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If you can't find someone, just say you killed and threw them in the ocean

It is interesting that they did not have any reservations about showing the body of Saddam's sons and the hanging of Saddam.Secondly, why is the world quiet over the fact that they found the most wanted criminal unarmed, and decided to shoot him rather than take him alive. This in my view tantamounts to judicial murder. So it is alright for the President of USA to break the law !!!!!

Why take Osama alive? If the Navy Seals brought Osama back alive, the extremists would of started taking hostages and start executing people unless Osama was released...No thank you, killing him was the best thing to do.
I dont get why people think that USA is obligated to show the proof of Osama's death to whoever demands it. It makes sense if they are trying to get something in return from Pakistan, which they are not. USA made a claim. Believe it or don't believe it and act accordingly..
Why take Osama alive? If the Navy Seals brought Osama back alive, the extremists would of started taking hostages and start executing people unless Osama was released...No thank you, killing him was the best thing to do.

And now they have stopped taking hostages for money? That doesn't fly. The wealth of intelligence that could have been extracted from him would itself be worth the risks. Thats an even lamer excuse than the one given for not showing the pictures.
Actually I'm cribbing about this since convincing everyone IS Obama's duty. If he doesn't he'll continue to be egged about it.

Osama is alive or not, he died earlier or now, all these questions are significant to American people only. He was their enemy and a non pakistani.
What lies in pakistan context is the operation was accomplished on pakistan soil. Whether they kill Osama or not, they certainly hurt pakistan respect and credibility of its forces and if they had to do a mere "drama" why did they choose to trade their "ally" sovereignity with their interests.
And now they have stopped taking hostages for money? That doesn't fly. The wealth of intelligence that could have been extracted from him would itself be worth the risks. Thats an even lamer excuse than the one given for not showing the pictures.

For all you know they may have exactly done what you are saying.. Brought him back alive.. and are interrogating him. Once done, may be killed and really buried in the sea.. and then may be the photos will come out..
For all you know they may have exactly done what you are saying.. Brought him back alive.. and are interrogating him. Once done, may be killed and really buried in the sea.. and then may be the photos will come out..

Thats may be the possibility and would be very intelligent one.
With all info gathered from Osama the U.S army can take up all terrorists by surprise who believesthat Osama is dead.
Well lets for a minute assume that this entire operation was a fake and Osama was never found and the entire thing was Orchestrated by US to satisfy its own public opinnion.

Question then arises, why would Pakistan then go along with US in this story?

Such that they will accept that Osama had hiding near major military facility for last 5 yrs.
It will humiliate itself by accepting that they were incompetent in detecting Osama's presence in their own backyard.
Release the statement from people who are apparently Osama's daghter and wife and are in Pakistani cutody, confirming Osama's death.
Risking their entire reputation..such that world now thinks..that they were Osama's complicit.
Risk a severe back clash from there own public at there apparent lack of ability to discover 4 choppers...such that the entire nation is asking for sacking of army/airforce chief(infact for the first time in the history of pakistan)

So questions remains ..why would Pakistan risk such humiliation?
If your answer is dollars...then there isn't any ..infact a bill is being passed in US senate on cutting off US $3 billion/yr aid to Pakistan.

On the top of it..why would Al Qaida accept that Osama is dead?
Osama is alive or not, he died earlier or now, all these questions are significant to American people only. He was their enemy and a non pakistani.
What lies in pakistan context is the operation was accomplished on pakistan soil. Whether they kill Osama or not, they certainly hurt pakistan respect and credibility of its forces and if they had to do a mere "drama" why did they choose to trade their "ally" sovereignity with their interests.

Fine then I'll keep egging them for failing to do what I see as their duty.
Well lets for a minute assume that this entire operation was a fake and Osama was never found and the entire thing was Orchestrated by US to satisfy its own public opinnion.

Question then arises, why would Pakistan then go along with US in this story?

Such that they will accept that Osama had hiding near major military facility for last 5 yrs.
It will humiliate itself by accepting that they were incompetent in detecting Osama's presence in their own backyard.
Release the statement from people who are apparently Osama's daghter and wife and are in Pakistani cutody, confirming Osama's death.
Risking their entire reputation..such that world now thinks..that they were Osama's complicit.
Risk a severe back clash from there own public at there apparent lack of ability to discover 4 choppers...such that the entire nation is asking for sacking of army/airforce chief(infact for the first time in the history of pakistan)

So questions remains ..why would Pakistan risk such humiliation?
If your answer is dollars...then there isn't any ..infact a bill is being passed in US senate on cutting off US $3 billion/yr aid to Pakistan.

On the top of it..why would Al Qaida accept that Osama is dead?

"They'll bomb us to the stone ages" or so the Pakistani leaders believe or more simply they have been paid large sums of money.
US admin does not need to convince the pakistani people that they got Osama.
I am sure they will be able to convince the congressmen, that will suffice.
And of course it will be nice if their partner, pakistani govt is convinced, which it already is.
Rest can believe in whatever theory they want.
BTW Al Qaida says Osama is dead, so no more tapes.

About whether to release the photo, can they really convince people by releasing a photo? I am not so sure. People will say it is fake.
If they had to do something to clarify, they should have done immediately, now it is too late, people have already taken their position, you cant change it by showing some photo(or even video)
From my view, they bought Osama to USA, everyone believed to focus on "buried on sea" which is ridiculous. For 10 years searching, within only 5-7 hours to throw body to the sea. That's it?
The Americans also threw alien terrorist Megatron into the ocean but the Decepticons were able to find and revitalize him.

What if Osama also comes back like Megatron, then what?
Whatever the truth may be, only good can come from making Americans show the pictures and only one benefit can be perceived for not showing it - that the Americans are BSing.
"They'll bomb us to the stone ages" or so the Pakistani leaders believe or more simply they have been paid large sums of money.

Are you that naive..that you are ready to believe that your entire armed forces high command, ISI sold your country out for a few million dollars..just to justify conspiracies?

So what is stopping them from selling your nukes..afterall I believe nukes will fetch much higher price that an old, good for nothing terrorist.

For any politician or for that matter any person with considerable power in their hands there is nothing more important(not even money) than staying in power...right now Pakistani people want to see some sacking...and for first time in history of pakistan ..heat is on its armed forces and not just politicians.
Whatever the truth may be, only good can come from making Americans show the pictures and only one benefit can be perceived for not showing it - that the Americans are BSing.

What can one achieve by showing pictures ? Taliban , Al Queda and Bin Ladens wife seem to have confirmed about Osama's death. Pictures may be gruesome if displayed may incite violence.

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