The fundamental challenge is that the real solution requires exerting a lot of control over the base governing system. We can't work around that elephant (e.g., no entrepreneurship if the legal system isn't fair and efficient). Unfortunately, unless we cancel out the blockers (political parties, corrupt bureaucrats, overbearing generals, etc), we are not going to have real change whatsoever. Yes, we need bottom-up initiative, but we won't get it (or leverage it properly) if the top doesn't build the right environment (via education, healthcare, relevant infrastructure, law and order, anti-corruption measures, foreign policy aimed at opening export markets, etc). It's a two-way street.
Sadly, our society is largely out of position to change the top. It sounds great in theory, but the bad actors can (and likely have) safeguarded themselves by quickly painting outside voices as destabilizing, treacherous, etc. This will create more friction in society and, in turn, actual instability and problems. Best case scenario, these guys will just tell change-voices to bugger off. Worst case scenario, innocent people could disappear. So, we even have blockers to the work necessary to remove the technical blockers.
IMO ... things won't change until the generals, politicians, judges, etc themselves wake up. They're the only catalysts to real change here. No one else. If they don't clean house in earnest (at the top among themselves), then Pakistan will continue going down its current path. This 'top down' change can happen. We have voices like Lt. Gen (ret'd) Tariq Khan, for example, and we have individuals from across all of the political parties who, in their hearts, know what's happening is bad and desire real change. The question is, what will trigger all of these people to mobilize and act? Only God knows...