India is only as secular as Israel is a secular nation. Even though India allow muslims to serve in the army, the are being watched. The reality is that India is for Hindus as much as Israel is for Jews. It make no sense to talk about how secular India is because its very existence and formation is b is base on Hinduism. Without Hinduism, India won't be a country but split up in state lines among different language group. As how it was before.
You just insulted every none Hindu in the country.
You the people who keep discriminating against Hindu's.
And at the same time insult everyone who is not Hindu, but sees them self as Indian.
All you really are doing is just Insulting India.
Society is not perfect. The Goal of India is to create as much a secular society as possible. Formally India represents all the right values. As in any democracy the power to institute these values lies int he hands of the people.
This obviously will create a wide variety of problems with Fundamentalist groups. they hate secular ideals. And since India;s creation they have been trying to destroy those ideals.
These religions have fought one another for 100's of years you think just by writing Secular ideals on parchment. It would change that over night. It takes time and Effort and tolerance. All of which has been an continuing attempt for the Last 60. And we will continue to strive to do so. To try and get as close to that Utopian vision as possible.
India is in fact more secular than most nations. The pure varriety of culture in India that co-exist is not present any where else.
All Hindu's are not alike. sir. There are Tamils, Gujarati etc.
Even the United states. Suffers from Racisim(which just another form of discrimination). You have Groups such as the KKK running around the Country. And Its taken you over 200 years to elect a Minority group into office.
If your Idea of secular is where All regions live in peace and Harmony with no violence or Discrimination.
They you can Look else where as there is no place on earth. That resembles anything like that.
The day two human beings realize that Fighting each other is not teh answer. And evolve to the point. Where they don't have to kill each other.
Then and only then can we have the Utopian society we crave.
If you want to help the you would stop criticizing the nation trying to do the right things.
And try to bring those secular Ideals to your own lives.