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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

Actually there is one, it is called fighting in the cause of Allah.

Jihaad fi Sabilillah

Jihaad as-Sayf


Muslims have been outnumbered in most of their wars, and by Allahs help we have won a large number of them.

Defeats have been turned into victories, the impossible has been turned into possible ( breaking down of russia ).So whatever war we fight , we must fight for Allah , we must fight for Islam. Spiritual help is very important in winning wars for muslims. and if you see the muslim war history , there always has been miracles by Allah through which we have won the wars.

Always remember that the ultimate objective of Jews ( zionists ) is to finish Islam, their war is against Islam.

so for Allahs sake we have to fight.

keep this important thing in mind : We must give our 100 % , and leave the rest to Allah. ( the giving our 100 % part is very important , we must give it all )
Yes they are, because one may defend his soil because of patriotism and nationalism and not for the cause of Allah.

That is up to God to judge, not us my friend, but having such affection for your land (Islamic Republic) that it compels you to defend it is Jihad.
First the Telephone **** and then this, Its high time Pakistanis take a hard stand. Both incidents denyed by the Indians. Its typical of them to play kind of game inspired by Chanakiya ideology, backed up with jewish cunning.

Im guessing something is brewing...

Israel has secretly backed Indian bitches to enter the LIONS DEN. Even if the US tells indians to back off it can/will be EVERTED by the neo-cons. The Israelis have armed their indian c**k suckers with a good amount of lethal weaponary and they want it to be used for test purposes.

Remember that Ben Gurion (1st Israeli PM) stated catagorically that Pakistan is a grave threat to Israel's existance.



ALLAH HOO!!:pakistan:
Pakistan is the only muslims country Israel is actually scared of.
we are MashAllah the only country that can destroy Israel.

rest of the muslim nations are not that powerful currently.

So basically the only threat to Israels existence is Pakistan.
Actually Im so glad this is happening, I was so sick of this PAK BHARAT DOSTI' crap. This event will retard this notion.

Let it be clear to one and all, we can never be freinds unless the Kashmir issue is resolved and short of that, all efforts made in this regard is just a big farce. The Indians think they are very clever engaing us via Afghanistan and shaking our hand from the Wagah. Well after this episode these superficial friendship stunts will fizzle away. GOOD FOR PAKISTAN!!

I strongly urge all readers to stop using Induan goods, stop watching their dramas, and thier films and songs. WE ARE PAKISTANIS!! DONT LET THESE INDIAN BUGGERS IMPOSE A CULTURAL WAR ON US! All this trade makes India stronger and Pakistan weaker.

As far as the Indians are concerned, let them come!! I just cleaned my rifle and packed my backpack and I will be ready and unhesitent to spill blood, whether it is my own or of the enemy of my Motherland.

My Dear Fellow Pakistanis, it is a Difficult time for Pakistan, Be ready to Pay your Debt to your Country...........

Indian violation of Pak air spaces ‘a conspiracy’: Sardar Attique

MUZZAFARABAD: Prime Minister Azad Kashmir Sardar Attique said Sunday that the violation of Pakistan air spaces by Indian fighter jets was Indian conspiracy to deviate attention of the people of both neighboring countries especially in the context of Britain Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s visit to Pakistan to ease tension.

Talking to Geo News he said that this Indian conspiracy was hatched to cancel Britain PM Brown’s visit to Pakistan. He urged the world to take strict notice of the incident and bring responsible to justice.

Indian violation of Pak air spaces ‘a conspiracy’: Sardar Attique - GEO.tv

What would India benefit downplaying Britain Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s visit?
After this incident Pakistan should immediately concentrate getting J10s and JF17 thunders in large numbers as soon as possible, aquire high tech Radars and AWACS I dont know what the Indians are trying to achieve by violating Pakistans airspace, but one thing is for sure its turning into a very dangerous situation well done PAF.
I love every single of you Pakistani bastards!:cheers:
It is true that our faith and our devotion to our country brings us all closer.
I know every Pakistani would serve their country in these difficult times.
This unity, is something we Pakistanis have, and something India lacks.
However, now is the time to play it smart, we have the right cards in our hands at the moment, and we should play a tight political game to put India under serious pressure.
I have mixed feelings about this, at first place, I was hoping they'd shoot atleast 1 bird down just to send out a very clear message.
Who is India to violate our airspace? Who do they think they are?
A strong counter measure would've been striking, and the Indians would know that they'd better back off and not make the same "mistake" again as they they "accidently" entered our airspace.
I simply cannot believe they used this excuse, I mean, I am a Pakistani, but I try to see things as neutral as I can, and try and be fair for both India and Pakistan and their interests, as they are both sovereign nations.
However, because of actions like these, these dirty tricks being pulled off, i'm seriously disliking, or you can say, truly hate these goddamn bastards, and these bastards are the Indian Government, and the Hindu fundamentalists who are dieing for war with Pakistan.
I'm sure there are lots of Indians aswell as Pakistanis who really do not want this situation to further escalate, and my respect goes out to those people, who actually use their brains.

Now on the other hand, i'm glad they didn't take out one of those Indian planes because you know how the western and indian media would've responded.
It has always been in favor of India, and why? Because they're not Islamic.
It's as simple as that.
The matter has been handled profesionally by the PAF, and i'm not worried one bit, neither should any Pakistani, we should have faith and trust our armed forces.
No way that they will let anyone and especially India to retaliate or harm Pakistans interests.

In these moments, I seriously wish Musharraf was back in power, or another leader who would rule with an iron fist.
Not these PPP girlscouts including Zardari.
God Bless Pakistan, our political leaders should act swiftly, collect as many evidence as possible and hold a mirror infront of the Indians, so they, and the rest of the world can see how cowardly this Indian government is.

Perhaps this move from India was needed to push Pakistan and its armed forces over the edge, now we're prepared for everything, even the worst.
SARGHODA: Emergency has been declared at Shorkot and Sarghoda airbases on Sunday after India violated Pakistan air spaces twice on Saturday by sending its fire jets.

According to sources, Indian Air Force sent its fighter jets into Pakistan air spaces on Saturday in Lahore and Kashmir areas which were forced to go back
Emergency is declared on Muhsaf and Shorkot bases. Air Force personnel to report to their units immediately. All leaves are canceled.

Source: Daily Jang
SARGHODA: Emergency has been declared at Shorkot and Sarghoda airbases on Sunday after India violated Pakistan air spaces twice on Saturday by sending its fire jets.

According to sources, Indian Air Force sent its fighter jets into Pakistan air spaces on Saturday in Lahore and Kashmir areas which were forced to go back by Pakistani fighter jets.

Emergency declared at Shorkot, Sarghoda airbases
India, Pakistan: A Psychological Escalation

Pakistan said Dec. 13 that two Indian fighter aircraft violated its airspace. The Indian government has made no official statement, but the Indian air force is denying the incursion. Details are sketchy, but preliminary reports suggest the first incident occurred at 11 a.m. local time along the Line of Control in Kashmir, and a second incursion occurred at 12:20 p.m. local time near Pakistan’s second-largest city, Lahore, near the international border in Pakistan proper.

Pakistani authorities said that jets on patrol forced the Indian planes, which had penetrated some 2.5 miles into Pakistan, to retreat to the Indian side of the border. Pakistani Information Minister Sherry Rehman said officials had contacted the Indian air force, which said the violations were inadvertent.

Given the tensions between the two nuclear neighbors after the Mumbai attack, and the details of the intrusions, it is unlikely that these incidents were accidental. Rather, New Delhi is increasing pressure on Islamabad to take concrete action against Islamist militants and their sympathizers within the Pakistani military-intelligence establishment.

Pakistan has acted against assets and personnel of Jammat-ud-Dawah (JuD), the front organization of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group India claims masterminded the Mumbai attack, which killed some 163 people and wounded hundreds of others. Earlier this week, the United Nations declared JuD and its principals terrorist entities, and afterward Islamabad banned the group.

Also, Stratfor sources have said that Pakistan, under pressure from both India and the United States, has removed several dozen operatives from Inter-Services Intelligence. However, Islamabad has refused to hand over any Pakistani nationals to India. Furthermore, India does not trust that Pakistan is willing and/or able to rein in militant Islamists. This is because Islamabad has arrested such actors and banned militant Islamist groups in the past, only to allow them return to business as usual.

This situation, along with domestic pressure, is forcing the Indian government’s hand and pushing it toward taking unilateral military action against Pakistani-based militants. That said, New Delhi is concerned that any conflict with Pakistan could worsen security for India and in the broader region. Trying to balance between the need to act and the need to exercise caution, New Delhi likely ordered the incursions as a means to sustain the pressure to shape Pakistani behavior.

Although the official Pakistani response has been to downplay the incident, the incursions have triggered angry reactions from both civil and military authorities, including the Punjab and Pakistani-administered Kashmiri governments and the country’s air force. Between the airstrikes carried out by U.S. drones on its western border and incursions by Indian aircraft on the eastern frontier, this is a nightmare scenario for Pakistan. Islamabad could afford to ignore U.S. action, but it cannot accept similar action from India. Pakistan will have to react to India, leading to a potential clash.

Although this particular incident does not appear to have escalated, the potential for more aggressive Indian military action and the possibility of escalation on both sides remains very real.

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so then u do agree that IAF voilated Pakistan Airspace!!!

Otherwise don't ask questions about others' commenting at the incident, truth is u just cannot dispel it a propaganda...

Well, to answer ur question, heres the scenario:
IAF intrudes inside Pakistan and deny the event, and cross aquisitions make the whole situation even more grim as if the incubus was serious to begin with. Gordon Brown and his team circumspect whether it would be prudent to visit Pakistan lest a war breaks out and cancels his visit. World Press heralds that Brit PM cancelled his visist to Pakistan thus bringing bad rep to Pakistan. Hows that for a wild kiddish fantasy huh?
Can some Post Analysis of Talat Hussain, statement of Information Minister Sherry rehman, PM Of AJK & Analysis of Kamran Khan??

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