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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

Indian infiltration reveals its nefarious designs: Kamran Khan
Updated at: 0244 PST, Sunday, December 14, 2008
Indian infiltration reveals its nefarious designs: Kamran Khan KARACHI: Senior analyst Kamran Khan said that Indian jet planes violated Pakistan air spaces twice on Saturday in Kashmir and Lahore areas while Planes of Pakistan Air Force (PAF), which were already on high alert, quickly came into action and forced the India’s fighter jets to leave Pakistan’s air spaces.

He said that this Indian action reveals its nefarious design against the sovereignty of Pakistan and termed, “Indian version that it violated Pakistan air spaces by mistakes, a lamb excuse”, as he maintained, “Mistake can be committed once not twice.”

He said that on both occasions, Indian fighter jets were equipped with warheads, which means they had some wicked intensions against our land.

Kamran Khan demanded Indian government to take strict notice of the incident at once, if it is a mistake, as he feared that this violation could have turned worsen keeping in view growing tension between India and Pakistan in the context of Mumbai carnage.

He said that this violation from Indian Air Force actually aimed at challenging Pakistan’s readiness to defend its territory.

He also said that this violation indicates towards the failure of Indian Intelligence and provoking statements of Indian politicians due to Mumbai mayhem and it seems Indian government is trying to deviate the attention of Indian people from government’s failure.
Nawaz Sharif is usually the guy who has guts to respond back. I remember when we tested nuclear weapons. Good old days. Oh man.. i miss Musharraf.

He is too engrossed in his hate against army and Musharraf he can not see anything. Yesterday speaking to Indian media he again poured out gems. He is saving his skin these days due to many cases against him despite the fact Taseer is busy in bringing down Punjab government..
out of all the leaders, Imran khan would have been the best in this situation
and the worst would have been altaf hussain and Asif zardari.
Guys lets not make any assumptions in this thread. The type of plane shouldn't be discussed until any information is released.

ARYONE is reporting that they were UAVs (remote controlled airraft)

ARYONE is reporting that they were UAVs (remote controlled airraft)


No way mann, if they were UAV's PAF wouldn't have hesitated to shot the crap down, They were jets because they ran away, for UAV's it Impossible to Run AWAY from a BLOOD THIRSTY jet coming after him at AFTER BURNER SPEED.
Mobilize the Pakistani Air Force and Army Immediately. I consider this violation of Air Space an Invitation to War!!! If we do not take action, that will teach the Indian's it is okay for you to violate Pakistani Air Space and nothing will happen to you.

We must make it clear to the whole of India any large scale invasion of Pakistan by land, sea, air, or Cyhber attack will result in a massive Pakistani Nuclear Blitzkrieg on India!!!

and nuclear bomb on us will result in nuclear bomb on you as well .So don; get very exiceted on nuclear bomb.
and nuclear bomb on us will result in nuclear bomb on you as well .So don; get very exiceted on nuclear bomb.

Just wait... First we will violate your airspace and than the nukes will follow. One thing at a time...
and nuclear bomb on us will result in nuclear bomb on you as well .So don; get very exiceted on nuclear bomb.

Yes, but reads my words very closely "large scale invasion" if this happens and the invasion is overwhelming for Pakistani Army, than rest assure India will become radioactive...

Question then is, is India willing to sacrifice so much... If NO then we have prevented further War.
and nuclear bomb on us will result in nuclear bomb on you as well .So don; get very exiceted on nuclear bomb.

Please, Gtfo! A while back you people were BLUNTLY denying any such incident taking place. I suggest you leave and dab the sweat off of your retreating pilots for now.
and nuclear bomb on us will result in nuclear bomb on you as well .So don; get very exiceted on nuclear bomb.

Dude emotional outburst is natural in such cases. After Mumbai attacks Indian leaders were suggesting direct attack on Pakistan.
So its not strange if the members here also express some emotional out burst

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