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Right! Americans love to "invade" Muslim lands. It's so much kicking fun!! Duh! Americans are simply fighting back against "Muslims" who have "invaded" America and have killed or have tried to kill Americans. It's not complicated. Americans believe in Pakhtunwali:

Badal - To seek justice or take revenge against the wrongdoer. This applies to injustices committed yesterday or 1000 years ago if the wrongdoer still exists. Justice in Pashtun lore needs elaborating: even a mere taunt (or "Paighor") is regarded as an insult - which can only usually be redressed by shedding of the taunter's blood (and if he isn't available, then his next closest male relation). This in turn leads to a blood feud that can last generations and involve whole tribes with the loss of hundreds of lives.

We will not stop until al Qaeda is destroyed!

Neither I'm Pakhtun nor I feel any love for them, but I must say you are totally out of context there when you quoted the revenge thingie. The legends and myths in sub-continent are as old and intricate as time, and they have been romanticized in the course of time, it's very wrong to relate today's geo-politics to what widely regarded as Pakhtun revenge phenomenon. The war today's world facing is the war of resource, not war of ideology. This is where it's different from crusade or jihad, if I may take liberty on using strong words.

Lets see the problems Americans facing or have been faced recent time. Al Quida, Iraq debacle, Iranian crisis. Everyones knows Al Quida/Talibans old mentor and aid provider so it deserves no elaboration. America who prides herself of being beacon of democracy paved way Khomaini to seize power of Iran when she uprooted perfectly democratically elected Iranian government and put incompetent Shah on Iranian throne. Accept it, you have most effed up foreign policy for a country of your caliber.

Also the statement muslims invading america is nothing but fallacy, who really are Americans? It's the country of immigrants, the indigenous people long have been butchered. Also the stringent visa rule of yours ensures only the best/well off people in sub-continent get entry to your country and I think their contribution to your society has been mentioned by many. The problem of illegal immigration/ demographical shift is mainly with Mexicans, not South Asians.
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