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IDP camps being restricted to the NWFP?

I also read that Jiyay Sindh followers caused disturbances related to the arrival of IDP’s in Sindh. These people seem to have MQM support as a delegation went to Nine Zero for dialogue with MQM leaders.

A similar agitation also took place after the fall of East Pakistan and as a result many Biharis were not allowed to come to Pakistan.

This is a disgrace. IDPs from Swat and Malakand are Pakistanis and as long as they register, they have a right to live and move freely anywhere in Pakistan. These poor guys need our help and sympathy not rejection. I have no words to describe my anger at the shameful behavior of some ethnic bigots.
It is ironic that the MQM, whose forefathers were provided sanctuary in Sindh in 1947, and the Sindhi nationalists, whose ancestors welcomed the ‘refugees’, should now be rejecting the IDPs.

couldn't have said it better.....MQM is embarrasing all pakistanis here...and so is G.A. SINDH


he was also called SARHADI GANDHI....so your point is....???
The MQM has been talking about becoming a 'national party' - it could have used this opportunity to outshine the ANP with the Pashtun in both Karachi, and engaged in outreach to the people of Swat.

Instead it has chosen to protest in conjunction with the JSQM, which makes its politics look very ethnically biased (though some may argue that that has been the color of its politics all along), which will likely further marginalize the party nationally, and I hope with the people of Karachi as well.

I am not sure what the PML-N is thinking - IDP's in Punjab are obviously not going to affect the demographics, which seems to be the issue behind the MQM's protests about the IDP's in Karachi in particular, and the JSQM's issue in Sindh.

Bach Khan's basic ideology of non-violence, political struggle and education and enlightenment is admirable. He represented one shade of opinion in the NWFP, that lost out to the pro-Pakistan sentiment, but his ideas as the related to the development of the NWFP and assisting the people should be emulated by all our politicians IMO.

Take his his anti-Pakistan position out of the equation, and you can see why he is respected for his politics and the positions he espoused.
It is ironic that the MQM, whose forefathers were provided sanctuary in Sindh in 1947, and the Sindhi nationalists, whose ancestors welcomed the ‘refugees’, should now be rejecting the IDPs.

couldn't have said it better.....MQM is embarrasing all pakistanis here...and so is G.A. SINDH


he was also called SARHADI GANDHI....so your point is....???

haha wat is ur point he was called that because of his belief in peaceful protest and since when is being associated with gandhi a bad thing he was a man of peace so dont just blindly judge. It is extremely insulting for any pakhtoon to have Bacha Khan insulted but thats not important please do some research before blindly judging

Bach Khan's basic ideology of non-violence, political struggle and education and enlightenment is admirable. He represented one shade of opinion in the NWFP, that lost out to the pro-Pakistan sentiment, but his ideas as the related to the development of the NWFP and assisting the people should be emulated by all our politicians IMO.

Take his his anti-Pakistan position out of the equation, and you can see why he is respected for his politics and the positions he espoused.

sir with all due respect anyone opposed to the idea of PAKISTAN is an enemy of pakistan to me....secondly... sir i think Nelson MADELAdid alot as well then so did GANDHI....if we are looking at a person in cotext of his politics and the positions he espoused and not his loyalty to the state of pakistan... then i guess GANDHI,MANDELA can be good examples.....


please read and tell me what is the diffrence between this man and all the MQM anti-pakistan comments....??

Bacha Khan's last words to Gandhi and his erstwhile allies in the Congress party were: "You have thrown us to the wolves

The notion Khan took the oath of allegiance to the new nation of Pakistan is false.He visited India and participated in the centenary celebrations of the Indian National Congress in 1985; he was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award, in 1987

i am not trying to inflame this thread all i am saying is that bacha khan should not be an IDEAL for any pakistani....

BUT unfortunately activites of MQM and JSQM are making BACHA KHAN look like a hero....:tsk::tsk:
haha wat is ur point he was called that because of his belief in peaceful protest and since when is being associated with gandhi a bad thing he was a man of peace so dont just blindly judge. It is extremely insulting for any pakhtoon to have Bacha Khan insulted but thats not important please do some research before blindly judging

I sincerely respect Bacha Khan. He was honest to a fault and never wavered from what he believed; a secular Pathan and a leader of the independence movement.

One can have serious disagreement with his views as I do; mainly because of his Pakhtoonistan slogan an anti Pakistan stance especially after the Lahore declaration. But I would never dream of insulting Bacha Khan.

I had the honor of meeting Bacha Khan’s brother Dr Khan Sahib (Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan) who as Chief Minister of one unit (West Pakistan) was invited to Gov’t College Sargodha in 1957 as chief guest shortly before his assassination May 1958.

Both the brothers were in the forefront of independence movement in the NWFP.
sir with all due respect anyone opposed to the idea of PAKISTAN is an enemy of pakistan to me....secondly... sir i think Nelson MADELAdid alot as well then so did GANDHI....if we are looking at a person in cotext of his politics and the positions he espoused and not his loyalty to the state of pakistan... then i guess GANDHI,MANDELA can be good examples.....

Well, we do not have to take an absolutist approach to everything - we should respect Gandhi and Mandela for their political approach to issues, and what they accomplished - at the same time we can also criticize and disagree with some of their other positions and actions.

Bahca Khan can be respected for his ideology of non-violence and policies on development and education, and one can also simultaneously disagree with his anti-Pakistan position.
ok sorry i think this thread is getting derailed here...and we should stick to the IDPs and the issue of not being allowed outside NWFP.....but one last thing i hate to say it but then i guess MQM deserves credit on some issues...so does Imran...so does maybe ZARDARI....i guess AM if i look at things from not a totaletarian prespective then i guess no one is bad in this world.....

MQM not called strike, it only said that it will support strike call, and MQM is not stopping IDP's they are only saying that, IDP's should be registered!


And also notice pashtun MQM's nazim BADSHAH KHAN
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and aren't 2.5 million IDPs registered....??? how can the so called MOHAJIRS(sorry i personally prefer urdu speaking) not feel the pain of the IDPs.......they should surely help these people more than anyone and with OPEN ARMS.....!!

i am sorry hasnain but yet again the RABTAA COMMITTE is embarassing pakistan....and pakistanis!!
I think the people of karachi helped them most, MQM sent C-130 loaded with relief goods for those peoples, and one more plane from PIA loaded with goods, give me a example if any other party has sent goods equal to the quantity that MQM sent, i dont know why u are bashing MQM here!
MQM for IDPs registration
in Sindh to prevent entry
of terrorists: Rizvi

ISLAMABAD: Muttahida Qaumi Movement is insisting on registration of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) upon their arrival in Sindh to thwart any attempt by terrorists to disrupt peace, MQM Deputy Parliamentary Leader in National Assembly Syed Haider Abbas Rizvi said on Saturday.
Talking to newsmen, Rizvi said that his party apprehended that terrorists could enter the province in the guise of IDPs. He pointed out that only two days back the law enforcers nabbed terrorists from Super Highway with a cache of arms and suicide jackets. A Taliban commander was arrested from an IDP camp last week, he added. “This is why we are calling for registration of the IDPs and this demand should not be dubbed as our resistance to IDPs arrival in Sindh,” he remarked.
Rizvi said that not only the Sindh government but the Punjab Government also had apprehensions about terrorists sneaking into the province in the guise of IDPs. “Now its time to control the situation and registration of the IDPs is a viable solution to the problem. This would bring credibility to the government process,” he added.
He criticized a statement by Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman Sindh and said the JUI-F leader is only targeting the Sindh government and is silent about the Punjab government. The MQM deputy parliamentary leader called for shunning the politics of double standards. "Haider Rizvi said that the entire country should welcome the IDPs with open arms if they are registered upon arrival"
great mr.HAIDER ABBAS RIZVI is finally saying the right things however..... his actions are not speaking louder than his words....why the call for a strike....why do they complain about IDPs coming to KARACHI and pait it as a doomsday scenario....?? PUNJAB is no better because these guys are not PATHANS they are PAKISTANIS!!!!
great mr.HAIDER ABBAS RIZVI is finally saying the right things however..... his actions are not speaking louder than his words....why the call for a strike....why do they complain about IDPs coming to KARACHI and pait it as a doomsday scenario....?? PUNJAB is no better because these guys are not PATHANS they are PAKISTANIS!!!!

MQM is only saying to register them, and MQM not call strike, it was JSQM, MQM only said that MQM is not against this strike, they only want registration,

And plz all things are clear, Haider Abbas Rizvi has said that entire country should welcome IDP's if registered, so no point left for debate!
And i m also MQM supporter and i welcome IDP's if they are coming here!
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