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IMF:Bangladesh GDP 249 Billion USD, Per capita 1,525 USD in 2017.

You have lots of projects going on and we have none and add to that our infrastructure sucks big time.


Why we have a higher growth rate compared to yours? It seems even nothing is better than your projects....who you are trolling dude?

Shh, don't tell the dude about the 10 billion dollar Dhaka-Chittagong elevated expressway that will start building next year as the 4 billion dollar Padma bridge project is completed.;)

lol i posted India, BD growth rate given by IMF... growth rates by same institution not different institutions... So according to lungi maths IMF posts 0.5 to 1% less growth rate for Bd but not for India... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

IMF and others like ADB always revise their figures to match what BD government claims.

see you are ignoring manythings, as i explained before our GDP was stagnant bec of security issues which is ntthe case now, so this gap will increase again. Gap Decrease bec You was having small per capita so any increase will look big.
like you GDP is 240 and our will b around 330. so even you guys have 6.9 and we will have 6
still over increase will b bigger,

The one more reason change in base year which happened during that time so it also helped you guys to increase the GDP. while our one is still 2000.

1, Pakistan has 1% higher population growth so take that out to compare gdp capita growth.
2. Do you understand the concept of compound growth in mathematics?
Lol..bragging about per capita gained by quotas for being an LDC country and then comparing to India:rofl::rofl:
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Bhai, I think there's some insecurity. An independent Bangladesh prospering ahead would trigger the balkanization of India, I think many Indians are driven by this insecurity.

Nope. First, an independent BD will not get ahead of India, the difference is too much and is still growing. There are some states in India which are far, far ahead compared to BD and those states are growing much faster than BD ever will because they are able to sell their goods to 1.3 billion people.

Second, if BD gets prosperous, then it will get treated as a state in India. BD will most likely completely integrate economically with India. It's because the people in power and the top people in the economy will collaborate to make that happen.

Lastly, no one in India gives a damn about BD's or Pakistan's economy.
Man your level is -46 rating. One will need submarine to stoop to your level . :lol::lol::lol:

It's a Pakistani forum, obviously negative got nothing to do with his career or Character or with the topic...

Shh, don't tell the dude about the 10 billion dollar Dhaka-Chittagong elevated expressway that will start building next year as the 4 billion dollar Padma bridge project is completed.;)

IMF and others like ADB always revise their figures to match what BD government claims.

1, Pakistan has 1% higher population growth so take that out to compare gdp capita growth.
2. Do you understand the concept of compound growth in mathematics?

Every institution revise their forecast at the end of fiscal year.. We are not talking about forecast but last fiscal year...
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Nope. First, an independent BD will not get ahead of India, the difference is too much and is still growing. There are some states in India which are far, far ahead compared to BD and those states are growing much faster than BD ever will because they are able to sell their goods to 1.3 billion people.

Lol what logic! They are able to sell goods to 1.3 billion people, Bangladesh is able to sell goods to 7 billion people. We have secured large markets in EU and US and already in process to win markets in East and Southeast Asian regions

And actually, Bangladesh is already ahead of India in certain parameters like life expectancy, immunization, health, child nutrition etc. Otoh, some Bangladeshi divisions like Chittagong Division or Sylhet Division have living standards far higher than even the richest provinces of India. It's just a matter of time before we outclass India in every sector. Plus, there is huge inequality in India as evident in the gulf between the eastern and western states, I don't see this being fixed anytime soon.

Second, if BD gets prosperous, then it will get treated as a state in India. BD will most likely completely integrate economically with India. It's because the people in power and the top people in the economy will collaborate to make that happen.

I doubt that will happen because there are too many tariff and non-tariff barriers in India. Though yes, after the implementation of the transit facilities, the Northeast states will be totally integrated with the Bangladeshi economy.
Lol what logic! They are able to sell goods to 1.3 billion people, Bangladesh is able to sell goods to 7 billion people. We have secured large markets in EU and US and already in process to win markets in East and Southeast Asian regions

Get real. There's a huge difference between trade and selling to your own people.

BD gets concessions for textiles in EU and US markets because it is still a low income country. Once you reach the middle income bracket, you will lose a significant share of those markets to your middle income competitors like India, even ASEAN, not to mention other low income economies, because the preferential treatment will end in a few years.

Stop comparing India and BD, it's pointless. India exports more pharmaceuticals and cars than China. That should tell you something.

And actually, Bangladesh is already ahead of India in certain parameters like life expectancy, immunization, health, child nutrition etc. Otoh, some Bangladeshi divisions like Chittagong Division or Sylhet Division have living standards far higher than even the richest provinces of India. It's just a matter of time before we outclass India in every sector.

Why don't you look up the HDI of Kerala and per capita income of Tamil Nadu? You won't reach either of those figures for a long time.

Plus, there is huge inequality in India as evident in the gulf between the eastern and western states, I don't see this being fixed anytime soon.

That's irrelevant to the whole picture. India is a huge country, adding as much as BD's economy to the GDP every year. So there will be differences. Even in Europe, there are differences in wealth between different countries.

I doubt that will happen because there are too many tariff and non-tariff barriers in India. Though yes, after the implementation of the transit facilities, the Northeast states will be totally integrated with the Bangladeshi economy.

You are looking at the short term, not the mid and long term. BD is not going to be prosperous in the short term.
Get real. There's a huge difference between trade and selling to your own people.

BD gets concessions for textiles in EU and US markets because it is still a low income country. Once you reach the middle income bracket, you will lose a significant share of those markets to your middle income competitors like India, even ASEAN, not to mention other low income economies, because the preferential treatment will end in a few years.

Stop comparing India and BD, it's pointless. India exports more pharmaceuticals and cars than China. That should tell you something.

You think our policymakers will get stuck with this? We are already in a process of forging trade agreements with the countries. Once we move ahead of the LDC status, the trade agreements will come into force, leading to continuing the preferential treatments we are getting.

Why don't you look up the HDI of Kerala and per capita income of Tamil Nadu? You won't reach either of those figures for a long time.

As I said, you should observe the living standard of people living in Chittagong and Sylhet. That will put Kerala and Tamil Nadu to shame.

That's irrelevant to the whole picture. India is a huge country, adding as much as BD's economy to the GDP every year. So there will be differences. Even in Europe, there are differences in wealth between different countries.

You are looking at the short term, not the mid and long term. BD is not going to be prosperous in the short term.

Not really irrelevant, India is not homogeneous and is made up of different cultures, ethnicities, and nations. Such inequalities raise the differences among different communities.

I'm indeed, talking about the mid and long term. Northeast states will surely become dependent on Bangladesh in the mid term and long term.
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see you are ignoring manythings, as i explained before our GDP was stagnant bec of security issues which is ntthe case now, so this gap will increase again. Gap Decrease bec You was having small per capita so any increase will look big.
like you GDP is 240 and our will b around 330. so even you guys have 6.9 and we will have 6
still over increase will b bigger,

The one more reason change in base year which happened during that time so it also helped you guys to increase the GDP. while our one is still 2000.

Please don't talk BS according to your own government Pakistan base year is 2005-2006 (while bangladesh base year is 2004-2005).


At the end of 2015 your GDP was $271bn, by 2016 it grew to $285bn and in 2017 its expected to reach $300bn. If we factor in the how your currency has depreciated there is very little to no chance that the economy is anywhere near $330bn.
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I will talk when we overtake Pakistan in Nominal per capita income... :D

Not too long ago I said in this forum that BD export will overtake PK in 2 years, when BD had 22 bln export and PK had 24 billion export. They all jumped all over me, that its not possible.
Now we are betting 40 billion export and PK 20 billion export. :)
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You think our policymakers will get stuck with this? We are already in a process of forging trade agreements with the countries. Once we move ahead of the LDC status, the trade agreements will come into force, leading to continuing the preferential treatments we are getting.

Your trade is entirely dependent on your industry. More than half of your exports is textile. And when it comes to textile industry, you lose your market to another cheaper country, that's a standard rule.

As I said, you should observe the living standard of people living in Chittagong and Sylhet. That will put Kerala and Tamil Nadu to shame.

Lol. I don't think you understand how cities work.

Not really irrelevant, India is not homogeneous and is made up of different cultures, ethnicities, and nations. Such inequalities raise the differences among different communities.

Oh yes, it is irrelevant. India's financial identity is homogeneous.

I'm indeed, talking about the mid and long term. Northeast states will surely become dependent on Bangladesh in the mid term and long term.

You got that wrong. BD will become dependent on India. NE will simply get a bonus out of that. BD is already a satellite state for India.

I don't know if you've noticed, but India is taking over your power and energy sector.

In fact, India will be in control of over 50% of your fuel and electricity needs within the next few years.


In your dream.

Prove it.
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