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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

I am about to explain to my 4 year old twin boys that their father might have to go back to Pakistan maybe in the next few days.
I hope cooler heads prevail but if our neighbor wants a fight.... then a real fight they will get.
Look at it this way..... what an honor it will be to defend our motherland. Ready and willing to pay the ultimate price.
Good people of Pakistan, time has come to unite. Pakistan hai to hum hai.
Allah be with all of us.
I am about to explain to my 4 year old twin boys that their father might have to go back to Pakistan maybe in the next few days.
I hope cooler heads prevail but if our neighbor wants a fight.... then a real fight they will get.
Look at it this way..... what an honor it will be to defend our motherland. Ready and willing to pay the ultimate price.
Good people of Pakistan, time has come to unite. Pakistan hai to hum hai.
Allah be with all of us.

I salute you..:tup:
Allah be with us indeed.
Hello Guys,
I have few points to make. I am supporting IAF here..dont go mad at me..
IAF is equally stronger to PAF. Both countries putting lotta money in their anual budget to ensure both teams are well equipped. No doubt in that.
Coming to the air violations indian team seems to have some intension...its not war. India definitely doesnt want war with pak. US is trying to pull India to war so that they can use Indian troops in afghan. Otherside india would be happy if US establish a permanent base in PAK which will affect pak=china relations. Also this helps India to get fuel from Russia/Iran via kashmir...something politics than army guys...
put your view

Join the conspiracy theory club.
Hello Guys,
I have few points to make. I am supporting IAF here..dont go mad at me..
IAF is equally stronger to PAF. Both countries putting lotta money in their anual budget to ensure both teams are well equipped. No doubt in that.
Coming to the air violations indian team seems to have some intension...its not war. India definitely doesnt want war with pak. US is trying to pull India to war so that they can use Indian troops in afghan. Otherside india would be happy if US establish a permanent base in PAK which will affect pak=china relations. Also this helps India to get fuel from Russia/Iran via kashmir...something politics than army guys...
put your view

USA isn't pressing India or manipulating her to go on WAR against Pakistan as it will result into removal of 100.000 troops from western to eastern border. A strong message was already sent to USA a few days ago that our support and leading role in WoT would end the day we're attacked by India.

What makes you think that India would send troops to Afghanistan during or after a war with Pakistan anyway??

IAF violated our aerospace at 11.28 and then again at 14.02 in two different sectors...during the second attampt PAF jets were already in the air. This is a try out, you're just playing Psy-Ops and testing our readiness.
This is a try out, you're just playing Psy-Ops and testing our readiness.

In preparation for a real war ......?

In Bangladesh the predictions are that India will attack soon and somehow this will have an affect on our elections .......

Great deal of speculation on this side of India which has been a pain in our *** for quite sometime.
In preparation for a real war ......?

In Bangladesh the predictions are that India will attack soon and somehow this will have an affect on our elections .......

Great deal of speculation on this side of India which has been a pain in our *** for quite sometime.

No, not war but a possible surgical strike deep inside Pakistan. :coffee:
instead of doin the same thing, which is violating indian air space, we can use this card at international level. many such events have occured in last 2 weeks but pakistan never made a fuss about them just to let things calm down and improve bw the two countries

1: hoax call

2: Intelligence sources said that Indian Navy had hatched a conspiracy to place arms on Pakistani cargo ship to put blame of smuggling of arms and ammunition on Pakistan government but Pakistani intelligence agency stopped that cargo ship at Karachi port.

3: Indian female spy arrested: Pakistani officials
Islamabad, Dec 14 (IANS) Amid escalating tension between Pakistan and India in the wake of the Mumbai terrorist attacks, officials here said Saturday security forces had captured an Indian female spy from near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

4: IAF violated pakistan air space (today)

i dont know what exactly GoI is tryin to achieve. it could either be to check if there is any possibility of IAF carryin targeted strikes without gettin hurt or may be wanted pakistan to retaliate in a same way thus later blaming us for the agression which would have lead to another war.
i would say we should use this opportunity and raise our voice at international level and the best place for that will be UNSC. also we should bring up all the evidence regardin indian involvement in balochistan and tribal areas. the suicide bomber caught when attacks took place outside POF Wah, confessed that RAW was financing such attacks. this can ease some pressure which have been building on us and can also help us improve our image by portrain us a responsible state.
but if otherwise then lets be ready to welcome our neighbours. i have already told my maa that if time comes when my army needs man power then goin to the front line and embracing shahadat will be an honour for me...........
long live our unity :pakistan:
and long live Pakistan :pakistan:
Allah o Akbar

i joined this forum longtime back but this is my first post. so regards to everyone.....
In preparation for a real war ......?

In Bangladesh the predictions are that India will attack soon and somehow this will have an affect on our elections .......

Great deal of speculation on this side of India which has been a pain in our *** for quite sometime.

I do not know the cause of your pain, But the flights were inadverent, India if wanted to attack would have attacked from multiple fronts, But India has changed the strategy wherein it has left Pakistan without options to respond. India is made terrorist as a global problem and pointing to origin of so called stateless actors.

India 'entered Pakistan airspace'

Pakistan has said two Indian warplanes violated its airspace on Saturday, but that there was no cause for alarm as the incursions had been "inadvertent".
They flew up to 7.4km into the Lahore and Azad Kashmir sectors, it said.
Information Minister Sherry Rehman said Pakistan's air force remained "on alert and ready to face any eventuality, but we do not expect this to escalate".
The Times of India quoted "highly placed sources" in India's air force as denying any such incident had occurred.
Last week, India's foreign minister denied making a "threatening" phone call that prompted Pakistan to put its forces on alert following the co-ordinated attacks by militants in Mumbai which left more than 170 people dead.
Pranab Mukherjee said the call was a hoax which Pakistan was using to divert attention from the fact its nationals had been involved in the attacks.
'No need for alarm'
The director of public relations for the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) said the Indian aircraft had violated Pakistani airspace on two separate occasions on Saturday.
"Both the Indian aircraft entered into Pakistan's airspace between two to four nautical miles at two different sectors," Air Commodore Humyun Viqar told Associated Press of Pakistan news agency.
He said Pakistani jets had responded, forcing the Indian aircraft to turn back.
Pakistan's information minister confirmed the incursion and said officials had "spoken to the Indian air force and they have said it was inadvertent".
"Our air force is on alert and ready to face any eventuality, but we do not expect this to escalate," Ms Rehman said. "There is no need for alarm."
Correspondents say the Indian air force has been very careful in recent years to stop its warplanes from straying into Pakistani airspace.
Two jets were shot down during the Kargil conflict in 1999, although India says they were in its own airspace at the time.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | India 'entered Pakistan airspace'
I do not know the cause of your pain, But the flights were inadverent, India if wanted to attack would have attacked from multiple fronts, But India has changed the strategy wherein it has left Pakistan without options to respond. India is made terrorist as a global problem and pointing to origin of so called stateless actors.

India 'entered Pakistan airspace'

Pakistan has said two Indian warplanes violated its airspace on Saturday, but that there was no cause for alarm as the incursions had been "inadvertent".
They flew up to 7.4km into the Lahore and Azad Kashmir sectors, it said.
Information Minister Sherry Rehman said Pakistan's air force remained "on alert and ready to face any eventuality, but we do not expect this to escalate".
The Times of India quoted "highly placed sources" in India's air force as denying any such incident had occurred.
Last week, India's foreign minister denied making a "threatening" phone call that prompted Pakistan to put its forces on alert following the co-ordinated attacks by militants in Mumbai which left more than 170 people dead.
Pranab Mukherjee said the call was a hoax which Pakistan was using to divert attention from the fact its nationals had been involved in the attacks.
'No need for alarm'
The director of public relations for the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) said the Indian aircraft had violated Pakistani airspace on two separate occasions on Saturday.
"Both the Indian aircraft entered into Pakistan's airspace between two to four nautical miles at two different sectors," Air Commodore Humyun Viqar told Associated Press of Pakistan news agency.
He said Pakistani jets had responded, forcing the Indian aircraft to turn back.
Pakistan's information minister confirmed the incursion and said officials had "spoken to the Indian air force and they have said it was inadvertent".
"Our air force is on alert and ready to face any eventuality, but we do not expect this to escalate," Ms Rehman said. "There is no need for alarm."
Correspondents say the Indian air force has been very careful in recent years to stop its warplanes from straying into Pakistani airspace.
Two jets were shot down during the Kargil conflict in 1999, although India says they were in its own airspace at the time.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | India 'entered Pakistan airspace'
You don't make 2 maybe 3 inadvertent mistakes.

It is obvious this was a test of Pakistani response.
I am about to explain to my 4 year old twin boys that their father might have to go back to Pakistan maybe in the next few days.
I hope cooler heads prevail but if our neighbor wants a fight.... then a real fight they will get.
Look at it this way..... what an honor it will be to defend our motherland. Ready and willing to pay the ultimate price.
Good people of Pakistan, time has come to unite. Pakistan hai to hum hai.
Allah be with all of us.
If you have a no training, you're better off serving Pakistan by taking care of those twins of yours. The professionals will do their job.
You don't make 2 maybe 3 inadvertent mistakes.

It is obvious this was a test of Pakistani response.

PAF turning back IAF planes is news only for Pakistan's domestic consumption, Especially when it is said that "The aircraft flew up to 7.4km into the Lahore and Azad Kashmir sectors"

I doubt whether PAF would have time to respond on the ground even if planes were detected on RADAR.

Anyways Pakistan information minister has clarified-

Information Minister Sherry Rehman said Pakistan's air force remained "on alert and ready to face any eventuality, but we do not expect this to escalate".

This can happen when the environment is hot and whole Army can be put on alert based on hoax call.
Pakistan has been trying to calm nerves, and has indicated it has no interest in escalating the situation.

If it did, there would have been no crackdown on the JuD, or at least not anymore than the minimum required under the UNSC determinations, which was nothing more than a ban on the organization.

As Stratfor speculated, the only party with anything to gain anything from actions such as these at this point is India, though given that such acts will inflame Pakistani opinion, it will end up being counterproductive in terms of what India desires to see out of Pakistan.

Then why would the GoI resort to this?

The BJP was unable to translate its perceived stronger position on national security into electoral gains in the five states that went to the polls recently, even though the elections occurred in the immediate aftermath of the Mumbai attacks and criticism of the government over its failures was at its peak.

This would suggest that the Congress had no need to give in to the jingoists and hardliners demanding escalation, especially when the GoP had taken a series of strong measures against the suspected groups.

If succumbing to hardliners was not an issue, then the other option would be that India wants to polarize opinion in Pakistan, and in fact make it harder for the GoP to take anymore tangible steps in cracking down on militant groups, and then work to isolate Pakistan from that position and weaken it.

There is the possibility that ratcheting up the pressure by invoking the possibility of war might result in more pressure from the West solely on Pakistan - we will have to wait and see if that happens. But the fact remains that Pakistani opinion is going to decisively become anti-Indian for the near to medium term, barring some drastic steps taken to bridge the growing hostility between the two countries, and make it exponentially harder to carry out any significant crackdown, perceived to be at India's behest, on suspect groups.
I've been saying this from day one. That the reason India kept yapping "Do more, Do more" even though we've done EVERYTHING asked of us is because they were going to attack us anyway.

Imagine how the common Pakistani feels, that India would come spoiling for a fight even after we've done everything for them at their hour of need.

I hope Pak raises this issue strongly and pulls out of the effort to support India in this job function. If they think they can do a better job at closing the 150 or so dispensaries of JuD by their Air Force, let them try.
Its seems as if Indians are only try to gather exact information about PAF's response and scramble time from different points..during tension 9 and 11 both are distributed in different FOBs....may be indians have plans for a uni lateral strike,but without engaging with PAF...

As Aslam Baig said that US Govt have advised them to do a Uni lateral strike as Pakistan only condemns strikes...they wont retaliate!

Violating an airspace by mistake isn't possible in present days...Indians have no right to fly near No fly zones...esp in the tension days a small mistake can cause a lot of trouble!
Man it is amazing to think. The IAF Jet managed to only remain in Pakistani Airspace for a minute or so and was forced to leave immediately after that.

There is no way any airforce could intercept a hostile aircraft in that time unless they were already airborne.

Since India has denied it, its quite obvious that this is a diversionary tactic.

First the "Hoax Call" from Pranab Mukherjee and now this.....

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