I am as American as more than half of America who just elected BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA for the second term. You have your panties in a twist because slowly and gradually ZIONIST like yourself are losing grip on my AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL. We elected BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA inspite of all your Zionist efforts.
Get use to the new face of America, ZIONIST. The new America has my face on its picture, because we are fastest growing segment of our AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL. The minority Americans are taking over this country and we won't let the ZIONIST like yourself meddle in OUR COUNTRY, ZIONIST. MAZAL TOV, ZIONIST.
You can put that under your yamaka.
You seem angry. Zionist this, Hussein that... Relax.
Americans don't consider you an American and they never will. You aren't American because you do not share their ideology, their will and desire for freedom and justice. In fact you are a stain on their way of life.
America is beautiful, even with your like, but don't ever mistake yourself as an American.