You have lots of projects going on and we have none and add to that our infrastructure sucks big time.
Why we have a higher growth rate compared to yours? It seems even nothing is better than your projects....who you are trolling dude?
Shh, don't tell the dude about the 10 billion dollar Dhaka-Chittagong elevated expressway that will start building next year as the 4 billion dollar Padma bridge project is completed.

lol i posted India, BD growth rate given by IMF... growth rates by same institution not different institutions... So according to lungi maths IMF posts 0.5 to 1% less growth rate for Bd but not for India...![]()
IMF and others like ADB always revise their figures to match what BD government claims.
see you are ignoring manythings, as i explained before our GDP was stagnant bec of security issues which is ntthe case now, so this gap will increase again. Gap Decrease bec You was having small per capita so any increase will look big.
like you GDP is 240 and our will b around 330. so even you guys have 6.9 and we will have 6
still over increase will b bigger,
The one more reason change in base year which happened during that time so it also helped you guys to increase the GDP. while our one is still 2000.
1, Pakistan has 1% higher population growth so take that out to compare gdp capita growth.
2. Do you understand the concept of compound growth in mathematics?