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‘If war breaks out … I will just become cannon fodder:’ In Taiwan, ex-conscripts feel unprepared for potential China conflict

One should not draw conclusions like these. Saddam Hussein was also of the view that Americans cannot fight. Where is he and everything that he created now?
It's based on fact, if a war between China and US was fought in China, US got no chance, if the war was fought in US, China got no chance. and we should not compare China with Iraq or Aghanistan, China is not them and bear no similarities with them. it's the same as comparing US with them.
Actually if China, Korea and Japn form an EU like kind of union, it'll be the largest economic bloc in the world, far outstripping EU and US in GDP and trade.
But unfortunately Japanese and Koreans suck the dick of Uncle SAM and the west. Divide and rule is the best policy of a white man.
It's based on fact, if a war between China and US was fought in China, US got no chance, if the war was fought in US, China got no chance. and we should not compare China with Iraq or Aghanistan, China is not them and bear no similarities with them. it's the same as comparing US with them.

Focus in the "context."

Iraq became a battle-hardened and well-equipped country in the 1980s:

I can draw a similar comparison between Iraq and China as in 1990.

Saddam Hussein would be proud with what he had built for his country by 1990 but his pride turned into HUBRIS.

He chose to annex Kuwait by force in 1990 and disregarded calls from multiple countries to withdraw Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Saddam stood his ground and chose to fight a war with USA instead - his biggest mistake. He also thought that Americans cannot fight Iraq in its home turf.

Guess what was the outcome.

You can say that China has learned lessons from Iraq and built a capable war machine. I can see it.

But it looks like you do not have much idea about apparent limitations of the Chinese weapon systems.

I shall give you some pointers:

WE can all hope that the issue of Taiwan can be resolved peacefully. By all means.

But to assume that a battle-hardened superpower cannot fight a war with China near its borders? That it is not preparing itself for various possibilities in the Pacific? Dude...
Focus in the "context."

Iraq became a battle-hardened and well-equipped country in the 1980s:

I can draw a similar comparison between Iraq and China as in 1990.

Saddam Hussein would be proud with what he had built for his country by 1990 but his pride turned into HUBRIS.

He chose to annex Kuwait by force in 1990 and disregarded calls from multiple countries to withdraw Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Saddam stood his ground and chose to fight a war with USA instead - his biggest mistake. He also thought that Americans cannot fight Iraq in its home turf.

Guess what was the outcome.

You can say that China has learned lessons from Iraq and built a capable war machine. I can see it.

But it looks like you do not have much idea about apparent limitations of the Chinese weapon systems.

I shall give you some pointers:

WE can all hope that the issue of Taiwan can be resolved peacefully. By all means.

But to assume that a battle-hardened superpower cannot fight a war with China near its borders? That it is not preparing itself for various possibilities in the Pacific? Dude...
I think you overestimate US current capabilities, there is reason why it's withdrawing from many fronts and we don't see today US being as aggressive as it used to be. but, let's agree to disagree.
Looks like there will not be any war at all...

Last year, a video went viral in China showing a young man who refused to be taken into a quarantine camp being warned by police that his punishment would affect his family for three generations. He coolly retorted: “We are the last generation, thank you.”
Yes, just one example represent whole China.... One racist attack in US means all American are racist, agree?

Focus in the "context."

Iraq became a battle-hardened and well-equipped country in the 1980s:
An battle hardened Iraqi who just stop war for 2 years couldnt translate their rich war experience into victory for them in 1991 Gulf war one. Looks like war experience is BS after all if you fought the wrong war in their whole life.
I think you overestimate US current capabilities, there is reason why it's withdrawing from many fronts and we don't see today US being as aggressive as it used to be. but, let's agree to disagree.

US withdrew from Afghanistan "only." This was due to Afghan Taliban accepting American demand for not allowing Al-Qaeda Network to plot more attacks on American assets from Afghanistan like in earlier times.

This withdrawal allows US to focus on other flashpoints. Good decision from American standpoint.

American war-machine has global footprint and reach regardless:

The "let's agree to disagree" statement does not change the facts that I have highlighted to inform you. You are choosing to ignore them because they challenge your nationalistic worldview. Not very smart of you.

Nationalism is good until it turns into "hubris." Well... Be my guest.
Yes, just one example represent whole China.... One racist attack in US means all American are racist, agree?
Nani...??? For the latter, you guys assumed that the US is a racist country, so why not for the former?

Nani...??? For the latter, you guys assumed that the US is a racist country, so why not for the former?

I think you overestimate US current capabilities, there is reason why it's withdrawing from many fronts and we don't see today US being as aggressive as it used to be. but, let's agree to disagree.

History has shown you can't fight multiple fronts. With the Russians neutralized, the American focus is squarely on China. The Americans face no other strategic threat from any nation on earth. So while they are downsizing their presence and withdrawing, they are slowly deploying and adjusting their strategy to face your country. The question then becomes, what will you do? If you are paying attention to the Ukranian-Russian Conflict, it's obvious how the U.S. will play its game; death by a thousand cuts.

One thing to understand about American society from someone who practically grew up since the age of two in the U.S. This nation is a sponge; it absorbs all the talents and abilities, formulates the best course of action, and then it'll come and clean you out like Arm & Hammer.

I will guarantee one thing; the U.S. will arm Taiwan to the teeth and flood it with weapons to inflict the most severe punishment possible if you tried to invade the Island. So your one mistake will be to drag your threats too long and lose any advantage you could have. Your second mistake was not helping Russia and coming to its aid to apply the bandage, stop the bleeding, and allow it to take over Ukraine and create an active and hot zone in Europe. Your third mistake is not taking the initiative in Africa and arming them to take on the Western-backed forces to inflict pain on them.

** Most importantly, by helping Russia, you could've battle tested your weapons and learned how they perform and what improvements are needed. The Americans are learning, learning, and learning. **

Growth and power don't just come from economic growth; you need to fight to lay the tracks.

While nationalism is good, as the other poster said, you shouldn't be blinded by it.

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An battle hardened Iraqi who just stop war for 2 years couldnt translate their rich war experience into victory for them in 1991 Gulf war one. Looks like war experience is BS after all if you fought the wrong war in their whole life.
Wrong war? The US was the invader, so by accepted perceptions, the Iraqis could not have been fighting the 'wrong' war.

Now, what make you think an invasion of Taiwan would be a 'right' war? The Taiwanese are culturally and racially closer to Chinese and Taiwan do not want to be under China, so what make you think you could convince the Chinese people that their only sons would be fighting a 'right' war?

Here, we see all sorts of rhetoric on why Viet Nam should be under Chinese rule. Fine. You have land access to VN. Use the J-20 and the Dung Fling missiles and take the country. Make that invasion a 'right' war. Once you take VN and pacify the people, then you can talk about crossing that 100 miles of water and take Taiwan.

Some Chinese have said that since the Chinese 'discovered' Australia before the Brits make it a penal colony, Australia should be under Chinese rule. Make that argument to the Chinese people that it would be a 'right' war, after you take Taiwan, of course.

War experience is BS? Spoken by a true keyboard warrior.
Wrong war? The US was the invader, so by accepted perceptions, the Iraqis could not have been fighting the 'wrong' war.

Now, what make you think an invasion of Taiwan would be a 'right' war? The Taiwanese are culturally and racially closer to Chinese
lol, what a stupid comment, it's like saying Beijingers and Shanghaiese are culturally and ethnically close to each other, Beijingers, Shanghaiese and Taiwanese are all ethnic Chinese, dummo.
Wrong war? The US was the invader, so by accepted perceptions, the Iraqis could not have been fighting the 'wrong' war.

Now, what make you think an invasion of Taiwan would be a 'right' war? The Taiwanese are culturally and racially closer to Chinese and Taiwan do not want to be under China, so what make you think you could convince the Chinese people that their only sons would be fighting a 'right' war?

Here, we see all sorts of rhetoric on why Viet Nam should be under Chinese rule. Fine. You have land access to VN. Use the J-20 and the Dung Fling missiles and take the country. Make that invasion a 'right' war. Once you take VN and pacify the people, then you can talk about crossing that 100 miles of water and take Taiwan.

Some Chinese have said that since the Chinese 'discovered' Australia before the Brits make it a penal colony, Australia should be under Chinese rule. Make that argument to the Chinese people that it would be a 'right' war, after you take Taiwan, of course.

War experience is BS? Spoken by a true keyboard warrior.
Where the the f do you get the idea that China want to invade Vietnam and then make it a province of China ? You think China is like US that wants to control and dictate friends or foes alike all the time. China is not stupid and doesnt want to get itself entangled in the mess and pits of Vietnam, its not a really trustworthy state like Thailand and Cambodia to China. As long as Vietnam isnt militarily allied with Chinas enemy and uses bases in Vietnam to attack or threaten China, China doesnt give a care what Vietnam does or which country it turns to.
lol, what a stupid comment, it's like saying Beijingers and Shanghaiese are culturally and ethnically close to each other, Beijingers, Shanghaiese and Taiwanese are all ethnic Chinese, dummo.
Equally stupid to think that Taiwan 'belongs' to China. But I will say that in the event that the CPC does chose the stupid option of war to take Taiwan, how many of China's disaffected youths would believe that it is a 'right' war? And that they will not be cannon fodder for Comrade Xi's glorification? The Parade Line Army will need at least one million troops. Most of them are their parents' only sons who now have to resign to their fates of living/dying untended for. There will be conscription to make war possible. How many will not comply? For each potential conscript, it is either in prison or death on the strait or death on Taiwan. Would YOU go and fight in this 'right' war? We can be sure that overseas Chinese will find some ways to remain overseas. :lol:
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