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I'm disenchanted with India: Zardari

India wishes to adopt stall tactics because it wishes to retain the existing territorial boundaries and convert the LoC to IB. Accepting the LoC as the IB is not going to be accepted by Pakistan, and therefore India wishes to drag things out in the hope that Pakistan will accept the Indian viewpoint on the issue.

To enter into negotiations on the J&K dispute at this point in time, given Pakistan objections to the LoC = IB proposal means India has to compromise on its stance and explore some other option in negotiations.

As far as my knowledge goes, GOI considers all of Kashmir as integral part of India. The idea of LoC as IB is of us bloggers. So where is the question of India to compromise on its stance and explore some other option in negotiations?
Indians must spread awareness in India about the rights of Kashmiris and end their morally bankrupt position on the issue of denying the Kashmiris a voice in determining their future as promised them under the rules of partition and the UNSC resolutions, both agreed to by India and Pakistan.

Once Indians change their mindset to one that respects the rights of millions of Kashmiris, they can then force the GoI to allow that right to be exercised in some fashion, not necessarily across the entire State or with just one single plebiscite.

The problem is on your end, not on ours.

The need of the hour is not changing the mind set of Indian but of Pakistanis. Harping on UNSC resolutions/plebiscite is not going to us anywhere, as witnessed in last 70 years.

As for rights, rights of every citizen of India are guaranteed by Constitution so are Kashmiris’.
'Open borders' has its detractors in Pakistan as well, namely in the economic sense given indirect and direct GoI subsidies to various sectors and restrictions on imports, so it may be a feasible solution in an ideal world, but not necessarily the way the Indian tarrif and subsidy structure is set up currently.
Obviously open borders would imply a quid pro quo. India would facilitate removing NTB's(Non Tariff Barriers) in exchange for Pakistan doing the same. You government has vested interests and does not want more trade with India.

And Zardari, along with many others in Pakistan, have expressed sympathy with India on the issue of terrorism. The GoP and the average Pakistani did not dance on the streets when Mumbai happened - they condemned it. Zardari was offering joint investigations and what not. Even now there are offers of intelligence sharing etc. So I believe my point is valid.
What the 'average' Pakistani does is not worth a single coin. What your government does is what matters. Expressing sympathy after decades of training and tooling terrorists to go and blow up in India does little to mitigate anger, especially when one has been caught red handed.

I think adjusting to reality is important for an international leader, and Zardaris comments indicate that adjustment. Pakistan only supports the right of Kashmiris to exercise self-determination, and it only supports certain groups because of Indian occupation of the territory - Pakistan has grown tired of Indian intransigence over resolving J&K.
Bull-$hit. Pakistan started supporting Indian insurgent groups via then EP as well.
If Pakistan supports only the right to self determination, it should stop the logistical support to terrorists. Little wonder that almost all estimates point to a substantial non Indian terrorist population in Kashmir.

And as for 'Indian growing tired', lets not forget the international diplomatic campaign India initiated to isolate and sanction Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks, despite Pakistani condemnation of the attacks and offers for joint investigation and cooperation. India did not send Pakistan the evidence (dossiers) till months later, despite sharing it with other nations much earlier, and in the meantime attacked Pakistan non-stop, and blamed it for not acting against XYZ, when it was India herself that was not sharing evidence!
Pakistan blatantly denied and umpteen Pakistani officials outrightly rejected Kasab being Pakistani-Even when proved otherwise.

I think with the display of malicious Indian intent, which continues to this day in the Indian opposition to the Sino-Pak civilian nuclear cooperation agreement (with no military connotations), Pakistani leadership is rightfully 'disenchanted with India'.
Yeah, i dunno about international safeguards on Pakistani reactors. Enriched Pu that Pak may get from these reactors are ofcourse of no concern.

It is India that can change this impression by changing its behavior, for one on unequivocally supporting the peaceful acquisition of nuclear technology by Pakistan for civilian purposes if under IAEA safeguards, and by ending its campaign of maligning Pakistan internationally and cooperating on terrorism instead of playing a blame game.
Im sorry but maligning Pakistan? You are joking. Pakistan has been exporting terror to not just India but globally. Why in gods name would India want to cooperate when even after 9/11, there were reports saying what the world already knew-Pakistan was still thinking of Taliban as a strategic asset.

It wasnt until these 'freedom fighters' of yours started blowing in your own country that you called them terrorists.
If you want India to be more cooperative, why not remove the training infrastructure, ensure that your spooks dont try and get people to blow up in India and particularly Kashmir.

I did not say that Indian attempts to isolate and sanction Pakistan succeeded (Pakistan played its cards well in difficult circumstances to neutralize Indian moves in that context), but that India acted to isolate and sanction Pakistan internationally. It is Indian efforts in that regard that betray an Indian intent of hostility towards Pakistan and why Zardari may be tiring of it after two years of praising India.
India attempted to isolate Pakistan because the terrorists were Pakistani. US has the carte blanche to bomb Pakistan, we donot, does not mean that India does not get angry when its citizens are killed due to Pakistani sponsored terrorism.

Negotiations and dialog on dispute resolution do not weaken one side or the other. Just because the composite dialog was going on did not mean that India was also simultaneously withdrawing forces from J&K or weakening its defences anywhere along the LoC or IB. Negotiations and dialog set up a roadmap of dispute resolution and once the roadmap is made clear, there are probably going to be certain conditions that have to be satisfied for progress to be made on the ground. It is dialog and negotiations that develop trust.
Brilliant. While on that, force your government to control your own armed forces. When the Pakistani government says one thing one day and retracts the next, When one official says one thing at the same time the other says something diametrically opposite, then its shows that they are problems.

and to clarify things: The official position is that *** is also Indian territory. So accepting LoC as IB is a compromise as well for India.
Nor are they words that look very good coming our of an Indians mouth given the unilateral rejection of the UNSC resolutions by Nehru, occupation of Siachen, support for terrorism in and the breakaway of East Pakistan, the various terrorist attacks in Pakistan, Baluchistan insurgency and terrorist attacks etc.

If you are going to drag in an entire list, some unsubstantiated, then so can I.

Nor is apparently the Pakistani government willing to overlook past Indian treachery, support for terrorism, reneging on agreements and support for terrorism.

So now that I have flamed you back, either post/discuss constructively, or please refrain from the same old same old.

I can also give you a huge list but again thats going back to the past. My whole point do not accuse the other person when you yourself are doing wrong.
Indians must spread awareness in India about the rights of Kashmiris and end their morally bankrupt position on the issue of denying the Kashmiris a voice in determining their future as promised them under the rules of partition and the UNSC resolutions, both agreed to by India and Pakistan.

Once Indians change their mindset to one that respects the rights of millions of Kashmiris, they can then force the GoI to allow that right to be exercised in some fashion, not necessarily across the entire State or with just one single plebiscite.

The problem is on your end, not on ours.

The huge huge difference between Indian Kashmir and " Azad Kashmir" shows the real face of this whole issue. Kashmir is more of a nice talking point for Pakistani politicians to get the crowds going and votes pouring in. If left alone by Pakistan and its proxies Kashmir has the potential to prosper into something huge but the constant intervention by Pakistan in the region has forced India to maintain the constant presence of the military in the valley.And yes where there is such a huge presence of the army, incidents are bound to happen. Kashmir for Pakistan is more of a excuse than a true cause as evident from many prior events. Pakistan always looks for a scapegoat to blame all its problems on than to actually sit and solve them, whether it be the water issue, terrorism, economy etc etc. Pakistan must realize that the Kashmir issue is over now and that it can never compete with India in any way. India's growing global presence coupled with its huge and flourishing economy will only increase the gap between the two. I recommend Pakistan focusing on itself and keeping itself together rather than breaking up India as that is never going to happen.
Obviously open borders would imply a quid pro quo. India would facilitate removing NTB's(Non Tariff Barriers) in exchange for Pakistan doing the same. You government has vested interests and does not want more trade with India.
Open borders among various other comments that indicate a very 'love India' stance. And most analysis on NTB's indicate issues on the Indian side, not the Pakistani. The vested interests on the Pakistani side, mostly businesses that stand to lose because of skewed trade, have valid reasons for opposing open borders.

What the 'average' Pakistani does is not worth a single coin. What your government does is what matters. Expressing sympathy after decades of training and tooling terrorists to go and blow up in India does little to mitigate anger, especially when one has been caught red handed.
Strawman - provide one shred of evidence that the GoP or any of its organs trained any group to commit terrorist attacks (as defined by attacks on civilians) or specifically asked them to do so. The support was always for groups fighting Indian occupation forces in occupied J&K, Indian occupation forces that committed rape, torture and massacres of tens of thousands as attested by international human rights organizations - terrorism by any definition.
Bull-$hit. Pakistan started supporting Indian insurgent groups via then EP as well.
If Pakistan supports only the right to self determination, it should stop the logistical support to terrorists. Little wonder that almost all estimates point to a substantial non Indian terrorist population in Kashmir.
Duoble BS on your part then, in terms of support for the Baluch and East Pakistani insurgencies and by some accounts also groups in Sindh and NWFP.

Pakistan provides no logistical support to terrorists, the majority of the groups in Occupied J&K are fighting Indian occupation forces. The majority of the terrorism committed in J&K is by the Indian Army and other Indian security forces in raping and massacring innocents. (again, as I pointed out to Desiman, if you want to go this route of flaming and trolling we can match you).

Pakistan blatantly denied and umpteen Pakistani officials outrightly rejected Kasab being Pakistani-Even when proved otherwise.
Kasab was accepted as Pakistani when Pakistan finally received evidence from India after months of delays. Had India cooperated earlier instead of throwing a hissy fit and going on a Pakistan bashing spree domestically and in the internationally, the acceptance would have been sooner. The delay was the fault of the GoI in refusing to share any information or evidence at an official level with the GoP.

Yeah, i dunno about international safeguards on Pakistani reactors. Enriched Pu that Pak may get from these reactors are ofcourse of no concern.
Yet more BS. The Sino-Pak nuclear deal is on two Light Water reactors (in addition to the two already constructed at Chashma), not Heavy Water reactors which is where concerns over Plutonium as spent fuel for weapons arises. Even so, the two existing NPP's at Chashma are already under IAEA safegaurds, and both China and Pakistan have indicated that the two new NPP's will also be under IAEA safeguards.

Pakistan's Plutonium production for WMD's comes from its Khushab complex, which is in the process of being expanded with two additional reactors of reportedly greater capacity than the existing Khushab reactor, thereby more than tripling Plutonium production for weapons.

The majority of India's NPP's are Heavy Water, which produce Plutonium as a byproduct, which is why there was, among other things, greater focus on separating the civilian and military component of India's nuclear program - not to mention that India had already in the past diverted Plutonium from the CANDU reactor meant for peaceful purposes to conduct its first nuclear test.

So as you can see, this 'Plutonium for weapons from the Sino-Pak nuclear deal' is nothing but a canard. There are no weapons implications from this deal, and India's opposition to a program to increase clean energy generation in Pakistan is indicative of an irrational hostility to Pakistan that justifies Zardari's comments.

Im sorry but maligning Pakistan? You are joking. Pakistan has been exporting terror to not just India but globally. Why in gods name would India want to cooperate when even after 9/11, there were reports saying what the world already knew-Pakistan was still thinking of Taliban as a strategic asset.
I am really getting tired of your trolling. What export of terror has the Pakistani state or its institutions engaged in globally? Give me credible evidence of one single international terrorist attack that was supported by the GoP or any of its organs. Barring that I expect a retraction and I WILL BAN your trolling arse next time you flame on this forum in such a manner.

As for thinking of the Taliban as a 'strategic asset' post 911, why not? The Taliban had nothing to do with 911, nor any other terrorist attacks on the West or India. Their only crime was to refuse to hand over people residing on territory under their control without proper evidence and a trial. Multiple Taliban officials showed willingness to have OBL tried in a neutral third country, and OBL himself denied the 911 attacks till after the US invasion.

Given the US track record in abandoning the region, hedging bets was a good idea, and guess what? The US did just that, abandoned Afghanistan once more to go wage war in Iraq on the basis of lies.

It wasnt until these 'freedom fighters' of yours started blowing in your own country that you called them terrorists.
If you want India to be more cooperative, why not remove the training infrastructure, ensure that your spooks dont try and get people to blow up in India and particularly Kashmir.
In case you hadn't noticed, there was (and still continues to be relative to the nineties) a significant drop in both cross-LoC infiltration and insurgent activity in IaK over the past decade. And the freedom fighters are not 'blowing themselves up' and killing civilians either in India or in Pakistan, these people are terrorists much like the Indian security forces raping, torturing and massacring Kashmiris in IaK. Freedom fighters would be the insurgents fighting Indian security forces in Occupied J&K.

As for ensuring that terrorists don't succeed, when Pakistan can ensure that they can't succeed in Pakistan, only then can there be any assurance of preventing them from succeeding anywhere else, and that is unfortunately going to be a long term battle.
India attempted to isolate Pakistan because the terrorists were Pakistani. US has the carte blanche to bomb Pakistan, we donot, does not mean that India does not get angry when its citizens are killed due to Pakistani sponsored terrorism.
The US has the capability of obliterating the military of any nation on earth, that does not mean it does so. In the case of Pakistan it has done the opposite of what India did - engaged with Pakistan, increased cooperation with Pakistan, sent high-level officials with concerns and evidence to Pakistan, and Pakistan has cooperated. US officials also contradicted the more inflammatory media comments, about 'dead lines, threats and what not' and backed off their own rhetoric when it was deemed too inflammatory (Clinton). In essence US officials did everything possible to publicly show support for Pakistan and commend it and repose trust in it. India did the opposite, and went on a Pakistan bashing spree domestically and internationally from the get-go, despite multiple Pakistani offers of 'joint-investigation, evidence sharing, intelligence cooperation' etc. We were rebuffed at every turn, and the demands were that we 'take action' against whoever India wished to claim without India providing a shred of evidence to support its claims.

Brilliant. While on that, force your government to control your own armed forces. When the Pakistani government says one thing one day and retracts the next, When one official says one thing at the same time the other says something diametrically opposite, then its shows that they are problems.
The armed forces are under control of the GoP, I see no problems with that. And as for advice, you may want to suggest the GoI back off its hatemongering and brainwashing of the Indian public for a while to improve relations as well.
and to clarify things: The official position is that *** is also Indian territory. So accepting LoC as IB is a compromise as well for India.
Nonsense, Nehru backed out of that position way back in the fifties, and the statements of subsequent Indian leaders, including MMS ('no shifting of borders') are pretty clear on that point.

The fact is that India cannot claim all of J&K since it stands to lose the most in such a situation. Since military conflict is unlikely to result in major territorial losses on either side, the only way India can hope to make a case for 'all of J&K' is by raising the issue internationally, and that is that last thing India wants to do. Raising the issue internationally would mean the UNSC resolutions gain prominence again, not least because the means of dispute resolution they outline, plebiscite, would find little opposition from anyone. That is simply not a route India wants to take, but one that Pakistan would love for India to try.
The huge huge difference between Indian Kashmir and " Azad Kashmir" shows the real face of this whole issue. Kashmir is more of a nice talking point for Pakistani politicians to get the crowds going and votes pouring in.
Actually it isn't, since almost every politician has a largely identical position on it, and Musharraf's popularity did not dip despite advocating 'outside the box solutions' on the Kashmir Dispute. Politicians still get votes primarily on Biradri, development and jobs promises.
If left alone by Pakistan and its proxies Kashmir has the potential to prosper into something huge but the constant intervention by Pakistan in the region has forced India to maintain the constant presence of the military in the valley.
If left alone by India (India ending her occupation and allowing plebiscite in some way, shape or form to take place) Kashmir will also prosper and the causes of insurgency (the occupation) will end.
Pakistan must realize that the Kashmir issue is over now and that it can never compete with India in any way. India's growing global presence coupled with its huge and flourishing economy will only increase the gap between the two. I recommend Pakistan focusing on itself and keeping itself together rather than breaking up India as that is never going to happen.
Sorry, but we do not have to realize anything, and the Kashmir issue is not over. The fact that between 75% to 95% of people in Kashmir proper indicated strong support for independence means that the issue is not over. Ideologically, so long as part of Kashmir is under Pakistani control, so long as it is divided, and families and friends are divided, and Pakistan continues to call for a resolution of the issue and the information revolution continues to allow for free access to the Pakistani POV, the fire will keep on burning. Just see Quebec for example - all the development and prosperity in the world did not prevent them from calling for independence, and they almost succeeded.

The need of the hour remains a need for Indians to realize that plebiscite was required under the rules of partition, required under the UNSC resolutions, and the forceful occupation of millions and a denial of their right to self-determination is a morally bankrupt position.

Im rather tired of going around in circles with you agnostic. Safe to say i have watched you arguments with other members as well including some american members.

You absolutely refuse to believe Pakistan has been complicit in terrorism.

I can point out hundreds of links saying Pakistani state sponsored(ie Army sponsored) terrorists had been wreaking havoc in Kashmir. And these are credible reports from credible organizations. Unlike the idiotic links you would come up with talking about RAW in some kind of weird retaliation.

These links and articles have been posted on this very forum time and again. I can repeat that for you, but im sure you have read all of them.

Secondly, again statements from International leaders saying Pakistan is involved or linked in the majority of terrorist cases globally.

How is that possible unless Pakistan has effectively allowed these people free license to operate in their territory.

Just because YOU donot believe something which the rest of the world ardently believes, does not make what im saying bull-$hit or as you like to call it-trolling.
Sorry, but we do not have to realize anything, and the Kashmir issue is not over. The fact that between 75% to 95% of people in Kashmir proper indicated strong support for independence means that the issue is not over. Ideologically, so long as part of Kashmir is under Pakistani control, so long as it is divided, and families and friends are divided, and Pakistan continues to call for a resolution of the issue and the information revolution continues to allow for free access to the Pakistani POV, the fire will keep on burning. Just see Quebec for example - all the development and prosperity in the world did not prevent them from calling for independence, and they almost succeeded.

The Kashmir issue is dead for the world at large. I see no country other than Pakistan actually taking about UNSC resolution any more…at max... the international community would urge both Pakistan and India to resolve the difference bilaterally. I am sure even Government of Pakistan realizes this.

Anyway Quebec is altogether a different case from Kashmir.
Actually it isn't, since almost every politician has a largely identical position on it, and Musharraf's popularity did not dip despite advocating 'outside the box solutions' on the Kashmir Dispute. Politicians still get votes primarily on Biradri, development and jobs promises.

If left alone by India (India ending her occupation and allowing plebiscite in some way, shape or form to take place) Kashmir will also prosper and the causes of insurgency (the occupation) will end.

Sorry, but we do not have to realize anything, and the Kashmir issue is not over. The fact that between 75% to 95% of people in Kashmir proper indicated strong support for independence means that the issue is not over. Ideologically, so long as part of Kashmir is under Pakistani control, so long as it is divided, and families and friends are divided, and Pakistan continues to call for a resolution of the issue and the information revolution continues to allow for free access to the Pakistani POV, the fire will keep on burning. Just see Quebec for example - all the development and prosperity in the world did not prevent them from calling for independence, and they almost succeeded.

The need of the hour remains a need for Indians to realize that plebiscite was required under the rules of partition, required under the UNSC resolutions, and the forceful occupation of millions and a denial of their right to self-determination is a morally bankrupt position.

Agnostic i would love to continue to argue with you on this but the fact is that you will not accept my point of view and i will not accept yours. My definition of morally bankrupt is very different than yours and I dont think you will agree to that. This stalemate will go on for a long time until one country either gives up or ceases to exist. The facts are -

1) Pakistan cannot engage India economically, diplomatically or militarily. Any such intervention will only lead to one result which is quite obvious.

2) India will continue to pump money into the valley and sooner or later the opinions will change.

3) Any continued support to terrorist activities in the valley will lead to severe consequences both militarily and economically.

4)India's position at the UN and on the world stage will only grow, which basically means that Pakistan will not be able to challenge India on the world stage. Pakistan's weak diplomatic record on world forums further adds to the fact that the gap will only get wider.

Its better that we stop arguing as right now this argument is leading no where. I wont accept you and you wont accept me.
Quebec has no similarities to Kashmir, any comparisons are foolish.
Im rather tired of going around in circles with you agnostic. Safe to say i have watched you arguments with other members as well including some american members.

You absolutely refuse to believe Pakistan has been complicit in terrorism.

I can point out hundreds of links saying Pakistani state sponsored(ie Army sponsored) terrorists had been wreaking havoc in Kashmir. And these are credible reports from credible organizations. Unlike the idiotic links you would come up with talking about RAW in some kind of weird retaliation.

These links and articles have been posted on this very forum time and again. I can repeat that for you, but im sure you have read all of them.

Secondly, again statements from International leaders saying Pakistan is involved or linked in the majority of terrorist cases globally.

How is that possible unless Pakistan has effectively allowed these people free license to operate in their territory.

Just because YOU donot believe something which the rest of the world ardently believes, does not make what im saying bull-$hit or as you like to call it-trolling.

Well said :)
Im rather tired of going around in circles with you agnostic. Safe to say i have watched you arguments with other members as well including some american members.

You absolutely refuse to believe Pakistan has been complicit in terrorism.

I can point out hundreds of links saying Pakistani state sponsored(ie Army sponsored) terrorists had been wreaking havoc in Kashmir. And these are credible reports from credible organizations. Unlike the idiotic links you would come up with talking about RAW in some kind of weird retaliation.

These links and articles have been posted on this very forum time and again. I can repeat that for you, but im sure you have read all of them.

Secondly, again statements from International leaders saying Pakistan is involved or linked in the majority of terrorist cases globally.

How is that possible unless Pakistan has effectively allowed these people free license to operate in their territory.

Just because YOU donot believe something which the rest of the world ardently believes, does not make what im saying bull-$hit or as you like to call it-trolling.
Glad to hear that you follow my arguments regularly, but guess what you just did in that spiel?

You copped out and did not provide any evidence backing up your allegations of any Pakistani State involvement in terrorism, and offered a bunch of excuses and a rant instead. I expected that, since there is no evidence you can provide. The only thing the links you and others throw around everywhere offer are opinions, not evidence.

Opinions are a dime a dozen, they were a dime a dozen when the US was ranting about WMD's in Iraq as well, and most of these 'eminent Western analysts and Think tanks' went right along with the hysteria and hoopla, acting as if WMD's were a sure thing and they knew all.

BS is what it all was, and BS is what it all is with their opinions about Pakistan.

As I said, show me credible evidence of Pakistanis institutions supporting one single act of terrorism in the West or India or quit your whining about why ' I don't accept Pakistan supports terrorism'. Why should I when there is zilch evidence backing up that accusation?

Given your inability to provide evidence to back up your claims, I will consider your comments retracted from your side and will expect that you not repeat them till such time as you do have evidence - otherwise it is trolling and flaming plain and simple.

Thanks. :pakistan:
Agnostic i would love to continue to argue with you on this but the fact is that you will not accept my point of view and i will not accept yours. My definition of morally bankrupt is very different than yours and I dont think you will agree to that.
The rules of partition made accessions of Princely States conditional to a plebiscite, the UNSc resolutions made the resolution of the Kashmir Dispute conditional to a plebiscite. Common decency and respect for human rights suggests that the voice of the people of a territory should be the major deciding factor. India has rejected all of this, so I see no wiggle room in pointing out that the Indian position is morally bankrupt.

This stalemate will go on for a long time until one country either gives up or ceases to exist. The facts are -

1) Pakistan cannot engage India economically, diplomatically or militarily. Any such intervention will only lead to one result which is quite obvious.
Why do we have to engage India economically or militarily? Pakistan has to merely ensure it creates prosperity for its people. Diplomatic engagement will continue, and given a 170 million market currently, estimated to grow to 300 million in the next few decades, a prosperous Pakistan will offer enough economic incentives to keep global policy balanced towards India and Pakistan provided it gets its house in order.

There is a reason Brazil, Turkey, Japan and the smaller Western European nations have clout despite their small market sizes. Don't get too caught up in 'India's billion plus market'.

2) India will continue to pump money into the valley and sooner or later the opinions will change.

Keep doing so, as I pointed out, Quebec has prosperity and development levels that India can only dream of offering its citizens currently, and Quebec wasn't even a dispute between two parties with the people divided, and yet it almost gained independence. So long as Pakistan exists and is prosperous and keeps advocating the resolution of the dispute, so long as Kashmir is divided, so long as families are divided, the spark in Kashmir will not die because of 'money and development' just as it did not die in Quebec, and the Kashmiri spark has a lot more going for it than Quebec did.

3) Any continued support to terrorist activities in the valley will lead to severe consequences both militarily and economically.
Pakistan does not support terrorists, it supports freedom fighters rightfully fighting Indian occupation. And please leave the threats to the grown ups and don't waste bandwidth on a forum. The insurgency in kashmir was at its peak in the nineties, and we saw what the India response was - nothing.
4)India's position at the UN and on the world stage will only grow, which basically means that Pakistan will not be able to challenge India on the world stage. Pakistan's weak diplomatic record on world forums further adds to the fact that the gap will only get wider.
Given that the Kashmir issue is not really being taken up on the world stage currently, whether it gets back there or not is irrelevant currently. But as I pointed out before, don't get too caught up in 'India's billion plus market' fantasies too much. Smaller countries have greater clout than India currently - it is all about economic interests, and given Pakistan's potential, we don't have to match India dollar for dollar to build up clout.
Its better that we stop arguing as right now this argument is leading no where. I wont accept you and you wont accept me.
I cannot accept a position that is morally bankrupt, that insists on denying millions the right to choose their destiny as promised in the rules of partition and the UNSC resolutions.

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