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Revoking NRO will automatically result in arrest of many. Mr. 10% may end up with maximum term.
I would favor this move first and 58-2b next and elections will follow automatically.

BTW, Musharraf can win any refferundum now. Ruling coalition is highly unpopular among masses.

Revoking the NRO will be diffcult step as it was Musharraf himself who put it into effect. Although i personally feel that NRO should never had been made as it gave freedom to many "chors"

On the contrary the fourth option given by Jana should ameded as follows:-

For: arrest zardari
Read: Hang Zardari (or may be Shot in a chowk)
Moreover, if i am not wrong dont you think in the recent poll shown on Geo Musharraf has lost his popularity X times.

I dont think he is still as popular, actually our people are so primitive that they can make a person sit on the clouds in a day and can throw him into a deepest abyss within a wink if he ever had committed a mistake.
Moreover, if i am not wrong dont you think in the recent poll shown on Geo Musharraf has lost his popularity X times.

I dont think he is still as popular, actually our people are so primitive that they can make a person sit on the clouds in a day and can throw him into a deepest abyss within a wink if he ever had committed a mistake.

My, dear ENIGMA947, sir.... i would like to inform u is that plz dont, refer to any servy or poll of GEO. TV in this fourm, cause GEO.TV is runing a movement against MUSHARAF... for unknown reasons, and its bias...... i guss its the perfect time for.... PRESIDENT that he can do good........ by kicking PEOPLES like ZARDARI and NAWAZ SHARIF... out of country 1 more time.......... and forever????:tup::azn:
Musharraf Impeachment Bid May Need Support from Army (Update2)

By Khalid Qayum and James Rupert

Aug. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf faces the battle of his political life after the civilian government united yesterday on a plan to impeach him -- a fight that may prompt the army he once commanded to show him the door.

The two parties that dominate the National Assembly ended five months of infighting and said they have enough votes among lawmakers to remove Musharraf for violating the constitution. The president, who has the power to dismiss parliament, canceled a visit to the Beijing Olympic Games to prepare his response.

If Musharraf fights back by invoking his power to dissolve parliament, ``certainly it could lead to a civil-military crisis in the country,'' said Lisa Curtis, who researches Pakistan at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. ``The military could step back in and take over.''

Since Musharraf relinquished control of the army in November, the military has shied away from politics, ordering officers to avoid contact with candidates in the February elections that put the president's opponents in control of parliament.

The military is unlikely to use force to back Musharraf, as it did in the 1999 coup that brought him to power, said Rashed Rahman, a political commentator in Lahore. An order by the president to dissolve parliament would cause a political uproar the army is anxious to avoid, he said.

Instead the army's chief of staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, may quietly press Musharraf to step down, said retired Lieutenant General Talat Masood, a political analyst.

Bush Ally

An impeachment, unprecedented in Pakistan's 61-year history, would remove a central figure in the ``global war on terror'' that President George W. Bush launched after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The U.S. State Department called the impeachment move ``an issue for the Pakistani people to decide.''

``We want to see Pakistan deal with issues of safety, security, terrorism and economics,'' U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher said in Tokyo today. ``We hope not to see the government distracted by going into other areas.''

Divisions between the Pakistan Peoples Party and the Pakistan Muslim League of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif let Musharraf cling to power after those parties won the parliamentary elections. As they join forces, ``the role of the army would be critical,'' said Stephen Cohen, a South Asia specialist at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

Musharraf's spokesman was unavailable after Sharif and the PPP's Asif Ali Zardari, widower of slain former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, announced the impeachment plan. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani planned to go to Beijing in Musharraf's place.

Musharraf's Party

Chaudhry Pervez Elahi, a leader of the party formed six years ago to back the president, said it would fight impeachment, calling it ``no service to democracy.''

Sharif, ousted in Musharraf's coup, and Zardari have been at odds over how to oppose the president. The rift has stalled efforts to combat terrorism, especially along the border with Afghanistan, and improve living standards for the nation's 163 million people as food prices surged.

Pakistan's benchmark Karachi Stock Exchange 100 index fell 1.2 percent to 9,590.44 at 10:29 a.m. local time, close to a two- year low, on concern a fight between Musharraf and the government will prolong political uncertainty.

A Musharraf ouster would ``lead the government toward the freedom of catering to the real problems of the masses,'' said Ishtiaq Ahmed, associate professor of international relations at Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad.

Zardari said the parties will issue detailed charges against Musharraf in the coming days. They have accused him of abrogating the constitution with his coup, the firing of senior judges who questioned the legitimacy of his presidency and with the state of emergency he declared in November.

Two-Thirds Majority

The coalition parties say they have more than the two-thirds majority -- 295 of 442 votes in parliament's two chambers -- constitutionally required to remove Musharraf. The coalition holds 294 seats and can count on support from enough independent lawmakers to muster 303 votes for Musharraf's ouster, said Ahsan Iqbal, a spokesman for Sharif's party.

Zardari asked Sharif, whose ministers quit the Cabinet in May after failing to agree on impeaching Musharraf, to rejoin the government. The former prime minister said he would decide on that today.

A 64-year-old former general, Musharraf has been under pressure to quit since he fired 60 judges, including Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry, last year as the court prepared to rule on the legality of his re-election.

Musharraf had pledged to seek a vote of confidence from the parliament elected in February, and Zardari criticized his failure to do so, citing it as a basis for impeaching him.


``Musharraf is an illegal and unconstitutional president,'' Sharif said. ``How can such a man remain president?''

Since January, the government has faced criticism for a slowdown in economic growth, a widening budget deficit and an inability to rein in inflation running at a 30-year high. Musharraf had been credited with steering Pakistan's economy out of trouble in 1999 when the government had less than $1 billion in foreign-exchange reserves. Those reserves rose to $14 billion in mid-2007, then fell to $9 billion in June.

``Musharraf's policies have brought Pakistan to a critical economic impasse,'' Zardari said.

Investors have also turned against the government. The rupee had its worst month since September 2000 in July in part because of surging crude oil prices. A plunge in the benchmark stock index to a two-year low triggered violent protests outside the Karachi Stock Exchange and forced authorities to place limits on trading and form a state-backed fund to buy stocks.

My, dear ENIGMA947, sir.... i would like to inform u is that plz dont, refer to any servy or poll of GEO. TV in this fourm, cause GEO.TV is runing a movement against MUSHARAF... for unknown reasons, and its bias...... i guss its the perfect time for.... PRESIDENT that he can do good........ by kicking PEOPLES like ZARDARI and NAWAZ SHARIF... out of country 1 more time.......... and forever????:tup::azn:[/I][/B]

I agree!
i know that people behind Geo are rascals, but i was just narrating a fact that was being propagated by Geo. The way they were quoting this report(which i am unable to recall now),it was evident how Anti-Mushi this media has gone.

And i also agree with your point that our nation just needs hard hitting, kick a** leaders like Mushi to straigten us up. Otherwise there's no other way out for us.
Musharraf is massively unpopular. You don't need a survey for that. Just a trip to Pakistan will prove that.

However I do also think that at the rate at which Pakistanis shift popularity, popularity just becomes irrelevant. If it were left to Pakistanis we would have a new PM and President every year or less.
Quite true!!! Geo tv doing the worst job in media. The job of media is to present facts to people, not to urge people to support this or that. At the moment i think the major factor is, whether the army supports musharraf or no. if the army does support him, then i think he should not waste time in kicking these politician goats out of our country as soon as possible.
However I do also think that at the rate at which Pakistanis shift popularity, popularity just becomes irrelevant. If it were left to Pakistanis we would have a new PM and President every year or less.

Agreed. It seems the people do not vote for the best manifesto or for the best candidate but rather they vote to spite others or for their "own man" so to speak.

Its positively ga ga :crazy:
If the impeachment is part of the 'constitutional political process', then so is Musharraf's attempt to fight it.

There is no reason for him to quit if he believes that his supporters and others will join to deny the ruling coalition the two thirds majority needed. That is his constitutional right, and to demand he resign is attempting to deny him that constitutional right.

I personally am not in favor of him dismissing the government, though he has the legal authority to do so - it would merely add to the instability, give the jokers in charge another excuse of 'we never finished out our term and hence could not show any positive change', and in the case of a 'free and fair election', lead to Nawas Sharif coming to power and the current coalition parties getting even more seats.

The politicians want to play politics, let them fight it out then - the battle for seats begins!

I think it may be the likely outcome. Legally, his election was incorrect as by law an office bearer of the government should not have held a govt post for 2 yrs. As he was serving COAS, his election was illegal. If he seeks VOC from parlianment, his position is legalized and ratified.this is unlikely to happen in the current circumstances. So he has to go, unless there is transfer of a lot of suitcases of course. But then again, suitcases will change hands on both sides, as Parliamentarians will need "convincing" that move is in favour of Political progression.We will have to wait and see. What I really do not know is what happened to the last vote of confidence.However, as far as I have understood, if the basic appointment is illegal, it does not change the situation.
.However, as far as I have understood, if the basic appointment is illegal, it does not change the situation.

I do not think parliament can determine whether his appointment was illegal, except for the purposes of initiating impeachment proceedings.

Wouldn't determining the legality of his presence in office be a job for the courts (which are going to probably support his position, as they are currently staffed)?

Parliament will most likely initiate impeachment proceedings, and then its just a matter of votes.
Well Ladies & Gentlemen

in my personal opinion... nobody should be above the law and nobody is more important than my beloved Pakistan... so first of all, MUSHarraf should be made answerable to all his misdeeds including the NRO ... One may not disagree that Zardari & Rehman Malik & Co are a few of the most corrupt persons in Pakistan's history but why they were facilitated through NRO (Natural Re-Corruption Ordinance)???

And in my humble and patriotic opinion, Musharraf not only should be impeached but he should also be made to face a real trial so that we could make a history of putting our leaders on trial as well. And all the corrupts including the Zardari and co should be put into jail for a fair trial before an independent judiciary head by Iftikhar M. Choudhary. :pakistan:

But my dear countrymen in order to have a brighter future and to see a democratic Pakistan flourishing with everybody keeping itself within is own granted limits, we desperately need an independent judiciary. And for this we all must help the civil society's struggle to reinstate the judiciary as of November 2, 2007 and everybody should learn to respect and let the will of the masses prevail. Thank you :pakistan:
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پیشہ ور قاتلو تم سپاہی نہیں-
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