafat re-establishment has a shariah condition that it can be started from an area which is self-sustainable in terms of military and economics. Rasulullah (saww) refused to establish state from Bani Shaiban because of this very reason.

Afghanistan is not suitable for starting. it will join Khilafat InshaAllah.
@ HuT supporters.

What is HuT Pakistan stance on Jinnah? Are they also deluded that Jinnah was only Secular in his earlier life and later became pious Muslim Leader?
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