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I'm Being Held Hostage By Chinese Factory Workers


Nov 18, 2010
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BEIJING (AP) — An American executive said Monday he has been held hostage for four days at his medical supply plant in Beijing by scores of workers demanding severance packages like those given to 30 co-workers in a phased-out department.

Chip Starnes, 42, a co-owner of Coral Springs, Florida-based Specialty Medical Supplies, said local officials had visited the 10-year-old plant on the capital's outskirts and coerced him into signing agreements Saturday to meet the workers' demands even though he sought to make clear that the remaining 100 workers weren't being laid off.

The workers were expecting wire transfers by Tuesday, he said, adding that about 80 of them had been blocking every exit around the clock and depriving him of sleep by shining bright lights and banging on windows of his office. He declined to clarify the amount, saying he wanted to keep it confidential.

"I feel like a trapped animal," Starnes told The Associated Press on Monday from his first-floor office window, while holding onto the window's bars. "I think it's inhumane what is going on right now. I have been in this area for 10 years and created a lot of jobs and I would never have thought in my wildest imagination something like this would happen."

Workers inside the compound, a pair of two-story buildings behind gates and hedges in the Huairou district of the northeastern Beijing suburbs, repeatedly declined requests for comment, saying they did not want to talk to foreign media.

It is not rare in China for managers to be held by workers demanding back pay or other benefits, often from their Chinese owners, though occasionally also involving foreign bosses.

The labor action reflects growing uneasiness among workers about their jobs amid China's slowing economic growth and the sense that growing labor costs make the country less attractive for some foreign-owned factories. The account about local officials coercing Starnes to meet workers' demands — if true — reflects how officials typically consider stifling unrest to be a priority.

Huairou district and Qiaozi township governments declined to comment.

A local police spokesman said police were at the scene to maintain order. Four uniformed police and about a dozen other men who declined to identify themselves were standing across the road from the plant.

"As far as I know, there was a labor dispute between the workers and the company management and the dispute is being solved," said spokesman Zhao Lu of the Huairou Public Security Bureau. " I am not sure about the details of the solution, but I can guarantee the personal safety of the manager."

Representatives from the U.S. Embassy stood outside the gate much of the day, and eventually were let in. U.S. Embassy spokesman Nolan Barkhouse said the two sides were on the verge of an agreement and that Starnes would have access to his attorneys. It was unclear what agreement might be reached, and subsequent attempts to contact Starnes were not immediately successful.

Starnes said the company had gradually been winding down its plastics division, planning to move it to Mumbai, India. He arrived in Beijing last Tuesday to lay off the last 30 people. Some had been working there for up to nine years, so their compensation packages were "pretty nice," he said.

Some of the workers in the other divisions got wind of this, and, coupled with rumors that the whole plant was moving to India, started demanding similar severance packages on Friday.

Christian Murck, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, said he wasn't familiar with Starnes' case, but that such hostage-taking was "not a major problem" for the foreign business community.

"It happened more often say 15 years ago than today, but it still happens from time to time," he said. "It rarely leads to personal harm to the managers involved, but there are cases when it has in years past."

American Boss: I'm Being Held Hostage By Chinese Factory Workers

“He is completely free within the factory, it’s just that he has stuff to do,” said Chu Lixiang, an official with the government-run labor union in Huairou, a district of Beijing :rofl:

In the interview, Mr. Starnes bemoaned his fate, saying local officials were pressing him to provide lavish compensation to workers who were not scheduled to be laid off.

I cracked up on that comment by the Chinese official " he is free to move around the plant .lol

and that cops were standing across the street. :mod:
starnes should be thankful this happens in China. wait until a Maruti Suzuki scenario for his plant in India.
starnes should be thankful this happens in China. wait until a Maruti Suzuki scenario for his plant in India.

in India - it against the law to let a kidnapping/ hostage taking place to just continue i.e. if it is not a case of corrupt cops breaking the law. Workers doing this in China is not the case, rather the law just ignoring it as some internal dispute is...

He is in fact moving a part of the company to India, if you bothered to read the article.

Yeah right.

In India, the workers burn the owners alive with rubber tires around the neck if they didn't get a raise. I read about these kind things in the news many times.
You are a joke.

Just pay the workers 2 months backpay and you are free to go.
And don't let the door hit you fat butt on your way out anal sphincter.
Just pay the workers 2 months backpay and you are free to go.
And don't let the door hit you fat butt on your way out anal sphincter.

pay them for what - that is not owed? the workers who are asking for money are not the ones actually laid off. One part of divsion was laid off and got a great severance pay- the rest of the workers in other depts thought everyone is being laid off and asked for the same money- but the fact is they were not being laid off.

In the NYtimes article it says that foreign managers are asked not to come in person and pay severances in China. Local people should be hired to do so because then the risk of this happening is mitigated.

So there are more than one side of the story. It is a matter of who you believe.

And I choose to believe the workers.
law is just some pretty words on paper in India. the reality is that managers were burned to ashes by workers in India. I know he's setting up factories in India, that's why I mentioned he need to prepare for a Maruti Suzuki scenario.

in India - it against the law to let a kidnapping/ hostage taking place to just continue i.e. if it is not a case of corrupt cops breaking the law. Workers doing this in China is not the case, rather the law just ignoring it as some internal dispute is...

He is in fact moving a part of the company to India, if you bothered to read the article.

workers only stand out the door of the factory to get salary arrears, they had stand there for 4 days, if the boss take flight,their salary will disappear

At night, they still stand at the door of the factory
I cracked up on that comment by the Chinese official " he is free to move around the plant .lol

and that cops were standing across the street. :mod:

Welcome back, can't wait till you get your next ban :D
Go go employees, you have the right to deserve better! Power to labor! Foreign companies have enjoyed too long favorable treatment. Now it's time to pay back and share your wealth with labor.

I remember last time it was some Korean companies that fled China when financial crisis hit. I guess those workers now got smart. They know if the owners left, they will get zero, nada, nil.
in India - it against the law to let a kidnapping/ hostage taking place to just continue i.e. if it is not a case of corrupt cops breaking the law. Workers doing this in China is not the case, rather the law just ignoring it as some internal dispute is...

He is in fact moving a part of the company to India, if you bothered to read the article.

It is the same logic
in India - it against the law to let a rape taking place to just continue.

Rape happens again and again in India, the Law stopped it? Even one policeman participated in the rape. They are the law man..... They broke the law themselves!! Your law is just a decorate of your corrupted government.

Do you really think people will not do what the law forbids ???

So there are more than one side of the story. It is a matter of who you believe.

And I choose to believe the workers.

of course you do... no surprise there.

Go go employees, you have the right to deserve better! Power to labor! Foreign companies have enjoyed too long favorable treatment. Now it's time to pay back and share your wealth with labor.

I remember last time it was some Korean companies that fled China when financial crisis hit. I guess those workers now got smart. They know if the owners left, they will get zero, nada, nil.

did you read the article or you prefer pictures as a reading format?

It is the same logic
in India - it against the law to let a rape taking place to just continue.

Rape happens again and again in India, the Law stopped it? Even one policeman participated in the rape. They are the law man..... They broke the law themselves!! Your law is just a decorate of your corrupted government.

Do you really think people will not do what the law forbids ???

you don't comprehend what is written it seems. either that or you just called your law - criminal. inadvertently as an excuse for this.
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